SWIM normally just sticks to mimosa hostilis because of the repeated success he's had with it but,
he's been wondering a good bit about bufotenine lately so he decided to purchase some yopo seeds.
He took about 55g of seeds, powdered them, and mixed them with lime as normal.
These seeds were not roasted because where he was at when curiosity struck him didn't permit
the smell.
For lack of 99% Iso, SWIM decided to just see what a 70% isopropyl pull would yield.
The yopo was covered in about two times it's volume of the 70% iso and mixed repeatedly over
a few hours. This was siphoned off and repeated once more with fresh alcohol.
Now .. The isopropyl extract had to be transferred to another location for the time being and
SWIM has no way to get to it (car issues.)
The last time the extract was looked at, it had evaporated down to a mixture of brown powder
and what looked like brown grease, fats I'm sure, and wasn't completely dry yet.
So, SWIM's been sitting around stranded, wondering how his extract is doing.
Have any of you extracted yopo in this manner?
It's surely far from clean but, one would imagine it to be active.
I mean, would this still be adequately strong enough for SWIM to smoke as is?
SWIM's just wondering because he has excessive amounts of mimosa around and would rather
give this yopo extract away than to bother cleaning it since yopo isn't really his
favorite entheogen.
I am 100% convinced that my search for answers has led to nothing but more questions.