On some days, I take a one-hour break from work, find a quiet spot to meditate, and vape some salvia. I use a dry-herb vaporizer, and my dose of choice is typically 100mg of 20x concentrate. This is normally enough for three long tokes - after that, the herbs begin to wear out. One or two tokes normally get me to a place of peace that is still loosely connected to reality. I still retain a basic understanding of who am I am, that I smoked salvia, and that I will be back in a few minutes.
Today, I decided to go a bit deeper, and I opened a new baggie of 40x {Mod edit - no sourcing!}. I sat down, loaded my device, meditated for five minutes, and then took my first hit. At this point, I would expect some CEVs to emerge. However, not much happened except for a weird body sensation. It felt like something big was coming on, but no visuals. After the second toke, the body sensation became stronger, clearly indicative of a meaningful salvia experience. However, still only very minimal CEVs. After the third toke, I experienced the familiar images of reality separating into layers or sheets. I fixed my meditation pose and was ready to let go and slide into the experience. All seemed normal, just a lot less intense than I had anticipated.
Then I kind of heard thoughts in my head coming from around me. It clearly felt like I was receiving these thoughts, and that these were not my thoughts. It went “he does not have time for us now!” – “he is occupied with other things, he is not open for this!” I remember that I tried to respond, thinking “I’ve got almost an hour of free time, damn it!” The CEVs of reality dissolving into sheets ended, the trip was over.
I clearly was still under the influence of a significant dose of salvia. I got up from my medication cushion, and my body felt like a wooden puppet. I could feel my face, and it felt like it was hard and carved out of wood. My upper body felt like one sold piece of wood, and my limbs felt like they were made of segments of wood. With all these weird body sensations, there were no visuals – everything looked perfectly normal. I am glad nobody saw me walk – my walk must have looked extraordinarily silly, kind of like a marionette. The effects took about 10 minutes to wear off, roughly the time I would normally have spent in the salvia experience. After that, everything was back to normal.
What the hell was that?