I'm still pretty new to the forums, but I've read three of your reports now. It just hit me today, with this report, what a large burden that you are bearing for the sake of such an epic task. Thank you so much for your sacrifice. I'm not one for sending emotional support through the interwebs, but I'll try man.
antrocles, you might be the ONLY person in history to ever dive so deep. I don't think any of our heroes of the past have tripped daily on
anything, let alone the most powerful psychedelic known to mankind. There are so many possibilities of what you can become and what you can share. Being the first person to take this path, there is no one who can tell you what you will find. Like you said, it won't be all peaches and cream... but I bet what you find will be more satisfying than anything this world has ever imagined.
Please continue to share your trips. Even if you aren't able to accurately express your trips to us, make sure you write your thoughts down after each trip so that you won't forget later. Eventually you'll need to share your journey with us, as a whole from start to finish. You'll need every scrap of memory you can find, on paper and in the mind, to do it accurately. It's great that you're taking audio-recordings of your trips too. Keep up your daily ritual for as long as you can, and then a little longer, and then make sure to share your discoveries with the world. Remember that if you don't share it, you and every one of us will be reincarnated into a world where the knowledge was discovered and then lost; there will be no change.
You truly are a warrior spirit. You walk the planes of understanding that you know will lead you to never before seen challenges. You know these challenges will be of a magnitude that has never before been overcome. Yet you continue.
With Love and Appreciation,
He led a double life. Did that make him a liar? He did not feel a liar. He was a man of two truths. - Murdoch, Dame [Jean] Iris
Kartikay is a character role that I play when I feel like escaping reality. Nothing I say under the pseudonym "Kartikay" reflects any of my actual life or personal history.