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Need a clear traditional ayahuasca recipe 🙏 Options
#1 Posted : 7/9/2022 2:57:00 PM

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#2 Posted : 7/9/2022 4:04:06 PM

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A few comments:

Chakruna (or rather, chacruna) IS Psychotria viridis. Maybe you meant Chaliponga (Diploterys cabrerana), and that is indeed stronger.

Also, do NOT mix vinegar with your ayahuasca. It is unnecessary (your alkaloids are already in salt form and therefore soluble in water), and it will make your brew taste very bad, worse than it already does.

You can check the FAQ for a lot of questions you might have, for example: Dosages, and how to brew ayahuasca

And yeah you can put everything together and cook 3x30min... Generally people boil for longer, but you dont have to... The reason for boiling for longer is to make sure you have all the alkaloids, specially if the plants are not very finelly shredded, but also some people suspect there is some conversion happening from harmaline to THH which is considered more beneficial, but there are some new reports that do not believe that conversion is happening. With 3x30min you should have most of your alkaloids in the brew, if you don't care about being absolutely thorough.

The main advantage of brewing the plants separately at least for your first time with a given batch is to first find out the potency of your caapi. The alkaloid content of B. caapi (and most plants) varies quite a lot from batch to batch, so you may brew the plants in a ratio that you think is reasonable but your caapi may be very potent and therefore your ratio be off, with too much harmalas per DMT, or the inverse, too much DMT per harmalas. So I often recommend people to first brew a bit of their caapi and take 20-30g first, and see how they feel. If they dont feel anything or very little, this means their caapi might not be super strong so they need a higher dosage... next time they can take, say, 40-50g, and see how they feel. The idea is to get to feel some light-headedness, maybe a bit of tracers, light sensitivity, slight dreamy headscape.. If you get very dizzy, extreme light sensitivity, then this means you took too much, so your caapi is potent (and/or you are very sensitive) and you need to reduce your dosage. When you find that right dosage, then next time take that dosage with a bit of the DMT-containing plant.

Again, you don't HAVE to do this, this is just a recommendation I say after years of experience and many experiences where the potency of my caapi and the ratios were off. You could simply do some guesswork and suppose your caapi and chacruna are normal potency and follow the averages in that thread linked above, and hope for the best
#3 Posted : 7/9/2022 8:12:16 PM

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Thankyou for the reply.

Wanting to reform the world without discovering one's true self is like trying to cover the world with leather to avoid the pain of walking on stones and thorns. It is much simpler to wear shoes.
#4 Posted : 7/9/2022 10:15:32 PM

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Seems too much on the high side of dosage for 10 doses.. Id go for 350 or 400g vine, and 40g chaliponga, not more at least until you try it first. You can always take more (even in the same session) but you can't take less after it' s already in your body and you're begging for forgiveness to the alien spiritual mothership beating you up for your hubris Twisted Evil

Boiling is fine, by the way.. I prefer light boiling instead of just simmer, I think it will extract alkaloids better and wont damage them.

Using a pressure cook can work fine too.

Soaking one last time on vinegar is a good idea, but keep that separate from the rest, don't mix it with the 3x boils which you will drink. That fourth soak is a "just in case" soak if the strenght is very weak on the first boils and for some reason it didnt get all the alkaloids, you could use that last soak for an extraction instead of consuming orally because it will taste very bad due to the vinegar

hope that helps!

Let us know how it goes...

Arunachala wrote:
Thankyou for the reply.

So after having a look at the dosages and the links you sent could the following be a working/experimental recipe for 10 full strength shots? (but for microdosing would probabaly split into 20-40)

- black caapi vine - 500g

- Caapi leaf - 50g ( i saw on some posts people said it was beneficial to throw a few leaves in there to, but not to base the brew completely on them. Even though after looking at the dosage link its seems to be the leaves that have the highest concentrations of the alks?? But i guess there is other things going on with the actual vine that are maybe not so known or visible??)

- chaliponga - 100g

- Distilled water ?? - enough to cover the plants ( i saw in some posts this was recomenneded, but i wonder if its necessary?)

- put plant material into bowl cover with water. simmer, dont boil. 30min-1hr (strain and reserve the liquid) (im still wondering about the pressure cooking possibility if anyone has any info about that?)
- Repeat this 3 times.
- strain plant matter
- filter liquids through cloth and combine liquid
- reduce down further until there is say 1L of liquid so 10 x 100ml full strength shot.

I also saw something about soaking the left over plant material in vinegar (?) for a night in the fridge and then doing something to it, i cant remember the rest of that process.. But wonderin if that is needed?

so what do you think this could be a good starting point? depending on individual plant variables..

#5 Posted : 7/10/2022 12:58:59 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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This Is great!

Wanting to reform the world without discovering one's true self is like trying to cover the world with leather to avoid the pain of walking on stones and thorns. It is much simpler to wear shoes.
#6 Posted : 7/10/2022 2:49:36 PM

DMT-Nexus member


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Don't overfill a pressure cooker for risk of clogging the pressure release valve

No need to use distilled water, no need to use any extra acid nor measure the pH

I never used cat claw so I can't comment on that. Don't overcomplicate things, when you get some experience you can add other plants or change things up, I'd say just stick with the two plants for now.

Good luck!
#7 Posted : 7/10/2022 3:46:59 PM

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endlessness wrote:
Don't overfill a pressure cooker for risk of clogging the pressure release valve

No need to use distilled water, no need to use any extra acid nor measure the pH

I never used cat claw so I can't comment on that. Don't overcomplicate things, when you get some experience you can add other plants or change things up, I'd say just stick with the two plants for now.

Good luck!

ThankyouThumbs up
Wanting to reform the world without discovering one's true self is like trying to cover the world with leather to avoid the pain of walking on stones and thorns. It is much simpler to wear shoes.
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