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Why you should NOT take DMT Options
#381 Posted : 5/1/2022 8:47:37 PM

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ivebeenwondering wrote:
This thread is immensely important and actually made me rethink whether I should try DMT at this point in my life. I still feel the "call" from psychedelics, but I already know for sure that these substances are tools which usage has real and serious consequences. The responses made me wonder why people do/keep doing DMT (and by extension other substances). What is the point in taking DMT, if we have no idea what's going on in hyperspace (or rather, we cannot be sure)? Why would anyone continue doing something that only brings more questions than answers? What has been seen cannot be unseen, the experience will stay with you forever, but is worth it anyway? Are the rewards from the experiences rewarding enough to pay the price that they come with? I guess it's an individual thing, but nevertheless, I would be grateful if anyone who's experienced would be willing to answer or wonder in replies, or even in private messages.

It is possible to establish a relationship with the hyperspace. Then when you enter the realm, you are not just bombarded with incomprehensible mystical experiences but may receive very specific and practical advice on what you should do with your life. Or then you are shown new perspectives and you need to take time and work out your conclusion yourself. Once you establish a peaceful and reciprocal connection with that world, it just feels good and right to live up that communion. I have had so many so different kinds of trips, but at one point I just laid down on the couch and felt that the spirit of Ayahuasca had come to console and comfort me. I felt warm and at ease even though I was going through difficult emotions. Other times I have taken a more active role in training some attribute like focus on the trip. It opens up lots of possibilities for personal and, I dare to say, transpersonal growth. However, you need to get into terms with that world, build respect and take heed if they tell you something is off, and also be critical if something seems off with the encounters. Very important part of the path is to learn to develop your integrity and align with the energies that serve your intention. This requires maturation and responsibility in the real life, but the more you begin to live a wholesome life outside the hyperspace the deeper you can get into the light side of hyperspace. Vaped DMT, especially the breakthrough doses can be difficult to integrate since the experience is so intense. Those experiences may help you get ahead faster than Ayahuasca, but there is a risk of getting too much too soon to digest and sometimes getting lured into illusions that lead you astray from the real spiritual treasures of the medicine.
My preferred method:
Very easy pharmahuasca recipe

My preferred introductory article:
Just a Wee Bit More About DMT, by Nick Sand

Live plants. Sustainable, ethically sourced, native American owned.
#382 Posted : 5/1/2022 10:26:46 PM

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fink wrote:

Fourthly and possibly most telling, because it often scares the hell out of me. I dont know why I crave that, but I do.

Probably because it makes you feel more alive? Smile

I don't judge people. In my case I feel that main message has been begotten, all tools are in hands, it is just a matter of time and effort to chisel myself in the way I think will be more beautiful. So I don't feel the need to ask questions to hyperpace or whatever.
One of the reasons is that I don't fully trust seemingly coherent advice received during voluntary insanity.
Christians take Bible word for word and pay for that with increased suffering of themselves and otherselves.
#383 Posted : 5/1/2022 10:46:57 PM

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ivebeenwondering wrote:
This thread is immensely important and actually made me rethink whether I should try DMT at this point in my life. I still feel the "call" from psychedelics, but I already know for sure that these substances are tools which usage has real and serious consequences. The responses made me wonder why people do/keep doing DMT (and by extension other substances). What is the point in taking DMT, if we have no idea what's going on in hyperspace (or rather, we cannot be sure)? Why would anyone continue doing something that only brings more questions than answers? What has been seen cannot be unseen, the experience will stay with you forever, but is worth it anyway? Are the rewards from the experiences rewarding enough to pay the price that they come with? I guess it's an individual thing, but nevertheless, I would be grateful if anyone who's experienced would be willing to answer or wonder in replies, or even in private messages.

Hello again my friend Smile

For me personally, as much as I love and enjoy psychedelics, it's serious work and a dedicated practice for me. With DMT, a very thick and strong bond has formed. Harmalas equally so. Mushrooms as well. It's a personal ongoing study on consciousness and being, that I explore in other ways as well, such as meditation, yoga, etc. It's a tool for my mental health as well.

No matter where you end up in hyperspace, if you're mindful, critical, and productive, something can always be gleaned, even if it's just noticing and assessing your responses to what you experience and understanding why those are your reactions. It also teaches you to find balance in the midst of calamity. There's plenty of calamity in our pragmatic lives, so you could look at repeated journeying as a training exercise for resilience.

I tend to find more value in questions than answers, for even when there is no way to have an actual "known" conclusion, the thought processes of interacting with the question leads to learning to think and understand in new ways which invariably leads to growth.

I'm also an enigmatic person, so happen to love experiences that also reflect that.

Lastly, I have a guidework practice, and running myself through it helps to aid others in journeywork. I suppose one could say there's is an adoption of parts of some shamanic practices in journeying repeatedly.


One love
What if the "truth" is: the "truth" is indescernible/unknowable/nonexistent? Then the closest we get is through being true to and with ourselves.

Know thyself, nothing in excess, certainty brings insanity- Delphic Maxims

DMT always has something new to show you Twisted Evil

Question everything... including questioning everything... There's so much I could be wrong about and have no idea...
All posts and supposed experiences are from an imaginary interdimensional being. This being has the proclivity and compulsion for delving in depths it shouldn't. Posts should be taken with a grain of salt. 👽
#384 Posted : 5/2/2022 12:11:19 AM
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Exitwound wrote:

Probably because it makes you feel more alive? Smile

I think you're exactly right Exitwound. I earn a living jumping out of perfectly good aeroplanes so the shoe fits (:
I don't know much, but I do know this. With a golden heart comes a rebel fist.
#385 Posted : 5/3/2022 6:52:01 PM

Boundary condition

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Meluzina wrote:
Voidmatrix wrote:
Meluzina wrote:
I have to admit I didn't read all of the 18 pages of this thread, but quite a lot of it, and still, I would like to ask: how many people that went crazy/uncontrolably depressed after DMT do you know? Or people that would take it back if they could? I mean I've heard about people that literally didn't come back from all sorts of psychedelics, not just DMT, and I'm curious about those cases. But all people I know that 'didn't come back' came back after a while. I would like to know what happened to their mind technically. I also tried to search for it but didn't figure any keys that would give me results but if you know about a thread regarding this topic, I'd be glad if you could recommend it. Thank you

I'll keep my eye out for any threads that may discuss this, but I feel with the drug prohibition such data will be hard to come by because it's hard to perform a sufficient study on such a phenomenon.

The most I've ever really heard is of people going "crazy" or burning out as result of too much too often.

One love

Thank you! Oh yeah, I thought while I was asking: Imagine there would be statistical data about it Smile

I missed this one the first time round but it's a thought-provoking question that deserves its own thread if there isn't one already. My immediate thoughts on what might precipitate adverse psychological events were the following: insufficient sleep, poor nutrition, lack of emotional and psychological support, and - related to the preceeding, perhaps - incomplete integration between experiences.

Maybe if people post additions to this we can funnel them off into an appropriate thread.

“There is a way of manipulating matter and energy so as to produce what modern scientists call 'a field of force'. The field acts on the observer and puts him in a privileged position vis-à-vis the universe. From this position he has access to the realities which are ordinarily hidden from us by time and space, matter and energy. This is what we call the Great Work."
― Jacques Bergier, quoting Fulcanelli
#386 Posted : 8/8/2022 9:44:51 PM

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This is a topic that is necessary and apparently, a little bit controversial. For me, I think it is clear enough, approach the use of DMT with caution, forethought and mindfulness. I'm 69 years old and came of age in the '60's, experienced the "Summer of Love" and did my share of LSD. DMT is a whole 'nother animal. If your head is in a bad place, or if you're in a questionable setting, then you could possibly be pulled into some pretty frightening emotional events. So, I think is is good to warn people about it's potential...good and bad. A bad trip is no joke. I can attest to that, at least with LSD. My first experience with DMT was so much more than I expected, and I only did a small, non breakthrough amount. It was a little scary, to say the least. I thought I was prepared for it, because I read about the experience extensively, gathering many perspectives and digesting it all. It is true, no amount of reading or talking about the experience can adequately prepare you for the experience. Perhaps I have no right to comment on any of this, because I have only stood on the threshold, but not gone through it. At any rate, my experience showed me that I was not ready for that journey yet. I have some emotional house cleaning to do first. And that's fine. After all, isn't that what part of this is about, bettering ourselves, becoming more human, confronting our demons and healing our past selves. I will say this, that one low dose experience left me humbled and much more contemplative. It was a mirror. I had a small glimpse of who I am, and more importantly, who I can become. We are all a work in progress. Use it wisely. It is not a recreational adventure for me, I approach it with respect for its power and potential to assist me in a positive way. When, and if I feel that I am ready, I will step through that door, into the breakthrough realm. Until then, I am content with waiting until I'm prepared. I agree this is not for everyone, and maybe not for me either. That has yet to be determined. Some people may not ever be able to put certain past events and feelings behind them. Therefore, don't tempt fate. Find another path. As long as it leads forward to a better place, then your path is good.

Anyway, here's to finding questions upon questions. Often, questions can reveal more truth than anything else.

#387 Posted : 3/6/2023 10:35:01 PM


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There is great consequences as to fear and ego death, for the death angel will not just take you (reaper) by any means you have to surround yourself as a circle to let go of euen hauing that circle there in the first place, this cause is addiction and much worse. just overcame fear and not enough oxygen in ones life;the spirit must tell itself it has no soul in the first place to leave ego you must not have a soul; this does not imply in destroying ones soul for we all know the death angel (White Cap) has a meaning of being the baeocystin, that NMT cannot create.if psilocin was euer DMT, Amanitas would have no concept for us as a spiritual example, here is what I've found.
#388 Posted : 7/9/2023 10:59:02 PM

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Fourcrows wrote:
This is a topic that is necessary and apparently, a little bit controversial. For me, I think it is clear enough, approach the use of DMT with caution, forethought and mindfulness. I'm 69 years old and came of age in the '60's, experienced the "Summer of Love" and did my share of LSD. DMT is a whole 'nother animal. If your head is in a bad place, or if you're in a questionable setting, then you could possibly be pulled into some pretty frightening emotional events. So, I think is is good to warn people about it's potential...good and bad. A bad trip is no joke. I can attest to that, at least with LSD. My first experience with DMT was so much more than I expected, and I only did a small, non breakthrough amount. It was a little scary, to say the least. I thought I was prepared for it, because I read about the experience extensively, gathering many perspectives and digesting it all. It is true, no amount of reading or talking about the experience can adequately prepare you for the experience. Perhaps I have no right to comment on any of this, because I have only stood on the threshold, but not gone through it. At any rate, my experience showed me that I was not ready for that journey yet. I have some emotional house cleaning to do first. And that's fine. After all, isn't that what part of this is about, bettering ourselves, becoming more human, confronting our demons and healing our past selves. I will say this, that one low dose experience left me humbled and much more contemplative. It was a mirror. I had a small glimpse of who I am, and more importantly, who I can become. We are all a work in progress. Use it wisely. It is not a recreational adventure for me, I approach it with respect for its power and potential to assist me in a positive way. When, and if I feel that I am ready, I will step through that door, into the breakthrough realm. Until then, I am content with waiting until I'm prepared. I agree this is not for everyone, and maybe not for me either. That has yet to be determined. Some people may not ever be able to put certain past events and feelings behind them. Therefore, don't tempt fate. Find another path. As long as it leads forward to a better place, then your path is good.

Anyway, here's to finding questions upon questions. Often, questions can reveal more truth than anything else.


Excellent post, fourcrows.
dmt machine elves
#389 Posted : 8/31/2023 7:42:52 PM
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please be careful on dmt. people say you cannot die but i did when i stopped breathing. i was able to come back but i did die.
#390 Posted : 8/31/2023 10:49:01 PM

Boundary condition

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dmt machine elves wrote:
please be careful on dmt. people say you cannot die but i did when i stopped breathing. i was able to come back but i did die.

Was this something that was independently verified? And were you using any other substances at the time? Have you read the start of this thread?

Welcome to the Nexus - did you sign up specifically to tell us this, or do you have some more stories to share, perhaps even some questions? DMT can be pretty dramatic at times, so I hope you came relatively unscathed through the experience that you described here. Was there anything else that you brought back from it? You could post an experience report here if you wish.

“There is a way of manipulating matter and energy so as to produce what modern scientists call 'a field of force'. The field acts on the observer and puts him in a privileged position vis-à-vis the universe. From this position he has access to the realities which are ordinarily hidden from us by time and space, matter and energy. This is what we call the Great Work."
― Jacques Bergier, quoting Fulcanelli
#391 Posted : 8/31/2023 11:44:38 PM

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A link to a blog that asks for money for DMT courses/ donations on machine elves? The whole blog writes about the mystical psychedelic realm as if it's truth from the authors POV. It almost reads as if its cult like material. I'd be weary of what this member claims DFZ.
Disclaimer: All my posts are of total fiction.

#392 Posted : 9/1/2023 12:13:46 AM

Boundary condition

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_Trip_ wrote:
A link to a blog that asks for money for DMT courses/ donations on machine elves? The whole blog writes about the mystical psychedelic realm as if it's truth from the authors POV. It almost reads as if its cult like material. I'd be weary of what this member claims DFZ.

Don't imagine that I hadn't already caught a whiff of something a bit farmyardy from the 1st post M.O. alone Wink Where is this blog link (sigs turned off atm) - I can probably get it removed since advertising without permission is expressly forbidden in the Attitude. It's also forbidden to share personal contact information, which the blog also does.

“There is a way of manipulating matter and energy so as to produce what modern scientists call 'a field of force'. The field acts on the observer and puts him in a privileged position vis-à-vis the universe. From this position he has access to the realities which are ordinarily hidden from us by time and space, matter and energy. This is what we call the Great Work."
― Jacques Bergier, quoting Fulcanelli
#393 Posted : 9/2/2023 9:54:27 AM

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dmt machine elves wrote:
people say you cannot die but i did when i stopped breathing. i was able to come back but i did die.

So, you died but then resurrected as Jesus Christ? Not bad.
Or are you now writing from the other world? Well, that's pretty good. I didn't know that after death they allow to access the internet Big grin
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