Hello all,
I have been one of those "lurkers" here on the DMT Nexus for a very long time going back to 2013, perhaps even longer. On weekends i used to take my kids to karate practice and sometimes if other friends were not present i would go out to my car, sit in the shade, there was a park connected to the park district building with tons of mature trees, it was a beautiful place. I have always been in awe of mother nature and the limitless beauty that can be found.
When i was in grade school i became interested in mushrooms when i found a book on psilocin containing mushrooms in our library (8th grade school by the way, things sure were different back then!. and PLEASE NOTE - yes i know that is terrible i should NEVER have been doing this back then at that age, but what did i know? Nothing, that's what i knew... and i did not have much guidance, i was kind of on my own so let me be clear, i have no endorsement to use such things under 21, possibly even later depending on the person.
I don't know if i damaged myself and what or who i would be if i never explored but that is the mystery to life - what could be! I do know that i am damaged big time and always have been, perhaps that is why i had such a strong urge to find out what drugs could offer. Of course i am a high functioning damaged person, degreed, stable employee for over 2 decades, i have a patent or 2... yet i consider myself a real dummy. Poor self esteem is part of it but also i am very logical and if i can't do something i do not fool myself or anyone else. I was told by a therapist that i am TOO open, that he had never encountered a person that could admit fault as easily as i did... that was not a compliment by the way, just an observation.
So my first trip as you can imagine was way out of hand, i don't remember much but my parents were out, it was a weekend and i had some goodies... i was terrified! I thought i had to be by running water and i could not leave the bathroom or else! I do not recall too much more but there was also some loving and euphoric feelings as well, one of the neatest things of all was spatial distortion. out by the garage where i would sneak out to smoke there were trees next to the garage and standing there i felt like i was looking up a thousand feet in the air. The evening ended up with me waking up in the morning with my room quite a mess and my mattress and bedframe overturned and blocking the door. I have a vague memory of my father knocking but i don't know if it happened or not...
Anyway i am a mechanical engineer and love designing and building stuff. Like i suspect many of you here i quickly was promoted into management and that is where i have spent the past 2 and a half decades of my time. I am also a TPS specialist, read that as expert if you want but i hate that label, it makes me feel like an ass and very skiddish. If you don't know what TPS is i can tell you that it is the greatest set of philosophies and methods for business and manufacturing in the world. As such it is also VERY misunderstood, i can't even tell you how many arguements i have been in, always right in the end but always a loser for being right, so many peoples fragile egos shattered on the rocks of truth and reality -
in Lean we call this "Genjitsu" my favorite word in the world. It basically means "actual reality" how awesome is that!
And of course when it comes to business it means if you do not understand the actual real root causes of things you have little to no chance of success. The world wastes SO MUCH, we could have everything we ever wanted at a fraction of current costs in materials, time, effort but there are so many worthless managers that think they know what's what but they don't know anything and what a shame. They are bonused in the millions and the workers lose all of their weekends for nothing. Sad, no pathetic, criminal, disgusting. So guess who is the popular guy around the board room? Well the ones that wanted to be great had no problems getting there and i have always been happy to learn, share, and grow with everyone. Lean is SO easy, it is no more complex than basic arithmetic!
Anyway along the whole ride i have hid a series of addictions. When i was really young i was in a severe accident, actually a couple different ones a few years apart requiring several surgeries. So lets start with painkillers. Vicodin, like candy. Percoset, that was a little better but finding opium - amazing. I smells so wonderful. Lucky it was not easy to get over and over! But at that time i just started my professional career so on crutches and out of the hospital before i was released for work i was back at work in a manufacturing site covering support for the entire building! I was super proud of the praise that i earned and made many great friends, we were all young and ready to do something. The company i was working for did a startup within the site and i lead the entire engineering process. It was a great success and within the first year they asked me if I wanted to be the plant manager to which i replied "why would i want to do that boring job...." w.t.f. did i know. If I took the job i would be retired by now for years, multi-millionare but instead i kept working as an engineer only to move to mid management about 5 years later at a different company. Now i am instead fighting for my life, financially WAAY in the hole and i do not see a way out... just what a seriously depressed person needs on their back. I have always had a way of staying positive, some kind of coping mechanism that i developed when cancer struck my family while i was in grade school.
So addictions, i have had many. The above mentioned Percocet was easy to quit, diarrhea and moodiness for a week or so but somehow i had great will power. That did not last...
Next was kratom. It was great for the first week, ok for the first month but then not too good for me, of course i kept using it for about a year past that point and the amount of time i used it made it harder to quit than the Perc's. much harder. I spent a few days in bed wondering what the hell was going on thinking it might not ever be possible to have any energy... one evening i finally got up and things slowly got better. Anguish is the word for what i felt, just horrible, but wait, there's worse to come! mUch worse!
So i don't want to go too much longer but there is a drug called Tianeptine and let's just say it can completely ruin a persons life.
So have you tried antidepressants? You, every single one of them over the course of 12 or 15 years.
Got many of the side effects but little to no relief. A great friend that i made right after high school gave me the nickname "Mr Depression" I love that guy!
Of course i tried counseling, CBT wow that is a real mess, so highly dependent on the psychiatrist you are working with i mean wow i experienced the whole range from incompetent to a little bit helpful. The helpful guy was simply logical, get up, clean up, if something bad happens like say losing a job then look for another one!!! But that guy passed away...
So let's sum this all up: i am a clinically depressed individual that has been addicted to several substances so i know a TON about what it feels like to be addicted, the trappings, coping skills, lies you tell yourself, about ruined relationships yet somehow i wake up each day - and i hate waking up with the first thoughts that i have being about death and decay, fear and dread...
it is terrifying yet somehow if given the chance i can be productive and positive around people, that is my ability to fake it that i learned when i was under 10 years old... so if i can help anyone cope, heal or best of all avoid this path that would feel great. I do love helping people.
And the truth is i am terrified of death, i believe that i actually met the devil when i was about 18 years old and he told me that he planned to make my life miserable and then i would be with him for eternity... eternity is the most frightening word in existence.
I hope to learn more as a member, to finally heal, to grow and be a better person and along the way perhaps i can help someone else. I do not know what is next for me but i do know i am capable of making huge positive impacts... If you read any of this thank you from the bottom of my heart! Cheers!!!
What do I know? I have been told that I come across as a genius and by others well, just a dumb ass. I feel like both at times. Mostly the dumb ass though...