DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 415 Joined: 29-Aug-2010 Last visit: 06-Feb-2024 Location: philadelphia, pa, usa
Hi friends,
I searched this forum for "vaping rue" and found a bunch of posts but nothing like what I was expecting to find, which is simply: vaping rue seeds and then vaping DMT. I think one person said they liked it and that was the end of that. Perhaps because most people here are not actually vaping real DMT anymore but just some stuff they extract from MHRB (which I tried with rue seeds and it did not have a lot of synergy, but the alk mix is all random when extracting).
Well, I have to say, this is an extraordinary find. I know that Syrian rue folklore says it keeps away the evil spirits etc and I thought that was just folklore but it is really true. Vape some (200mg) whole rue seeds and you should see, there is a definite lovely calming effect. Then vape some synthetic DMT and it is such a beautiful experience, really nothing like changa or ayahausca at all. More like Metta NMT. (A friend has also tried vaping Metta NMT after vaping whole rue seeds and he says it is even better.)
I repeated the experience a few nights later (because the vaped rue effect actually lasts a day) to verify it was not some weird fluke. First I vaped DMT to establish my baseline. Felt like DMT only. Then vaped the whole rue seeds, and it turned the whole experience into this heart-chakra thing, so lovely and sweet.
Then I crushed up the rue seeds and vaped those, and that was a whole other level... more ayahuasca-ish but zero fear and the entire time a sense of perfection, like this is the jackpot formula, all chakras lined up, and it allowed me to open the door to a dead relative who apparently is now my guardian angel. What an amazingly powerful experience that was-- the energy she had was indescribable. Godly, so pure and so lovely.
So to make CHRUNGA, just dissolve your DMT onto either crushed or whole rue seeds as you prefer. A nice ratio is something like 3:1 rue to DMT but you can play around with it.
Random notes:
1) Today I did some oral "ayahuasca" (3 grams rue seeds eaten then 10 mins later, a gram of Acacia confusa powder). This particular Acacia confusa batch seems to be mostly NMT, it's very nice by itself. But then I vaped some crushed up rue seeds and it really enhanced the experience and also helped to move digestion along. So I advise vaping rue seeds at various times, beginning with right after dosing your aya, and then continuing as the experience unfolds.
2) I also tried extracting spent rue seeds (pulled harmalas out already) with DMSO. That produced an extract that has some potent effects when vaped with DMT, but the effects are mixed -- seems like I am using all kinds of different drugs at once and I can't say it is overall something I would recommend, but it's not terrible. I also tried drinking 3.5mL of this extract which was done 1:1 volume with the rue seeds. It definitely has some effects this way but I was not able to activate DMT orally. No nausea though.
3) I also tried extracting whole rue seeds with acetone and with PEG-400. Both seem to extract the same thing, which is some kind of mood-lifting antipsychotic drug that I wrote about in another post. It can entirely abort an ayahausca trip, at least a low dose aya trip, instantly. Haven't tried it on a high dose but I have vaped high doses of DMT with it and there is some kind of synergy, transforming the experience and making it more gentle.
I figured that if I remove this anti-psychotic drug from the rue seeds, then the remaining rue seeds should be more powerful. In fact, the truth is the opposite. Vaping those seeds that have been extracted with acetone does not yield the amazing benefits with DMT that I get from vaping regular rue seeds. So there is some kind of an entourage effect here.
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Hi ! Looks interesting but some points make me wonder : moyshekapoyre wrote:Vape some (200mg) whole rue seeds How do you vaporize whole seeds, since I've read here that even extracts are not so easy to vaporize well, I mean : what material do you use to achieve that ? Other thing that wonders me is that you say you vaped 200mg whole seeds, considering the seeds bark contains more or less 5% harmalas alkaloïds, that would mean that you have around 10mg harmalas alkaloïds in your body, which seems to me quite a small dose. Anyway, DMT + Peganum H. is a great combo, I usually drink tea and then I aerosolize DMT with an e-cig but there is a downside with this method, I can't improvise a Peganum+DMT session, I need to prepare the tea, my guts of course, and waiting for the tea to be active, etc. That's why I wonder how you proceed. Cheerz ! Humanity has invented gods, the reverse remains to be proven.
DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 415 Joined: 29-Aug-2010 Last visit: 06-Feb-2024 Location: philadelphia, pa, usa
I don't think anyone really knows what percentage of the seeds are harmalas or other drugs. We still don't even know what all the drugs are in the seeds. The 5% figure is speaking of harmine + harmaline from what I understand. But even if it were only 10mg of drugs I were vaping from 200mg seeds, we don't know the potency of all the different drugs within that 10mg of vapor, so the number (10mg) is somewhat meaningless.
As for how to vape the seeds, you simply put them in a dry herb vaporizer and you vape it like you would any other dry herb. If you don't have a dry herb vape you can put some seeds in a pan and heat it up until some vapors come out.
I have a friend who smokes the seeds also and he enjoys that. I have not tried that, since I don't own a bong.
 DMT-Nexus member
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moyshekapoyre wrote:I don't think anyone really knows what percentage of the seeds are harmalas or other drugs. We still don't even know what all the drugs are in the seeds. The 5% figure is speaking of harmine + harmaline from what I understand. But even if it were only 10mg of drugs I were vaping from 200mg seeds, we don't know the potency of all the different drugs within that 10mg of vapor, so the number (10mg) is somewhat meaningless.
As for how to vape the seeds, you simply put them in a dry herb vaporizer and you vape it like you would any other dry herb. If you don't have a dry herb vape you can put some seeds in a pan and heat it up until some vapors come out. Very interesting. I gave this a try last night (Just Rue) and must say it does work. I measured: 0.313g of seeds into a dry herb vaporizer set to 428F This was vaped very slowly over several inhales, occasionally giving the herbal vape a shake to move the seeds around. Taste was nice and effect was similar to maybe 20mg of smoked extract. It maybe felt more like Rue Seed tea than pure smoked extract, but it did work despite the low vaporization temperature. The weight after smoking was: 0.279g which meant there was 34mg of vapor. Some of this was presumably water vapor, so the seeds were left out on the bench overnight and I re-weighed them at: 0.287g in the morning to confirm they did absorb back water. Conclusion: Ignoring water vapor, 26mg was smoked which would be 8.3% by weight. An extract from the same batch of seed previously yielded 4.26% Harmalas so maybe around half of this mass was the 'other unknown drugs'. Parting Comment: Normally vaping Changa is not supposed to work since the DMT evaporates before the Harmalas, but I wonder if there is some sort of steam distillation happening here that allows the harmalas to get into vapor at a lower temperature? I think this calls for more experiments. - GC.
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Interesting. I'm surprised it seemed to work and wonder how low can you go in temperature. I would also try to extract the vaped seeds to check for any harmine/harmaline.
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 788 Joined: 24-Dec-2017 Last visit: 16-Feb-2024
So I have this Crafty+ vaporizer - can I vape rue seeds with it? What temp should I set it to?
 DMT-Nexus member
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My PAX3 goes to 420F/215C so I'm going to try this vaping of seeds, thanks for the tip
DMT-Nexus member
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moyshekapoyre wrote: Perhaps because most people here are not actually vaping real DMT anymore but just some stuff they extract from MHRB (which I tried with rue seeds and it did not have a lot of synergy, but the alk mix is all random when extracting).
Hello friend. I am mostly interested in this statement. Would you be able to share more insight on the subject of mhrb extracts and what you mean by 'real DMT'? The thread is interesting, thank you. But as a relative rookie to DMT having only been in the game for 3 years or so I believe I am exactly the type of person you are referencing in the above quote. Would appreciate knowledge and help to improve my experiences. I don't know much, but I do know this. With a golden heart comes a rebel fist.
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 4160 Joined: 01-Oct-2016 Last visit: 15-Dec-2024
fink wrote:moyshekapoyre wrote: Perhaps because most people here are not actually vaping real DMT anymore but just some stuff they extract from MHRB (which I tried with rue seeds and it did not have a lot of synergy, but the alk mix is all random when extracting).
Hello friend. I am mostly interested in this statement. Would you be able to share more insight on the subject of mhrb extracts and what you mean by 'real DMT'? The thread is interesting, thank you. But as a relative rookie to DMT having only been in the game for 3 years or so I believe I am exactly the type of person you are referencing in the above quote. Would appreciate knowledge and help to improve my experiences. Yeah, I'm sorry, but you need to either show evidence rhat what people are getting from mimosa is not DMT or define what you mean by real, otherwise the claim falls flat in the face of other arguments and reaearch... One love What if the "truth" is: the "truth" is indescernible/unknowable/nonexistent? Then the closest we get is through being true to and with ourselves. Know thyself, nothing in excess, certainty brings insanity- Delphic Maxims DMT always has something new to show you  Question everything... including questioning everything... There's so much I could be wrong about and have no idea... All posts and supposed experiences are from an imaginary interdimensional being. This being has the proclivity and compulsion for delving in depths it shouldn't. Posts should be taken with a grain of salt. 👽
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Yeah, read some of the quality experience reports from people's extractions. Seriously, that stuff is hard to make up. Those were some of the most authentic, profound and life changing experiences of my life which had already extended for several decades at that point. It doesn't get any more real than that, whatever real means at this point. "But even if nothing lasts and everything is lost, there is still the intrinsic value of the moment. The present moment, ultimately, is more than enough, a gift of grace and unfathomable value, which our friend and lover death paints in stark relief."-Rick Doblin, Ph.D. MAPS President, MAPS Bulletin Vol. XX, No. 1, pg. 2Hyperspace LOVES YOU
DMT-Nexus member
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I was asking genuinely! I've heard before people I respect the opinion of that there are much different characters from different plants. So I was asking without any preconception or doubt. Any and all knowledge/experience is valuable to me. I don't know much, but I do know this. With a golden heart comes a rebel fist.
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 4160 Joined: 01-Oct-2016 Last visit: 15-Dec-2024
fink wrote:I was asking genuinely! I've heard before people I respect the opinion of that there are much different characters from different plants. So I was asking without any preconception or doubt.
Any and all knowledge/experience is valuable to me. It seems more like a chemical claim than some entheogenic one, hence my response. One love What if the "truth" is: the "truth" is indescernible/unknowable/nonexistent? Then the closest we get is through being true to and with ourselves. Know thyself, nothing in excess, certainty brings insanity- Delphic Maxims DMT always has something new to show you  Question everything... including questioning everything... There's so much I could be wrong about and have no idea... All posts and supposed experiences are from an imaginary interdimensional being. This being has the proclivity and compulsion for delving in depths it shouldn't. Posts should be taken with a grain of salt. 👽
DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 575 Joined: 03-May-2020 Last visit: 16-Feb-2024
Absolutely! I have been in an alternate universe with mimosa extract a fair number of times. Never the less, always open to an opportunity to hear what others say. I don't know much, but I do know this. With a golden heart comes a rebel fist.
DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 1114 Joined: 13-Jul-2014 Last visit: 06-Feb-2024
Mimosa definitely has DMT, it's unmistakable. The effects and feel of the DMT-containing plants do vary though depending on the full spectrum chemical composition, so Acacia for example will feel a bit different than Mimosa due to Acacia having NMT content and Mimosa being nearabout straight DMT, but Acacia and Mimosa are certainly both capable of the same things, ime, although i tend to prefer Acacia because it feels more better to me and i like the NMT as well.
Though it should be noted that i take all my DMT orally for the most part, i find oral DMT to be much more beneficial and fuller compared to smoked DMT or Changa, which don't get me wrong, Changa is very nice, but orally is really imo where it's at. But yeah smoked Rue seed works like a charm, i've done it myself many times though i usually use full spectrum freebased Rue extract that i make myself but i like smoking Rue seed with Changa because the Harmala-source definitely makes a difference, if you use Rue seed it'll feel much closer to Rue, if you use extracts it's going to feel like extracts, if you use Caapi it's going to feel more like Caapi, and of course Harmala/Rue/Caapi dosage matters too.
But ime using Rue seed for the Harmalas in Changa, it basically feels nearly identical to taking it orally except way more compact and heady whereas orally is more full bodied and obviously longer/more stretched out in duration. When i've used Harmala/Rue/Caapi extracts, same thing, feels like i've taken the extract, but more compact and heady. So there are differences depending on the source ingredients you're using, and overall i prefer the plants themselves compared to extracts because i prefer full spectrum chemical synergy, but extracts are nice too, but i definitely get the impression that the biggest difference is on the Harmala side, not so much on the DMT side, as for example i've used 4-ACO-DMT orally alongside Rue seed as well as Rue extracts, and even for being a pure compound, the 4-ACO-DMT worked all the same, but the differences i've noticed depended on whether i used the Rue seed or the extract, and the seed has overall been more preferred compared to the extract. So pure DMT or DMT-containing plants shouldn't really matter as much as if you're using Rue seed, Caapi vine or leaf, or extracts, although with that said, the other things alongside DMT in the DMT-containing plants do also no doubt contribute, but ime/imo they don't seem as important to the overall medicine/experience/feel compared to the Harmala side of things.
All in all though, Aya in any form (traditional Aya, Anahuasca, Psilohuasca, Changa, etc) can be very easily alterable/flavored depending on what all is in the mix, which is one area i've very interested in, herbal mixtures and the impact different herbs/supplements and combinations thereof, have on the Huasca medicines, which ime there's a lot of potential there to get many different variations of Huasca for different purposes.
DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 575 Joined: 03-May-2020 Last visit: 16-Feb-2024
Thanks for that ShamensStamen I don't know much, but I do know this. With a golden heart comes a rebel fist.
DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 415 Joined: 29-Aug-2010 Last visit: 06-Feb-2024 Location: philadelphia, pa, usa
Voidmatrix wrote:fink wrote:moyshekapoyre wrote: Perhaps because most people here are not actually vaping real DMT anymore but just some stuff they extract from MHRB (which I tried with rue seeds and it did not have a lot of synergy, but the alk mix is all random when extracting).
Hello friend. I am mostly interested in this statement. Would you be able to share more insight on the subject of mhrb extracts and what you mean by 'real DMT'? The thread is interesting, thank you. But as a relative rookie to DMT having only been in the game for 3 years or so I believe I am exactly the type of person you are referencing in the above quote. Would appreciate knowledge and help to improve my experiences. Yeah, I'm sorry, but you need to either show evidence rhat what people are getting from mimosa is not DMT or define what you mean by real, otherwise the claim falls flat in the face of other arguments and reaearch... One love I've already shown evidence of this like 4 years ago in my thread, simple separation of dmt and nmt. found 5 different tryptamines in one STB extract of mimosa and Benzyme here did LCMS on my samples. Every mimosa extract has a different mix of alks in it. Sometimes almost no actual dmt. You can't understand what dmt feels like if you are using mimosa hostilis. You need to use synthetic dmt. There is definitely some similarity between the average MHRB mix of alks and dmt. More similar than ACRB alk mix. I have found dozens of very different drugs in MHRB and ACRB. I've been extracting for 12 years. For the first 7 years i was getting pure dmt from MHRB just like everyone else. At some point genetic drift happened to this species. I have also tried extracts of MHRB from many other people and indeed it has nothing to do with my strange tek or whatever. Nearly everyone is getting stuff that is definitely not pure dmt.
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 4160 Joined: 01-Oct-2016 Last visit: 15-Dec-2024
moyshekapoyre wrote:Voidmatrix wrote:fink wrote:moyshekapoyre wrote: Perhaps because most people here are not actually vaping real DMT anymore but just some stuff they extract from MHRB (which I tried with rue seeds and it did not have a lot of synergy, but the alk mix is all random when extracting).
Hello friend. I am mostly interested in this statement. Would you be able to share more insight on the subject of mhrb extracts and what you mean by 'real DMT'? The thread is interesting, thank you. But as a relative rookie to DMT having only been in the game for 3 years or so I believe I am exactly the type of person you are referencing in the above quote. Would appreciate knowledge and help to improve my experiences. Yeah, I'm sorry, but you need to either show evidence rhat what people are getting from mimosa is not DMT or define what you mean by real, otherwise the claim falls flat in the face of other arguments and reaearch... One love I've already shown evidence of this like 4 years ago in my thread, simple separation of dmt and nmt. found 5 different tryptamines in one STB extract of mimosa and Benzyme here did LCMS on my samples. Every mimosa extract has a different mix of alks in it. Sometimes almost no actual dmt. You can't understand what dmt feels like if you are using mimosa hostilis. You need to use synthetic dmt. There is definitely some similarity between the average MHRB mix of alks and dmt. More similar than ACRB alk mix. I have found dozens of very different drugs in MHRB and ACRB. I've been extracting for 12 years. For the first 7 years i was getting pure dmt from MHRB just like everyone else. At some point genetic drift happened to this species. I have also tried extracts of MHRB from many other people and indeed it has nothing to do with my strange tek or whatever. Nearly everyone is getting stuff that is definitely not pure dmt. Probably would've been wise to link such data in the OP then, huh? One love PS "pure" DMT is different than "real" DMT. What if the "truth" is: the "truth" is indescernible/unknowable/nonexistent? Then the closest we get is through being true to and with ourselves. Know thyself, nothing in excess, certainty brings insanity- Delphic Maxims DMT always has something new to show you  Question everything... including questioning everything... There's so much I could be wrong about and have no idea... All posts and supposed experiences are from an imaginary interdimensional being. This being has the proclivity and compulsion for delving in depths it shouldn't. Posts should be taken with a grain of salt. 👽
 DMT-Nexus member
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The Sofa Traveler wrote:... that would mean that you have around 10mg harmalas alkaloïds in your body, which seems to me quite a small dose. Actually 10-20mg harmalas is about what's in a smoalk of my changa. It doesn't last me a day. The DMT usually completes wearing off after 25-45min but i feel harmalated for 1-2h easily. Of course orally, i need at least 10x that amount to feel much, but it lasts even a lot longer. I dissolved harmala freebase in PG recently, as much as i could - which was a bit under 40mg in 1ml. It sounds crazy, but a single toke from that juice is definitely noticeable (confirmed by 2 others). Harmalas are crazy effective via the lungs. For me at least.
 DMT-Nexus member
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Vaping rue seed can work:.... find thread... [using E mesh heat to vaporize]..[or [vaping rue seed under SP]..threads Started by starway7 1, 2 .thumb_up: ...but never tryed vaping ..crushed rue seed..[ [could be better]!....not a bad idea! The past method..of torching whole rue seed can also work. but it takes a huge amount of seed.. and the flame is distroying a lot of it .. causing one to inhale a lot of combusted poison .. i was taken months back by the belief that most of the rue actives are on the outside of the seed shell...But..this may not be true! I remember making rue tea in past using whole ..rue was pretty good... I also remember making rue tea once with ...crushed seed... once and it seemed much stronger! Why shouldent crushed seed work better than whole seed when vaping! FIND thread.....[True E mesh convection !. and ceramic health stone] ..talks about vaping rue seed... Go to thread.... [True E mesh convection !]. and ceramic health stone .. Started by starway7 1, 2, 3, 4