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A beautiful experience and a caution to the self Options
#1 Posted : 2/13/2022 5:01:12 AM
DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 2
Joined: 13-Feb-2022
Last visit: 14-Mar-2022
This is my first post, but I really needed to share this. I have quite a bit of experience with some traditional psychedelics, mainly mushrooms, LSD, and sacred cacti. I enjoy high doses. I go through cycles with psychedelics, and I've been experimenting with DMT and other psychedelics a fair amount lately. This has been my first set of DMT experiences. I've probably had about 12 DMT trips in total, 7-9 true breakthroughs, but nothing quite like this. Im writing this down now to be able to process and also to be able to remember. Today was probably the deepest and most enveloping and intense psychedelic experiences I've ever had. It showed me this substance really needs to be respected. It was the closest I've ever been to a real psychedelic crisis, but I managed, somehow, to hold it together and avoid utter terror and disaster.

I've been enjoying doses in the 30-50mg range, and I decided to go big today. I loaded about 60mg of DMT crystals into my vape pen, pulsed it to melt them, lay down and took two huge rips. I immediately knew this was going to be huge. It came on faster and stronger than I've experienced yet. Like a fucking rocket. Here we go, holy shit, here it comes. Fast and hard.

I entered the deepest and most enveloping DMT space I've ever experienced. More than ever, I was able to see colors that don't exist in human reality. I was able to see and hear in what felt like 17 dimensions. I was able to THINK in color and patterns. Everything flipped inside out. Back and forth. Upside down. Contrast and multidimensionality. Full on auditory hallucinations. I could HEAR colors. I could HEAR the patterns move and change. Sounds, dribbles, zips, thought soup, somehow non-sensical and yet sensical at the same time.

I've definitely encountered beings. They begged me to come in this time. It seems like they like to show me things. Like saying to me, hey, silly human, you are so limited, but I'll give you a glimpse of what we can do and a glimpse into this other existence we belong to and control. Let me show you, check this shit out. You have no idea, but since you asked, here's a taste. Be careful in here.

Things then began to shift. I may have blacked out a little, and I started to get scared. Slowly, the entire world, no, not the world, my MIND, like a camera being turned 180 degrees on a vertical axis, spun upside down. I was trapped in the void, with no perspective, looking into my own soul and the soul of some beasts. I've never come so close to a psychedelic crisis, but I held it together by breathing and remembering to be open to what I was being shown. At this very moment, I was being shown that I need to respect this substance and the psychedelic multiverse. They were looking at me, through a thin film, without speaking, saying, be careful, you haven't crossed the line, but this right here, this is it.

Slowly things began to come back together. I was able to relax and the fear reduced. When I opened my eyes, the DMT was still incredibly strong. Beautfiul colors and sacred geometry covering everything in my living room.

I've been experimenting a lot lately. It's time to take a break. Give it a bit rest and integrate what I've been shown. I got what I came for. I'm glad I had this experience, I'm glad I remember it and that I was shown such intense beauty. I also just got a serious lesson. Type 2 fun. Be careful out there. I understand that I chose to take a high dose, and that breakthroughs are possible at lower doses (which I've experienced). I'll certainly be in no rush to repeat this dosage, but I'm glad for the experience. Thanks for listening, not sure anyone else would understand.

Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#2 Posted : 2/13/2022 7:20:18 AM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 788
Joined: 24-Dec-2017
Last visit: 16-Feb-2024

Great first post and you will find a lot of similar experiences here, you are in the right place Smile

Speaking from my own experience, it is very good and healthy to take a good grounding break after such deep dives. You will probably have some flashbacks and weed might become steong psychedelic for a while, it depends. It was in my case.
Once you've been there, it is easier to get there and even smaller doses of other psychedelics would take you there.

Again, welcome and if you need help processing any parts of your experience, we've got the right crew for that here Smile
#3 Posted : 2/18/2022 3:22:45 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Last visit: 08-Jun-2024
Happy to have you with us.

Sounds like you got a little spun right side in and inside out and inverse squared Laughing

How have you been feeling since? I like hearing that you're making the choice to integrate what was received. Something that many can neglect at times.

A lot of elements similar to journeys I've experienced. Never gets old to me Very happy

Looking forward to seeing you around the forum.

One love
What if the "truth" is: the "truth" is indescernible/unknowable/nonexistent? Then the closest we get is through being true to and with ourselves.

Know thyself, nothing in excess, certainty brings insanity- Delphic Maxims

DMT always has something new to show you Twisted Evil

Question everything... including questioning everything... There's so much I could be wrong about and have no idea...
All posts and supposed experiences are from an imaginary interdimensional being. This being has the proclivity and compulsion for delving in depths it shouldn't. Posts should be taken with a grain of salt. 👽
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