I was derping around with the microscope again and this time went for even higher-resolution. And I saw some stuff for the first time:
Long growing DMT-crystal-snakes.
Not sure if that is unusual though, I rarely watch it with the microscope obviously
Still it looks cool, so I wanna share.
The Microscope has a Deep-Scan function so everything would be once in focus, assembled to a full picture. Yet I like the normal mode much more, as the deep scan assembly makes it still a little blurry ... and the depth-of-field also has a stylo look.
If you want an even deeper look, go for Electron Microscopy here.But first some *normal* Fotos from *normal* DMT Flowers. That stuff that we saw already quite often. Also I like that single
DMT-Obelisk at the end.
Like with
5-MeO-DMT there were also some really cool prismatic effects, depending on the crystal orientation. As before crystals needed to be illuminated from top. Still, these effects were seen to a much smaller extent ...
Next up we have some crystallizing oil, meaning: The stuff was crashing out as brownish sludge, but in case that this is still pure Spice it will crystallize further, within the next hours. Still, these crystals look mostly crap macroscopically. But when zooming in they also revealed some very delicate structures, seen at the last zoomed-in picture. Quite unexpected that a formerly oiled out blob was giving that brittle feather shapes. Also you can nicely observe how the big bulk oil looks rather brown from top-light, while its outer brims slowly crystallize not too bad.
Now we are coming to these Snake-Structures. They are really cool. Normally I observed the flower-like DMT: Just a nucleation spot and some arms of branching crystals growing like a flower or sun all around clockwise.
But here it seems like a long propagating chain od crystals, not growing too much lateral, but only non-isotropic (is that an english word?).
Here is an assembled scan - stitched together. You can see with the top-light-mode how it is actually put to 1 piece. Maybe you can open the original file on the wiki to zoom in fully.
The background on the top-illumation file shows tiny fluid droplets. Well I observed this many times: Even though evaporating all the Hexane in a Nitrogen-Stream there still seem to be some droplets attached in the range of 5 - 10 µm. No idea why they wont go away? Can't imagine any strong adhesion forces on glass. A last monolayer of solvent might never fully desorb without real drying, but that monolayer would not be visible though ... Same was also observed with 5-MeO at the link further up - Crystals and glass bottom looked quite wet. Total length of these Snakes: Easily 1 cm
Lastly if you go to the absolute minimum of detection level at sub-100 µm you also can see some completely rectangle-shaped micro crystals. Quite cool that depending on crystallite size they may completely go off from that original flower shape that can also be observed by eye.