didn't Bones cause you to think about this? is this post an effect? was Bones in your head before tonight? is it now? is the memory of the tv show you experienced now in your head?
why does our reality exist? to wonder why others might? do realities need a purpose to exist? could 'purpose' be considered an occasional bonus to any existence?
Humphry Osmond wrote:To fathom hell or soar angelic, just take a pinch of psychedelic.
What's a bad trip in heaven like?
This is a very personal post, but I would love to develop the thought with anybody who is interested.
I currently choose to believe that our consensus reality is the intersection of ma
ny other realities.
Let's say there's three realities as an example: {
c}. Picture them as a venn diagram with each overlapping and having unique spaces, so we have seven possible spaces to be in: {
If you are
strictly in
a then you are
not in any reality containing the letters
b or
c, if you are
strictly in
ab then you are
not in any form of
c, etc.
generally be in
ab allows you to also be in
abc, to
generally be in
c is to allow you to also be in
ac or
bc or
abc but
not ab. This is to say that each letter is a limiting factor on where you can be.
To be in
abc is to be in
a and
ab and
b and
bc and
ac and
c all at once, but you
must be in all of them at the same time.
Suppose our perceptions of consensus reality are limited to viewing only what is
strictly in
abc. Then suppose psychedelics allow us to
generalize our perception of the other six unique, but not entirely separate, realities by removing the letters as limiting filters.
It's possible for events to occur strictly in
a and never effect
b. It's also possible that events in
a will trigger a chain reaction that leads to events in
ab unfolding, extending into
b, further into
bc, causing something in
c which effects
ac that eventually reaches some other point in
a - all the way around the limits of our perception without ever being directly perceivable by any of us here in
abc. Perhaps some cause-effect ripples would seep in to
abc, but that's not always necessarily the case.
Now take a moment to consider what would happen if we added d. What new intersections would arise? What if we hadn't discovered a method of
generalizing our perception to view any form of d and were still bound to the
generalized abc?
And then add e, f, g, ..., z. And then A, B, C, ... , Z. Further adding: 1, 2, 3, ...,
n. We may not be in the intersection of all possible realities, there may exist realities which are much more limited than our own.
Now Nexians, visualize what the seemingly impossible dimensions of hyperspace could do with these dimensions and intersections - how strange and complex could all of this become?