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Set Your DVRs! Aya on The National Geographic Channel Options
#1 Posted : 1/31/2010 4:42:43 PM

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Wednesday February 3, 9pm EST

"To Santo Daime followers, Ayahuasca is not a drug, but a path to the Divine."

National Geographic Channel TABOO: Narcotics

I usually find The National Geographic Channel is "pretty open" and objective for main stream media. In fact I've read A GREAT ARTICLE from them which first introduced me to Ayahuasaca!

But we'll see how well She's treated.


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#2 Posted : 1/31/2010 5:18:22 PM

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This looks awesome. Thanks for the heads up. Those National Geographic guys know what is up, they got the pulse on all the good shit.
#3 Posted : 1/31/2010 7:38:06 PM

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I think that there are 2 routes to legalisation:

1. Showing how psychedelics can help fight harmful addictions
2. Showing that psychedelics can be used in religious ceremonies

Looks good! Can anyone upload it somewhere?
#4 Posted : 1/31/2010 10:37:34 PM


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Interesting. I agree with what obliguhl says.
I would add a third: "showing that psychedelics are not harmful themselves."

National Geographic has been doing some interesting documentaries lately.

For example, "Inside LSD" from Explorer (NGC):
Youtube (HD) Part 1 of 5 : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QE4A-ngFw4o

It was posted before, but it was removed. Now it's up again.

Anyway, hopefully someone will upload the Ayahuasca NGC Docu.

Thanks for the info Acolyte. Smile
#5 Posted : 2/1/2010 1:11:08 AM

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Acolyte wrote:
National Geographic Channel TABOO: Narcotics

I saw this preview video and I think it looks pretty much horrible. The whole thing Santo Daime church looks like a crazy cult (not saying it is one) and if I hadn't done my reading re dmt i'd be sure warded off of dealing with ayahuasca in the future.

So to continue on Spiceman's words, it may not only trigger awareness amongst the wrong circles but it may also scare people away. I believe that the practises, rituals and beliefs of the church just look too weird for most people.

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#6 Posted : 2/1/2010 2:34:47 AM

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Ive been going to the public library to read forest of visions cus im too poor to buy it and have fees i cant pay lol..but anyway its making the santo diame look alot better than i thought.
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#7 Posted : 2/1/2010 2:47:14 AM

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From that video they seem harmless enough... but I couldn't imagine putting on a shirt and tie to chug aya and dance... that seems odd Smile
#8 Posted : 2/5/2010 12:28:05 PM

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Hey guys, was this Taboo episode on? any links?
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#9 Posted : 2/5/2010 1:32:12 PM

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From what I can tell, it has not been uploaded to the torrents or newsgroups yet. Hopefully someone will do it soon.
#10 Posted : 2/5/2010 2:18:30 PM

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It was pretty good actually, They let you see a Daime celebration. Kids and pregnant women also took the sacrament which kinda surprised me though.
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#11 Posted : 2/5/2010 3:40:50 PM

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Seven wrote:
It was pretty good actually, They let you see a Daime celebration. Kids and pregnant women also took the sacrament which kinda surprised me though.

Agreed! Though they really talked more about Santo Damie than the Aya experience it's self. Which i suppose would really take ALOT to describe (i.e. the article i linked to in my first post). My favorite part was the medical doctors saying there's absolutely NO EVIDENCE that Aya is harmful (except when combined with anti-depressants, which they didn't mention); and you can see it in the doctors eyes the obvious question as to why it's even illegal at all.

Here's a clip.
"AyaWAHsaca?" So that's how we say it! Very happy

Also, the Cannibis College Med MJ part was most hilarious!

#12 Posted : 2/5/2010 3:44:51 PM

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Acolyte wrote:

Here's a clip.
"AyaWAHsaca?" So that's how we say it! Very happy

I say it "Eye-a-waz-ka" Smile
#13 Posted : 2/6/2010 10:19:21 AM

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FYI - It's on again on Sunday, Feb. 7th. This is the second Aya story I've seen on Taboo. The last one I saw wasn't "bad", but it also didn't do any favors for the sacred brew. It was about a couple from the states, who went to an Amazon shaman to experience it's healing power...
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#14 Posted : 2/6/2010 10:25:23 AM

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This video contains content from National Geographic, who has decided to block it in your country.

Any source for the whole thing?

edit: And oh...welcome to the INTERnet.
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