So, SWIM normally does a STB very similar to the "Lazy Man."
He tells me he has quite a bit of mimosa around along with a couple kilos of lye.
He's been wanting to do an extraction lately (he's out of spice.)
SWIM is absolutely broke from being in between jobs and won't his first pay check from
his new job (yippie!) for almost 3 weeks. He's not one to mooch so, he's riding it out.
Being as he doesn't have any VM&P like usual, he was digging around to see what he had.
~60ML of Zippo brand lighter fluid was found.
Assuming no defatting process and no heat is used during an extraction, what's the most
spice per pull that could be obtained with this amount of Zippo?
He always does freeze precipitation by the way ..
Just trying to figure this out so he knows how much bark he can extract without having to
do more than 3-4 pull,freeze,reuse cycles to mostly exhaust his bark.
I am 100% convinced that my search for answers has led to nothing but more questions.