Albert Hofmann
11. Januar 1906 –
29. April 2008
At the age of 102 years Albert Hofmann died on Tuesday morning, 29 April in its house on the Rittimatte by Burg in the valley of Leimen. Last weekend we spoke with him, and he was pleased about the flowering plants and the fresh green of the trees and meadows. His joy of life, his vitality, and its awake spirit accompanied him up to its last breath. He is considered as one of the most important chemists of our time and is the discoverer of LSD, in which he sees to today likewise a “wonder drug” like a “problem child”.
Beyond that he carried pioneer work out in the study of other psychoactive substances as well as the active substances of important medicinal plants and mushrooms. Under the impression of the consciousness-extending potential LSD he changed himself from the scientist increasingly to the nature philosopher and culturalcritical visionary. To last Albert Hofmann was active: He corresponded with specialists from all over the world, gave interviews and participated what happend in the world. This although before several years he had already decided to pull itself back from the public life. Nevertheless he received the door for undeclared visitors to last visitors from all over the world on the Rittimatte and opened even in the late evening. Still a few days ago he invited friends to a harp concert to his home.
Until last he could keep a nearly childlike curiosity for the miracles of nature and the creation. In his “Paradies” - how he tended to designate his house on the Rittimatte - he enjoyed the proximity to nature, particularly the plants. With one of our last visits on the Rittimatte he said to us with bright eyes: “The Rittimatte is my second largest discovery.” It was always a special experience to walk with him over his meadow and to experience his joy in all it is alive. We mourn a large scientist, an important philosopher, a close and dear friend, and our foundation advice. We will keep him in grateful and honouring memory. 30|4|08 Dieter A. Hagenbach and Lucius Werthmüller
www.gaiamedia.orgTranslated with babelfish and edited by Herba Luisa 06.05.08