Quid ~8g Salvia
Smoke ~ 75mg Salvia 10x extract
Smoke ~ 80mg DMT
Time frame : 30 ~ 60 minutes
I hadn't used DMT or salvia for a few months.
This is probably as far as I've ever gone. Every time I use these psychedelics I'm blown away doublefold compared with the previous experience. I believe I've found my magic number for dosage however...I don't think I could handle more than this for now.
The quid was fairly ineffective for me. I can definitely see why people like it though. I could no longer tolerate the texture in my mouth past the 20 minute mark. When I closed my eyes I could just barely feel the threshold effects from salvia. I decided to smoke a bit to make up for it. The trip was as usual with salvia. Rip / tear forms in reality and I feel like everything is put together like a 3D puzzle. The effects subside but I'm left with this idea to combine the salvia with DMT.
I use the ashes from the recent salvia experience, put 80mg DMT on top, and put a few regular salvia leaves on top (not extract). The results are, as you know, beyond words.
After the second DMT hit I began to feel the salvia effects kicking in. The usual tear started forming but the DMT began taking over! Litterally, there was 2 entities fighting to take over my vision. The salvia effects were occuring in my right vision, and the DMT was pushing it away from the left.
DMT won.
And did it ever win. I am transported into a white, circular room. There is maybe 4 entities sitting around and talking. They appeared to be discussing philosophy as the Greeks once did. At this point I lost my body and the full breakthrough began. I saw my mother, my father, my dead cat, all at once. I was my mother, I had thoughts about me. I was worried about me, in a casual motherly way...About money and my future.
Next things got even stranger. There was a very brief moment where I saw a bit beyond this place. I saw a man who I assumed to be a god. He then started morphing himself in the most peculiar manner. His arm was able to become part of the world, but then twist around and spin into a pretzel looking object and all around at once. I began seeing people and objects turning into themselves. It seemed to last an eternity.
I still can't believe how real this stuff is. It boggles my mind to think I'm attempting to describe it in words. At this point I am still literally speechless so I will stop typing for now. This one was like all my previous experiences combined into one ultimate ride.
We're the new hippies, we get high on life, not drugs.
We thrive in drama, and bathe in activeness.
Fashion is a religion and vocabulary defines you.
Politicians load the gun, and celebrities fire it, killing all humankind.