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#1 Posted : 2/7/2010 12:42:33 AM

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the following is a conclusive reply to some users regarding the datura thread http://www.dmt-nexus.me/...posts&t=9758&p=2
but the reason ive posted it here is it is more of a statement to everyone.

I feel because of the sad and fragile situation with bbb and our culture as a whole our community's morale has took a knock in sense that we are all a bit uptight.

i share this with you to put a smile and an air of positivity back through this epic forumVery happy

poly trip

good man to be fair I did not see your post as anything other than firm and frank.
you have an uncanny and unfaltering way of articulating your own personal experiences.
your post if anything had feeling and character who can question you on that? I love reading your posts and have a great level of respect for you and your opinions.

my friend the knowledge and wisdom you exubberate is nothing short of incredible. it would be an absolute injustice if we didnt have your unfaltering passion and ocean deep knowledge connected with us here. your level of experience is so vast its intimidating but yo usualy always manage to wash a calm and cleansing wave of energy with your communications here with us.

art van

lol what can i say, actually a favorite of mine you speak your mind but when you speak with your imagination I get lost and perplexed in the poetic and highly unique rhetoric which spills from your verry witty and sometimes hilarious posts

break my head

the very little ive read of you overall has shown you to be a gent, an enthusiastic very well experienced laid back dude with a great deal to give.

guys dont ask me why I shared my personal thoughts on you it was a spontanious thing. I just geuss I wanted you to know that I love this place and it people and hate confrontation.

it is really difficult to disagree with members of this community who you admire and respect.

but thats the kind of person I am I always play devils advocate and use my voice to benefit others if I can.

not that im claiming to be jesus or anything lol me applying for the post of jesus would go somthing like this.....god would take one look at my face and charge me with blasphemy !!!! lol

seriously though i just wanted blackpaw to see also that you are descent folk who would bend over backwords to help on this forum.

I totally admire the ferocity in which you defended this forum. especially with the bouncing bear stuff this is scary times.
your reactions are understandable and I just wanted to let you know that.

in retrospect of this post ive just written it leaves me feel positivly emotional because i know how special this place is, I would not have even considered writing this anywhere else.

I am very positive and happy about a lot of the great minds especially some newbies who have brought back a bit of spark and pizaz to this forum. I feel we are stronger and more united by the day. people like karti kay(everybodies fave legal whizz lol), xtreche, sunshinesmiles, joebono ( this guys posts of late have broken my ribbs with laughter but also captivated my mind with intrigue), ident, maymar, ms manic ect ect recent additions who have instantly made this place more vibrant, more energised and more wonderful

dont get me started on the existing guys such as oblighuhl ( noble, empaphetic, creative and just an out and out top man, spiceman ( humble, sensitive, selfless and inspirational) 69ron(an enigma in psychedelic chemistry, a fundamental cornerstone of this forum. a pioneer of our times), ect ect ect

we have such a diverse bunch and I love you all for making this place so relaxing so influential but just for making it feel like a home away from home. a sanctuary, a retreat a temple and in some cases just to please observation type a prison Laughing Laughing

the peeps who i gave a name check simply sprung to mind 1st. I have equally profound feelings and opinions on countless more of you. the extensive catalogue of attributes i have listed here are as clear as the sun that splits the skies in abundance within this community.

peace to you all

ambi lysergance is a fictional character who in the realms of fantasy indulges in such topics as science, arts and psychoactive plant induced visions

STS is a community for people interested in growing, preserving and researching botanical species, particularly those with remarkable therapeutic and/or psychoactive properties.
#2 Posted : 2/7/2010 12:53:24 AM


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jeez...I was having kind of a shitty day...thanks for "making my day" and recognizing who I am and why I am here. It just feels good to resonate. Thank you so much ambi-lysergance...I love the nexus and everyone here...
and I love WHY we are here...
we are a part of the "greatest thing" in the universe. and to be here (earth.milky way), right now...I can't even explain how grateful and amazed I am. It only multiplies as the fractal neuron branches grow, dropping leaves, and blooming buds.

#3 Posted : 2/7/2010 1:00:08 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Laughing I am a little overwhelmed as writing that was an intense emotional experience.

im so happy you got my message.

I just thought that with internet communication we dont normally get the chance to share or find out what other think or feel about us. sure we can debate, discuss, agree and disagree but when do we actually complete the picture and reward our peers here by calling them out and saying " you know what dude?..... you are the fuckin bees kness!"
sometimes we just dont give ourselves the credit we are due
take this opportunity if you have some feedback or just wanna say hey man your cool!

share your thoughts about one another here.
in a time of uncertanty and oppression against our culture we can still create good vibes anytime we want!
its amazing how cleansing this kind of personal communication can beVery happy

spread the love my friends
ambi lysergance is a fictional character who in the realms of fantasy indulges in such topics as science, arts and psychoactive plant induced visions
#4 Posted : 2/7/2010 1:11:46 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Right, that datura thread showcased the power and love of this forum. The members here are a special bunch of people seeking to expand consciousness with plants and perhaps it is the plants that are speaking through us and with us. They hitch a ride with us, enrich our lives, and add clarity, depth, and color to our thinking. I'm honored to be a part of this group. Thanks for the post Ambi-lysergance.
#5 Posted : 2/7/2010 1:23:14 AM

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joe you are so intune its scary!

it never ocured to me the the catalyst for this was perceived as negative, frightening and taboo.

yet the plant in its own unique way has influenced us.

from somthing so horrible is born an atmosphere of beauty and love!

now we really are living up to our " those hippies at the nexus" tag Laughing
ambi lysergance is a fictional character who in the realms of fantasy indulges in such topics as science, arts and psychoactive plant induced visions
#6 Posted : 2/7/2010 6:13:04 AM

DMT-Nexus member


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I felt the emotion in your post!

It's been said before, but once again, I love us!! Very happy
Some things will come easy, some will be a test
#7 Posted : 2/7/2010 2:40:30 PM

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thanks hunniWink

im glad I shared, it was rather therapeuticVery happy
ambi lysergance is a fictional character who in the realms of fantasy indulges in such topics as science, arts and psychoactive plant induced visions
#8 Posted : 2/7/2010 5:19:33 PM

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no probs ambi im a hippy at heart too. Wink

i post on behalf of a good friend.
#9 Posted : 2/7/2010 8:46:07 PM

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breakMYhead wrote:
no probs ambi im a hippy at heart too. Wink

ambi lysergance is a fictional character who in the realms of fantasy indulges in such topics as science, arts and psychoactive plant induced visions
#10 Posted : 2/7/2010 8:49:33 PM

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#11 Posted : 2/7/2010 11:46:17 PM


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This is what im feeling to man. I mean the nexus is truly the first place (online) that i have found worth calling a home. It means more then i can express to be a part of such an illuminated community united through the ideals of self exploration through entheogons. I feel like this community being here has helped me to feel at ease with not having close social circles of people that follow similar paths of entheogenic exploration. Just knowing you guys are out there is reassuring. I have absolutely no moral doubts as to what i do, but the fact i can share experiences and discuss the issues that i face is simply fantastic.

Not to mention how nice you've all been. Welcoming, non judgmental, pragmatic, spiritual, supporting and idealistic beautiful people.
I love you all.
This is a special place.

“Right here and now, one quanta away, there is raging a universe of active intelligence that is transhuman, hyperdimensional, and extremely alien... What is driving religious feeling today is a wish for contact with this other universe.”
― Terence McKenna
#12 Posted : 2/8/2010 5:38:49 PM

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obliguhl wrote:
Thank you ambi, I also like you Very happy

no worries my man Wink

xtechre wrote:
This is what im feeling to man. I mean the nexus is truly the first place (online) that i have found worth calling a home. It means more then i can express to be a part of such an illuminated community united through the ideals of self exploration through entheogons. I feel like this community being here has helped me to feel at ease with not having close social circles of people that follow similar paths of entheogenic exploration. Just knowing you guys are out there is reassuring. I have absolutely no moral doubts as to what i do, but the fact i can share experiences and discuss the issues that i face is simply fantastic.

Not to mention how nice you've all been. Welcoming, non judgmental, pragmatic, spiritual, supporting and idealistic beautiful people.
I love you all.
This is a special place.

amen to that brother Wink
ambi lysergance is a fictional character who in the realms of fantasy indulges in such topics as science, arts and psychoactive plant induced visions
Bill Cipher
#13 Posted : 2/9/2010 12:59:55 AM

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Thanks for the nice shout out, my man. You're rockin' a unique point of view yourself, as are all of the others you mentioned.

It's entirely possible that I can be an asshole now and again. I've heard this from just about every close friend I've got at one time or another, as well as from every single woman I've ever been involved with. There is nary a moderator here at the Nexus who hasn't sent me a PM or two asking to tone it down - so if I've offended you at any time, you're likely among the majority.

But I truly don't go out of my way to try and antagonize around here. I do get worked up when I see what I think is well-intentioned but dangerous advice being thrown around to the inexperienced. I'm not so much of a diplomat, I grant you - and exposure to the molecule hasn't done a whole lot to change this.

So, while I may be somewhat more effusive when it comes to scorn than praise, there are a whole bunch of people in here I respect and whose posts I look forward to daily. I've picked up a fuckload of useful info, and I value this place immensely.

Hugs, peace & chicken grease.


Uncle Knucles
#14 Posted : 2/9/2010 1:18:50 AM

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Uncle Knucles wrote:

It's entirely possible that I can be an asshole now and again. I've heard this from just about every close friend I've got at one time or another, as well as from every single woman I've ever been involved with.

Sometimes, the value of this nexus is knowing you're not the only one!

keep on saying it like you see it.
"at journey's end, we must begin again"
#15 Posted : 2/9/2010 6:41:08 AM

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as well as from every single woman I've ever been involved with.

Coincidencce? I unfortunatly don't think so Wink
#16 Posted : 2/9/2010 12:28:16 PM

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Uncle Knucles wrote:
Thanks for the nice shout out, my man. You're rockin' a unique point of view yourself, as are all of the others you mentioned.

It's entirely possible that I can be an asshole now and again. I've heard this from just about every close friend I've got at one time or another, as well as from every single woman I've ever been involved with. There is nary a moderator here at the Nexus who hasn't sent me a PM or two asking to tone it down - so if I've offended you at any time, you're likely among the majority.

But I truly don't go out of my way to try and antagonize around here. I do get worked up when I see what I think is well-intentioned but dangerous advice being thrown around to the inexperienced. I'm not so much of a diplomat, I grant you - and exposure to the molecule hasn't done a whole lot to change this.

So, while I may be somewhat more effusive when it comes to scorn than praise, there are a whole bunch of people in here I respect and whose posts I look forward to daily. I've picked up a fuckload of useful info, and I value this place immensely.

Hugs, peace & chicken grease.


Uncle Knucles

I hear you loud and clear friendWink

to be fair its your frankness, principle and unequivocalness that is one of the most engaging aspects of your character here, along with the ability to stand up and accept when you are wrong or even mis interpreted with noble acceptance.
thus making you an indispensible ally of the dmt nexusWink

ambi lysergance is a fictional character who in the realms of fantasy indulges in such topics as science, arts and psychoactive plant induced visions
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