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Purity, Coloration, and Crystal size questions Options
#1 Posted : 2/7/2010 1:01:16 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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swim was trying to create nearly perfect dmt, they went through numerous re-crystalizations as everything kept getting better and better, at one point they put some drained off heptane in a dish to evap and found some beautiful large crystals with some discolorations, among some of the questions swim had invloves wondering what was possibly causing this discoloration in these nearly clear large shards of crystals as they devoloped from quite pure heptane and dmt.

In addition to this question they also were wondering about a chalky substance that appeared one day during some recrystalizations. most of this actually i believe got melted down and more dmt extracted, but the question still remains for swim as to what created this type of substance.

another thing swim would like to know is if there is any particular helpful hints in getting large clearish crystals as they believe they are much more interesting and attractive, although swim's pet unicorn has yet to smoke one of the unique crystals he is curious the results but patient in waiting for swims friend swih (haha made a new one. someone who isnt him)

On a side note, swims unicorn found the pure fluffy crystals smoked out of "the machine" they made were far more potent then previous un-crystalized material and also helpful to lose the mint leaves in a bowl method. swims unicorn found 25mg to be a decent breakthrough dose and the 50mg or so he was used to quite amazing as he was more lucid and real throughout the experience, actually able to interact and touch and move items throughout his journey as well as look around actively such as looking around the corner in rooms and seeing what else was around at his own will. but hey, this is a talking unicorn for heavens sake so who knows if he's telling the truth.

attached are some photos of said large crystals, total amount of crystals made from approx 250g mhrb and the chalky substance.

if swims photos are too large for the nexus preference, let them know and they will gladly reduce the sizes, also swim would like to note that the large crystals are VERY dense, 3-4 of them are actually a dose. when dropped an inch or less on the glass they make a unique "tink" noise, swim likes this very much for whatever reason.
dtabbler attached the following image(s):
P2040150.JPG (622kb) downloaded 57 time(s).
P2040151.JPG (613kb) downloaded 57 time(s).
P2040154.JPG (679kb) downloaded 57 time(s).
P2040146.JPG (579kb) downloaded 57 time(s).
P2040147.JPG (565kb) downloaded 58 time(s).
Who's this SWIM person and when do I get to meet them? They sound friken cool!

STS is a community for people interested in growing, preserving and researching botanical species, particularly those with remarkable therapeutic and/or psychoactive properties.
Mr. Kush
#2 Posted : 2/7/2010 3:11:44 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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he he nice, clear crystals are the sh**,
to get large crystals the trick is to form them as slowly as possible.
when you do a re-x to clean, your isolating differnt alks by taking advantage of solubilty point in the naptha/heptane at various temps....
once all cleaned desolve your spice in some fresh naptha-heptane and either,
1. evaporate it as slowly as possible,
2. freeze precip as slowly as possible,
might want to add enough solvent to go alittle bit over saturation...
I like to place my jar in the fridge on temp 1 then move it up a notch each day then proceed to doing the same thing in the freezer.....
evapping in a cold environment works really good as well, you kind of get a dual action going on, and the cold keeps oxidation to a minumal.

as far as the yellow goes it depends on your re's method?
could be oxidation but eh it's slight as N-oxide isn't soluble in naptha-heptane...
even if you place all white spice in heptane to re-x sometimes the impurities that are in there concentrate to one spot making some of them yellow...
#3 Posted : 2/7/2010 4:51:16 AM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 213
Joined: 31-Oct-2009
Last visit: 28-May-2010
OMG!!!Shocked Surprised ...Very happy
These pics are so elegant.:arrow: Very happy MadE mY daY.
I LOVE the crystals.Cool
Out of those 3 colored spices, which one do you prefer? (As in by potency, looks, work effort,ect.)
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