Note: Considering some of my other posts of my inner work, what I'm going to share is a bit ironic, and considering the support I've received, the least I can do is let you all have a little laugh at my expense.Some ideas led to some research, which has led to a new approach at working on certain issues and bettering myself and my life.
For many hang-ups, I've tried interacting and managing depression. But it seems that I should move a level deeper, closer to the fundemental genesis of my depression. In this case looking at my own sensory processing sensitivity and it's attached neuroses.
Note: Clinically, the term "neurosis" is no longer used (if I recollect correctly, it was phased out in the 1980s), but the general idea in which it entails with a consideration of it being driven by sensory processing sensitivity is how it will be used here. So entailing my potential moodiness, obsessive thinking, incessant worrying, regularly "overwhelmed," it's effects on depression and anxiety, etc.I've been aware of my sensory processing sensitivity for a long time. But I merely acknowledge it and haven't looked into it as much as would've been prudent. Part of the reason is that I have a negative connotation to the term as well as the attached term, "highly sensitive person." Based on how it's used, there's an air of negativity around being highly sensitive, and so I considered it a bad thing for a long time, because I didn't like feeling like a wuss

. This isn't to be confused the sensory processing disorder. The sensitivity is neither beneficial nor detrimental, regardless of association and connotations used in the field. However, I've come to understand that in some regards it can intensify with age, and those with sensory processing sensitivity are more like to develop and experience neuroses as well as other mental disorders.
It contributes to and fuels depression.
What this means to and for me is that many of my "hang-ups" should be addressed through and reframed by said sensitivity and neuroses instead of
only at the level of my depression. Took me long enough to figure this out

It [neurosis] definitely is something that is reflected in my posting this, in and of itself

not to mention a handful of my other posts

Internally, it's giving me a breath. Having that much more understanding for and with myself is not only wholesome and growth promoting, but it allows a great deal of pressure to be relieved and an ability to shrug a great deal more off.
There are certain thought patterns that I observe, and though don't agree with, they remain, and sometimes I'm not really sure where they came from or why they feel like they hold so much weight, causing an inner confusion leading to cognitive dissonance. Now I can recognize them not just as intrusive thoughts and thought patterns, but also as a result of high sensitivity and neuroses, thus curtailing its effects on me (I now have reason to not take said intrusive and nuerotic patterns seriously) The deeper level focus of the overall subject already appears much more effective.
Psychedelically, it lets me better get over my hangups and unnecessary worries about interacting with entheogens. My standards for justification with myself are ridiculous. Well, I guess many standards for some time

And maybe I'm just ridiculous.

Also, there seems to be some attribution of general increase in overall sensitivity as well as an increase in magnitude of sensory processing sensitivity. So I can stop admonishing myself (not that I should've been in the first place, but hey, I guess my masochistic side makes me nag myself?), and "go for it" more.
In some senses this is really funny to me. I hope you found a little humor in it too.
Who knows, maybe this will be the last post of my whining (and no I don't want cheese with my wine, I don't really like cheese

). Not saying I don't still have a lot of work to do, just now that I have a better feel and understanding I probably won't need to share as much about it

. I do have to start on phase 1 on a plethora of things though.

Thanks for reading (as always), and for putting up with me.

One love
What if the "truth" is: the "truth" is indescernible/unknowable/nonexistent? Then the closest we get is through being true to and with ourselves.
Know thyself, nothing in excess, certainty brings insanity- Delphic Maxims
DMT always has something new to show you

Question everything... including questioning everything... There's so much I could be wrong about and have no idea...
All posts and supposed experiences are from an imaginary interdimensional being. This being has the proclivity and compulsion for delving in depths it shouldn't. Posts should be taken with a grain of salt. 👽