Hello to all Nexians,
As an avid lurker here on the Nexus now for about 4 years, I would like to thank all of you for creating so many quality posts and discussions and fostering such a great environment of enlighten learning.
My personal spirit quest started way back when the internet was still young and the place to post was alt.drugs, back then I spent many exploratory hours with mushrooms and sometimes LSD.
Alt.Drugs eventually got very noisy and I ended up having a long personal hiatus from all things psychedelic, however in recent years I've heard, and have been responding to the call once again.
Since I joined the Nexus, I've been empowered with the new and wonderful journey of alchemical exploration and have tried many of the Teks here with about a dozen local plant teachers (Mostly Acacia species).
Acacias have become a passion, and they have reciprocated my attention by speaking and teaching. The ones I have found with voices are: Floribunda, Mucronata, Elata, the Longifolias, Penninervis, Retinosis and Oxycedrus. Others I have tried are silent, or at least have only whispered faintly so far.
I've always been especially interested in exploring the various 'levels of experience' and after spending much time exploring psilocybin and LSD levels am feeling that perhaps the book needs to be rewritten for DMT. The Qualia two dimensional map looks interesting however I'm not so sure about it yet. More excursions needed.
So far my journeys with the essence of these plants has been truly amazing and I feel I have only just started to scratch the surface of what they can teach and where they can take us.
Once again, hello to all, I feel privileged to be part of what is happening here and hope I can contribute back some insights.
Stillness to all,