Greetings this will be my first time posting on these forums everybody here seems to be well equipped with this wonderful plant
So where do I begin I'll first explain my set up
So darth sidious has been using the following set up a friend has been using
2ltr Mason jar
150 solvant napthra (light napthra)
Lye caustic soda (sodium hydroxide)
750 de ionised water
100g mimosa
For every gram of mimosa I use lye so a 100 grams in total of lye over a small period of time for obvious reasons as to not make the jar crack over a period of 2 hrs I'd say once the lye is in I'll stir it up so there's no bottom pits piling up at the bottom then I add the mimosa I stir it up vigioursly then tip the Mason jar up and down and let it sit for a period of 1 day I then add the napthra and let that sink for one day so after the second day I start to extract the napthra from the black goo and pour the napthra into a glass container for a period of 24 hrs in the freezer after that I then extract the napthra from the glass container and I put the glass container upside down into the freezer for 2 hrs I use a razor blade to scrape the frozen dmt then I leave it on a plate near a window or extraction fan
Now I have watched my friend do exactly the same thing however
Darth sidious has only had one result albeit a nice experience I did the exact same thing again however when I extracted the lighter fluid from the container after doing what I've explained above I saw results I popped it back into the freezer for 2 hrs with zero results
Now the first time I did it I may add the lighter fluid was a yellowish green sort of colour in the solvant now sidious did these steps again with no results however the napthra was of a clear colour
I've done the same again but the only difference is I've been hot bathing the Mason jar as I've heard that will help I've extracted the napthra again and it's mlte of a yellow greeny colour I shall find the results tomorrow 10pm gmt time
My friend has good results although poor sidious hasn't had the best of luck
What am I doing wrong any replies or help would greatly be appreciated
Thank you lots of love
Darth sidious
The dark side of the force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural