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WTF?! I saw humanoids! Options
Duncan Disorderly
#1 Posted : 1/28/2022 9:25:11 PM


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Location: My underground lair. Yes! Lair!
For those familiar with the DMT experience, you've become accustomed to entities that are truly alien. At this point, the bizarre and unusual has become commonplace for me. In effect, nothing shocks me because I always expect the unexpected. Nevertheless, I was taken aback by what I saw the other day.

Wherever I was it was a pristine environment and most of the "technology" was in the form of clear tubes or boxes, like they were made of glass. As I studied further, I realised it was a birthing facility and they were literally growing babies in sections. Near to the birth area, there were glass corridors that ushered young naked children, that appeared to be no older than 8 or 9. They were in small groups of about 6 or 8, they were bald and looked quite human, apart from their eyes, which were a solid black, quite large and almond shaped. I watched one group walk through the corridor areas until it ended. Next, a glass cube appeared, the group entered the glass cube and it hovered away, obviously a transport of some sorts.

My impression was, the children seemed alert and intelligent, but I got the feeling these 8 or 9 year olds were in fact a day old. It's as if they were being processed and it was a space age baby factory. Ironic, isn't it? Of all the extremely strange things I've seen, the thing that truly shocks me is to encounter another humanoid species.

While I am not a UFO buff, I couldn't help but wonder about an alien race that's I've heard mentioned a few times. I think they're called the Nordics or something like that because they look Scandinavian. Apparently, they closely resemble humans, but are quite beautiful, often with blond hair. Now, I'm not saying that is what I saw. However, I am now prone to thinking there are other humanoids in the void. I suppose it could make sense when you consider parallel evolution, with nature choosing similar traits again and again in totally unrelated species. Eyes, for example, must be fairly common amongst lifeforms, no matter what planet you're from.

Has anyone else seen similar?
“Give a man a fire and he's warm for a day, but set fire to him and he's warm for the rest of his life.” -R.I.P. Terry Pratchett


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#2 Posted : 1/30/2022 1:09:57 AM

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Hahahaha, DMT always has something new to show you.

I have seen humanoid and non humanoid entities relatively regularly. I don't have to even breakthrough to see them.

I also see people. People that look like they may be real individuals somewhere out there in the world but that are completely unfamiliar to me. As if I'm nonlocally observing some other area of the planet (or perhaps some other version of this reality)

One love
What if the "truth" is: the "truth" is indescernible/unknowable/nonexistent? Then the closest we get is through being true to and with ourselves.

Know thyself, nothing in excess, certainty brings insanity- Delphic Maxims

DMT always has something new to show you Twisted Evil

Question everything... including questioning everything... There's so much I could be wrong about and have no idea...
All posts and supposed experiences are from an imaginary interdimensional being. This being has the proclivity and compulsion for delving in depths it shouldn't. Posts should be taken with a grain of salt. 👽
#3 Posted : 2/11/2022 11:19:03 AM

Long live the Kings of Righteousness

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Thanks for the report.

How friendly was their presence?
Were you greeted upon entering the nursery?
Was the nursery somber or were there primary colors?
What color were the boxes?
Were there mothers in the nursery or outside?
Were they wearing any type of space suits?
Were the beings white?
Was there a swirling spiral in the center of their black eyes or were they fully present (dark and aware)?

Indeed, most all beings have eyes. Four limbs are also very common (even here on earth.) The body is just a manifestation of samsara, for samsara to exist you need to want to see, bite, and grab things; body is samsara itself, no matter in what shape or form, or even if it's formless the looking is still there (perception.)

I've been to several nurseries. Most higher realm rebirths ocurr in a nursery (just like your life started here.)
Behold, a sower went out to sow
Dirty T
#4 Posted : 2/12/2022 11:01:10 PM

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I haven't seen an entity inside hyperspace in a long time, I always encounter them prior to 'liftoff'.
Duncan Disorderly
#5 Posted : 7/26/2022 5:48:21 PM


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Last visit: 10-Dec-2023
Location: My underground lair. Yes! Lair!
Thank you for your replies. Please forgive the delay in responding. Since I posted, I have revisited the same place. However, this time I saw the birthing facility from a distance, and not up close, as I did before. I recognised the glass spirals, with the babies inside.

My impression is, I am literally visiting a civilization on another planet. That said, their technology makes ours look primitive. In fact, to call it technology would downplay how utterly advanced they are. As always, the descriptive words are hard to find.

Perhaps their tech is living, or has a consciousness, it's impossible to say. It's all very pristine, and things just appear, fully formed and obviously with a purpose. Some form of a clear glasslike substance seems to dominate everywhere. The beauty of it all is jaw-dropping.

@Voidmatrix. I sometimes wonder if I see other places, here on Earth. I suppose it makes sense since the entire DMT experience is no different to remote viewing.

@Ramma. I'll answer your questions in the order you asked.

1- Very friendly.
2- Now that you mention it, I believe a female greeted me.
3- The only colours I recall were a pure glowing white.
4- The boxes were all clear and see through, as if made of glass.
5- The only beings I saw (apart from the initial adult female) were the babies in the tubes and the small children being ushered through the glass corridors.
6- No suits, all the children were naked.
7- Good question. I realised I forgot to point out they had a very pale purplish coloured skin. As crazy as it sounds, they reminded me of the purple humanoids you see in the Marvel films, only a bit paler.
8- Unfortunately, I wasn't close enough to see their eyes in detail. My estimate was, I was approximately 30 feet away from them.

I have come to conclusion our body form is most likely convergent evolution, of sorts. So, our body has basic variations, but is most probably repeated throughout the multiverse. Naturally, there must be other convergent forms for other intelligent species, as well. It totally makes sense to me now that I have seen for myself. Like we said, eyes must be everywhere. The same for mouths and other body parts. It just makes logical sense.

@Dirty T. I'm fairly certain I saw them well into my journey, like a few minutes into the trip. This was confirmed when I revisited them again. Don't ask why, but I got a sense it could be on some sort of ship. Or, it could be a planet. It's so hard to say accurately.

One thing stood out. The borders. There are well defined borders in these areas, almost as if they contain different biomes.
“Give a man a fire and he's warm for a day, but set fire to him and he's warm for the rest of his life.” -R.I.P. Terry Pratchett


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