Sorry for the lack of good formatting, I am new to forums.
Hello everyone! Good to meet you all, I have been lurking on the nexus wiki for quite se time slowly absorbing information where I can and have recently happened upon some possible source material and decided to use one or more of the teks available there to try to extract the spice as I have never tried it before and would very much like to see hyperspace and beyond.
So SWIM has spent the last week or two trying to extract from ACACIA ACUMINATA TYPICAL PHYLLODE ROOT BARK (henceforth referred to as 'AATPRB'
and used an ATB Tek using Vinegar, Lye, and Diggers Shellite to extract the spice from the AATPRB. While he did successfully extract *something* he is not sure it is actual spice. The first extraction yielded a yellow powder-like crystal which burns upon attempting to vape causing great pain, which led SWIM to attempt to purify the spice. He knew it did contain spice as it has smelled of fresh shoes and flowers after removing from the freezer. After using a second ATB extraction on the naptha containing the now-redissolved spice, he acquired a much whiter salt-like crystalline powder which vaguely smells of flowers and new shoes.
He attempted to vape this in his terrible jar with holes in it improvised vape with no luck. He then attempted to vape it with a bong equipped with a machine stem with no luck, after this he created a dingy ghetto bong out of hose from his backyard, aluminium, and a mineral water bottle he found in his bookshelf and still was unaffected by his spice. He even grabbed a couple teabags and attempted to smoke it sandwiched between layers of camomile with no luck. Is it possible he simply didn't actually make Spice or is it likely he is simply doing it wrong? I will provide pictures later on when I am not half asleep from trying to figure it all out.
I will also give a more in-depth description of the Tek used by SWIM when he gets it in order in his head in the morning. Sorry I'm advance if this isn't enough information!