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best pipe Options
Spock's Brain
#1 Posted : 5/2/2008 1:34:59 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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in swim 's opinion, the best type of pipe to obtain is one of these. Then you can just put the universe within the glass ball thru the little hole, and heat it into a little pool from underneath, and smoke it. You don't have to worry about having the finnese to control the flame as with a standard pipe. You don't have to worry about where the stuff is, or what it's status is. The only drawback is, it's fragile. If you drop it on a hard floor, or bang it around, it's done for...
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003.JPG (52kb) downloaded 624 time(s).
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#2 Posted : 5/2/2008 1:59:02 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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How does that pipe hit?? Harsh??
IME pipes that do not have chore boy or brillo in them hit VERY harsh and it makes it harder to get large hits. Ive said it before and Ill say it again... IMO the MACHINE is the best pipe hands down. It lets you get milky white hits and its not harsh if the chore boy is nice and clean. heres a pic of the MACHINE.

^^note all the recrystalized DMT on the inside of the pipe Smile probably enough in there to blast off like 4 people Laughing

^^ the one on the right could blast off about 10 people i believe Shocked without having to add any more dmt of course. Having 2 is fun because you can blast off with a friend Very happy
Happiness and peace. Those are really the prime issues in human existence. That is what all of us are seeking. ~ H. Gunaratana Mahathera
Spock's Brain
#3 Posted : 5/2/2008 2:05:10 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Ok thanks, SWIM sees the pic, it looks like a bottle. tell us more how it works. and what does a brillo do? SWIM once went into a gas station and bought a straight pipette and the Indian guy was like, "you want a brillo?" as far as the glass ball pipe i couldn't say if it offers up a "harsh" smoke. SWIM 's never coughed on the substance or found it at'all disconcerting, just found it a plastic-y, yet pleasant and stimulating smoke. SWIM imagines he could hold in the biggest heaviest hit he could summon up, easily. But SWIM likes the NF's also. The smoking part is fun, SWIM loves smoking. When it goes in, SWIM 's like, "that's the stuff... ok here we go!!!" Smile
"Infinite Diversity, in Infinite Combinations."
#4 Posted : 5/2/2008 2:19:04 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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A problem for some true DMT aficionados is the difficulty
involved in effectively delivering large doses—ideally without
leaving one’s lungs feeling like they’ve been coated with
caustic residue. For those who really want to get a 50 mg dose
or more, rather than just burning that much, there is finally
a solution. “The Machine” is an amazingly effective drug delivery
device that I recently test-drove. It is capable of holding
one or many doses, for one person’s repeated use or multiple
users. I was introduced to The Machine by an Australian
friend who, at the 2002 Burning Man, also taught me
about the benefits that can be derived by using mullein when
smoking tryptamines. The expectorant properties of mullein
help clear out the lungs after smoking, and it also permits
deeper inhalations without coughing during smoking. Mullein
is also useful for using 5-MeO-DMT due to additionally
permitting easier eye-balling of doses, via standardization.

The only materials needed to fashion The Machine are a small glass
bottle and a bit of extremely coarse steel wool, as is used for scrubbing
pans. For the bottle, a single-serving Hennessy Cognac bottle works
great, due to its long neck coupled with a handy pre-formed weak spot
in the bottom. After breaking or drilling a small hole in the bottom of
the bottle, a bit of steel wool is rolled into a plug and then pushed into
the neck. Any loose bits inside can be compacted gently by using a probe
inserted through the hole broken in the bottom. This is the finished
device ready to be charged.

To charge The Machine, enough for one or more good doses (the more
the better) is directly applied to the surface of the steel wool at the mouth
of the bottle. The neck of the bottle is then gently heated just enough to
cause the alkaloid to melt into the steel wool plug. If not intended for
immediate use or if intermittent use is desired the cap can be replaced
over the charge to protect it. Freshly applied DMT resin can be prevented
from contacting the cap by placing a small piece of paper between
it and the cap (rolling paper works well for this). The Machine
can also be charged for multiple users by placing a much larger quantity
on the inside of the plug by dropping it through the broken hole.
Charging is done the same way, by gently heating the neck until the
plug absorbs the alkaloid.

To use The Machine, simply point the neck downwards and heat the
steel wool plug from below with a lighter, while slowly inhaling through
the hole made in the bottom. (Take care not to overheat and ignite the
steel wool.) Rotating the bottle while heating will help it volatilize evenly.
The high surface area and heat distribution of the steel wool traps the
liquid alkaloid, both retaining it and driving it into vapor. This trapping
effect also permits the pipe to be simply set down, then picked up
and reheated, as needed.

There is little to no loss with The Machine and for some unknown reason
we have reliably found this pipe to be smoother on the lungs than
many far less efficient devices—particularly the glass “crack” pipes. The
amount of alkaloid that this device is capable of delivering must be experienced
to be believed. The bottle can be reused but the steel wool
should be replaced regularly. While The Machine works with many
materials, extracted Acacia alkaloid is highly recommended. — Justin

Note: Having recently tested The Machine, I give it my highest endorsement.
Previously the “burned plastic” taste and seared lung feelings from smoking a
regular DMT pipe had caused me to abandon smoking as an approach to ingesting
DMT. It was simply too painful and I never got a big enough hit to experience
much effect, frequently coughing out too soon the hit that I did get. For whatever
reason, vapor produced by The Machine wasn’t nearly as rough as that
smoked through a normal DMT pipe. And man, does this pipe deliver a punch!

hope this helps Smile
ENJOY all who make it! <3 <3
Happiness and peace. Those are really the prime issues in human existence. That is what all of us are seeking. ~ H. Gunaratana Mahathera
Spock's Brain
#5 Posted : 5/2/2008 2:31:57 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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fascinating... SWIM wonders about the "unkwnown reason..." Could it be the larger body of the bottle acts as a cooling chamber?
"Infinite Diversity, in Infinite Combinations."
#6 Posted : 5/2/2008 2:47:39 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Thats actually exactly what it is.

Also the copper wire/chore boy helps spread the heat across the dmt evenly once it has been melted into the chore.

And you cant beat the fact that you can preload it with some DMT and take it with you where you please Smile
Happiness and peace. Those are really the prime issues in human existence. That is what all of us are seeking. ~ H. Gunaratana Mahathera
#7 Posted : 5/2/2008 3:54:15 AM

..still lc..

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easy to break through without it being overly harsh?
I've got to try one of these but the only suitable bottles I've been seeing around are 75mL
too small?
Spock's Brain
#8 Posted : 5/2/2008 3:37:55 PM

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does swim just put his lips on the bottom of the bottle, over the hole, and slowly draw it in as swim heats the bottle's stem?
"Infinite Diversity, in Infinite Combinations."
#9 Posted : 5/2/2008 11:59:30 PM


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make sure that you get milky milky white hits off of it Laughing
Through all of history mankind has ingested psychedelic substances. Those substances exist to put you in touch with spirits beyond yourself, with the creator, with the creative impulse of the planet. Ray Manzarek
#10 Posted : 5/3/2008 12:17:00 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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are 75mL too small?

It should be ok, the Hennessy Cognac bottle contains about 50ml liquid.

#11 Posted : 5/3/2008 4:12:31 AM
DMT-Nexus member

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Spock's Brain wrote:
does swim just put his lips on the bottom of the bottle, over the hole, and slowly draw it in as swim heats the bottle's stem?

hey, i know this is off topic, but that's an awesome fuckin name. I was just watching that episode with spock's brain the other night, it's episode 60 or 64 or something? damn, i forget

star trek is something else to watch if you're tripping balls.
Spock's Brain
#12 Posted : 5/3/2008 5:58:14 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Delsyd wrote:
make sure that you get milky milky white hits off of it Laughing

yeh, now that swim meditates on it, swim thinks he needs to focus on getting the biggest, heaviest fog of smoke going, and draw it in "just fast enough." Instead of Swim thinking he's a two hitter. Or maybe swim will do a 1/2, and then let'er rip.

"infinite diversity, in infinite combinations"

Thanks for thinking my name is awesome imachavel...
"Infinite Diversity, in Infinite Combinations."
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