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What is the central lesson of your DMT experiences? Options
#1 Posted : 2/22/2022 4:32:45 AM

Nature is analog, ever flowing and continuous; spontaneous transfers of energy weaving in and out of dimensions, radiating outwards from the source- a non repeating, non terminating system of perpetual energy

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I am wondering how many of you have had common threads consistently on your DMT journeys. For me there were several threads present throughout all of my journeys so far. Note that I have never smoked DMT and only had it in traditional Ayahausca form, albeit on my own and without a shaman. I would categorize the lessons into two types: personal and universal. For me an average Ayahausca trip will bring to my focus ideas about myself and about the universe as a whole, and how both of those things tie together.

The lessons pertaining to myself were numerous with the presentation varying from scathing criticism to humorous jest. A big one was all the ways I was not taking care of my physical body, in both small and big ways. Another lesson was that I had lost touch with my more creative and nature appreciating side, and the particular reasons I had blocked it out. It highlighted my role in existence overall. It told me that existence was a grindstone and I am the sword and as I live on through this cyclical perpetual existence my soul will be honed with knowledge and enlightenment aggregated from many lifetimes. It brought out my fascination for things of a fantastical and mystical nature. And then there were the small thoughts I had during these sessions about various people and things and behaviors in my life.

As for the big picture, it showed me the universe as a giant perpetual energy machine in constant motion with transfers of energy happening in a constant, analog, steady motion. I caught a "sixth sense" in a way, a sense of what I'd refer to as "the flow". The flow is the constant motion of energy in every form big and small all around me constantly. It wasn't just that it was making me thinking of it. I FELT it. The river flowing nearby, the animals running around, the plants, all of it. Everything from the shifting of tectonic plates to the magma in Earth's mantle to the oceanic tides, to the transfer of energy from an animal eating another. I got a stark multi-sensory feeling of my place in this perpetual energy machine we call existence. I wanted to just fall into the earth and sink into it. The constancy of the carrier wave noise depicted an auditory representation as did the "flowing and turning" visuals in constant motion and evolution.

And how the flow tied in with the personal lessons was the way I could picture and almost immerse myself in the sensation of my spirit's energy transferring when I die, taking all the knowledge gained through this life with it into the next, forever and ever.

Those are my lessons so far. I'd be curious to know yours, so feel free to share!

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#2 Posted : 2/22/2022 7:11:32 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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My ayahuasca experiences have lately been strongly focused on other people and how I could approach them. This has been a gift that keeps on giving.

There used to be a strong message about fixing my own life and taking care of my health. I did what I was supposed to and now I have more energy for others. Getting deeper in the realms of ayahuasca was a good motivator for changing habits. I knew there was more awaiting for me, but I had to do my part.

In the very beginning there were metaphysical themes. I guess I could still explore those worlds, but they don't seem that important and you get easily distracted there. I appreciate those experiences though, since they have given me perspectives that are helpful when thinking about these things while sober.
My preferred method:
Very easy pharmahuasca recipe

My preferred introductory article:
Just a Wee Bit More About DMT, by Nick Sand
#3 Posted : 2/22/2022 8:13:02 PM

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Tomtegubbe wrote:
My ayahuasca experiences have lately been strongly focused on other people and how I could approach them. This has been a gift that keeps on giving.

There used to be a strong message about fixing my own life and taking cafe of my health. I did what I was supposed to and now I have more energy for others. Getting deeper in the realms of ayahuasca was a good motivator for changing habits. I knew there was more awaiting for me, but I had to do my part.

In the very beginning there were metaphysical themes. I guess I could still explore those worlds, but they don't seem that important and you get easily distracted there. I appreciate those experiences though, since they have given me perspectives that are helpful when thinking about these things while sober.

Tomtegubbe with invaluable wisdom strikes again. Smile

For me, one of the big lessons is that the "work" happens inside and out: inside the experiences and states and outside of those experiences and states, inside myself and outside myself, etc.

One love
What if the "truth" is: the "truth" is indescernible/unknowable/nonexistent? Then the closest we get is through being true to and with ourselves.

Know thyself, nothing in excess, certainty brings insanity- Delphic Maxims

DMT always has something new to show you Twisted Evil

Question everything... including questioning everything... There's so much I could be wrong about and have no idea...
All posts and supposed experiences are from an imaginary interdimensional being. This being has the proclivity and compulsion for delving in depths it shouldn't. Posts should be taken with a grain of salt. 👽
#4 Posted : 2/23/2022 3:23:48 AM

My Personalized Tag

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"You're just a monkey. We're all just monkeys. Get over yourself and do what you gotta do."
I don't want comfort. I want God, I want poetry, I want real danger, I want freedom, I want goodness. I want a clever signature.
#5 Posted : 2/23/2022 4:38:50 AM

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Smoking/vaping DMT and Changa hasn't provided me with lessons, like for example mushrooms did and ontinue to do. This surely would be different with Ayahuasca, as I imagine that experienced to be slowed down significantly. One day I am going to try and see.

DMT does something fascinating to me though. It basically works in me without me interacting with it. It's a bit like I get a present from time to time and I never know what it is till, I got it.

I used to struggle with social anxiety issues, which obviously limited me in several ways. This has changed. I still get anxious, but on a healthy level (anxiety has it's place, but too much is too much).

Another "gift" I am grateful for is that it restarted my creative motor and keeps it going.

I hope these changes are permanent.
...no need to worry...
#6 Posted : 2/23/2022 1:53:45 PM

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ControlledChaos wrote:
As for the big picture, it showed me the universe as a giant perpetual energy machine in constant motion with transfers of energy happening in a constant, analog, steady motion. I caught a "sixth sense" in a way, a sense of what I'd refer to as "the flow". The flow is the constant motion of energy in every form big and small all around me constantly. It wasn't just that it was making me thinking of it. I FELT it. The river flowing nearby, the animals running around, the plants, all of it. Everything from the shifting of tectonic plates to the magma in Earth's mantle to the oceanic tides, to the transfer of energy from an animal eating another. I got a stark multi-sensory feeling of my place in this perpetual energy machine we call existence. I wanted to just fall into the earth and sink into it. The constancy of the carrier wave noise depicted an auditory representation as did the "flowing and turning" visuals in constant motion and evolution.

This has been one of the bigger lessons that I have learned from psychedelics. Also life in general. E=mc^2 when it comes down to it we are all composed of energy interacting with itself at various levels. Our bodies are marvels of engineering not to mention our mind.

Because they are so intricate they need constant attention. They are also prone to aging and breaking down. This is why it is very important to understand the mechanisms and take care of it to the best of our ability. With the body eating right and exercising are very important. For the mind an ability to access other minds as well as continual development. Keeping the brain learning is one of the things that will create the greatest dividends.

Those lessons are more from shrooms and LSD. I have only SMOALKED once so I don't know if this qualifies for the thread. My lesson from DMT is that we are all going towards a point that defies explanation till we get there. Also to develop the ability to discern opportunities that will lead us there. Essentially SMOALK MORE when the timing is right. We will see if this continues to be a pattern in the future.
May wisdom permeate through your life.

"What is survival if you do not survive whole. Ask the Bene Teilax that. What if you no longer hear the music of life. Memories are not enough unless they call you to noble purpose." God Emperor Leto ii

"The only past which endures lies wordlessly within you." God Emperor Leto ii
#7 Posted : 2/23/2022 3:23:17 PM

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Voidmatrix wrote:
For me, one of the big lessons is that the "work" happens inside and out: inside the experiences and states and outside of those experiences and states, inside myself and outside myself, etc.
Yes, it's all interconnected. I like to think that if you can reduce suffering in yourself, you reduce it in the world and if you can reduce suffering in the world, you reduce it in yourself.

Attached is a frame from anime Ranking of Kings I watched yesterday and felt like sharing.
Tomtegubbe attached the following image(s):
Screenshot_20220221-214337__01_copy_360x360.jpg (49kb) downloaded 143 time(s).
My preferred method:
Very easy pharmahuasca recipe

My preferred introductory article:
Just a Wee Bit More About DMT, by Nick Sand
#8 Posted : 2/23/2022 5:21:14 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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I've recently figured out the same really.
Just approach even most unattractive or annoying individuals or things with love in your heart. Literally, I can now make myself feel compassion towards anyone or anything. Sometimes it is harder, when my current baseline is shifted towards negative. And it changes a lot in further interaction with anybody. When you approach something from the side of love, it feels just better and the response you get is much different.
I want to teach myself to recognize white light in everything, sorry if that sounds silly.
#9 Posted : 2/23/2022 6:28:38 PM

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Exitwound wrote:
I've recently figured out the same really.
Just approach even most unattractive or annoying individuals or things with love in your heart. Literally, I can now make myself feel compassion towards anyone or anything. Sometimes it is harder, when my current baseline is shifted towards negative. And it changes a lot in further interaction with anybody. When you approach something from the side of love, it feels just better and the response you get is much different.
I want to teach myself to recognize white light in everything, sorry if that sounds silly.

Not silly at all. Even if someone doesn't fully agree or can't use it, it's still nevertheless a beautiful sentiment my friend.

One love
What if the "truth" is: the "truth" is indescernible/unknowable/nonexistent? Then the closest we get is through being true to and with ourselves.

Know thyself, nothing in excess, certainty brings insanity- Delphic Maxims

DMT always has something new to show you Twisted Evil

Question everything... including questioning everything... There's so much I could be wrong about and have no idea...
All posts and supposed experiences are from an imaginary interdimensional being. This being has the proclivity and compulsion for delving in depths it shouldn't. Posts should be taken with a grain of salt. 👽
#10 Posted : 2/23/2022 11:27:48 PM

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The experience of breaking through...
what a gift. I keep recalling this experience, nearly everyday, even thou it's been year i didn't reached Total Annihilation.
What is this gift ? Why does it stick so much with me- more than any other psychedelic experience , more than any "over dose" of 5 MEO, or heroic dose of mescaline ?
It was the loudest whisper of the unspeakable secret ; it was so threatening by its intensity ; you can't take anything for granted anymore ; the boundary of possibilities of existence are pushed back SO FAR that "normal life" is like sailing in an infinite ocean - and not being stuck anymore in the pond of my restrained individual illusions. It is the experience of being conscious beyond beleives.
It didn't carved the path of ONE believe ; it is not speaking any intelegible "Truth" about the nature of reality - like , life after death, or pure atheism, or beleiving in spirit (i hold all this model as interesting but can't discard / embrace any of them). It's not that kind of revelation.
If at all; it made me grateful, grateful for Death - which seems to be a seemingly paradoxical prerequisite to be fully alive. And, also paradoxically ; this most alien - more real than real feeling - reversed itself and presented our "3d illusion world" as the most precious experience in this universe. You can dream of endless other modalities of being, but this incarnation on earth is such an improbable ( even "impossible" ) gift that it would make the godliest god jealous.

Ultimately, it taught me to dance like a perfectly lubricated elf machine - the self transformation beyond my constrained identity - reaching versatile shapes, adaptability, synchronistic resonance of the body-matrix reality -
In short, the Full Trance experience, through the movement and the sounds that shape all existence.

#11 Posted : 2/24/2022 12:02:18 AM

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How to build a healthy ego, one that is flexible.
#12 Posted : 2/24/2022 3:43:05 AM

alien ambassador

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Love conquers all. We are all but a peace, excuse me piece of the whole, of Source consciousness. Love and Light is the answer, it's easy to say but sometimes not so easy to put into practice. I'm working on feeling the love as much as I can, but it's hard to do sometimes. It's worth it though, being evil and mean to people...those people are a dime a dozen-- and I'm no saint. Loving takes more effort sometimes, but loving exists! Great thread topic btw.
The more you try to know, the more mysterious life gets..
#13 Posted : 2/24/2022 8:17:48 AM

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Location: in your mind
Quetzal7 wrote:
And, also paradoxically ; this most alien - more real than real feeling - reversed itself and presented our "3d illusion world" as the most precious experience in this universe. You can dream of endless other modalities of being, but this incarnation on earth is such an improbable ( even "impossible" ) gift that it would make the godliest god jealous.

This is an interesting point you make. Have heard this before, but still a good reminder. We do not realize ourselves enough that experiencing life in a three dimensional reality is true magic.

Quiet the mind and the soul will speak
#14 Posted : 2/24/2022 8:39:06 AM

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strtman wrote:
Quetzal7 wrote:
And, also paradoxically ; this most alien - more real than real feeling - reversed itself and presented our "3d illusion world" as the most precious experience in this universe. You can dream of endless other modalities of being, but this incarnation on earth is such an improbable ( even "impossible" ) gift that it would make the godliest god jealous.

This is an interesting point you make. Have heard this before, but still a good reminder. We do not realize ourselves enough that experiencing life in a three dimensional reality is true magic.

I think this is the metaphorical garden of Eden. We make it heaven or hell ourselves, it depends.
#15 Posted : 2/24/2022 12:00:22 PM

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A few more.



Take my time.

One love
What if the "truth" is: the "truth" is indescernible/unknowable/nonexistent? Then the closest we get is through being true to and with ourselves.

Know thyself, nothing in excess, certainty brings insanity- Delphic Maxims

DMT always has something new to show you Twisted Evil

Question everything... including questioning everything... There's so much I could be wrong about and have no idea...
All posts and supposed experiences are from an imaginary interdimensional being. This being has the proclivity and compulsion for delving in depths it shouldn't. Posts should be taken with a grain of salt. 👽
#16 Posted : 2/25/2022 3:01:33 PM
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