Changa Turtle made a little page where you can
tripify text.
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It couldn't be easier: Just enter some text, then keep hitting ENTER until you like what you see.
The site also has a
Mandelbrot generator, but it's a bit half baked. Maybe the turtle will update it at some point.
Keep in mind that the turtle is a lazy hobbyist. It enjoys to build things sometimes, but does not have an eye or the patience for beautiful design.
Both tools are static html/css/js that run purely in your browser, the code is not minified in case you want to look at it. No background communication with the server, no cookies, no ads etc.
It is a free webhost that does not support Let's encrypt, if anyone knows how to get a free (not self-signed) TLS certificate so i can support https without people getting certificate warnings, that would be great...
Homo Trypens attached the following image(s):
(734kb) downloaded 39 time(s). mandelbroetli.png
(424kb) downloaded 37 time(s). mandelbrot3.png
(176kb) downloaded 32 time(s).