Hi Xenogears
Dealing with the fear is probably something everyone has to go through.
For me,after my first few powerful experiences,just the mere thought of smoking DMT,was enough to bring my heart rate up a few beats.
But though I was scared ,I couldn't leave it alone,it was the magic I'd always been searching for.
Smoking DMT is one of the most extreme things we can do,and I think our subconscious mind remembers this,and invokes the old fight or flight instincts,squeezing out a bit of adrenaline.This can be conquered somewhat by repeat exposure,like first time you jump out of a plane,you'll probably be rather scared when you approach the door,and some part of you will be screaming you want nothing to do with it,and when you do jump,your brain will turn to spaghetti,but by your twentieth jump,most of that fear will have probably gone,and you can fly about with confidence.
Also with the flight or fight instinct,you obviously don't want flight,or you wouldn't even be posting here,and if you try and fight,you wont win,and your brain will always go to spaghetti.This is what the surrendering is all about,exceptance of the experience,not being afraid of death,be it ego,or literal.
I don't know about being scared of things you may see on your trip,this has never been an issue for me,the only time I've had fear on the inside,was an early trip when I didn't let go,and was filled with a sense of serious doom.
If you see something frightening,maybe blow it a kiss.
Something I always tell people they need,is to be like those three characters in the Wizard of Oz.
You need courage,because this isn't a walk in the park.
You need to use your brain,rationalizing that it can't hurt you,and whatever happens you going to be back in a little bit,none the worse for ware.
And lastly you need your heart,love is what your life should be about,and this will serve you well on the other side.
Get these three cracked and you can be the wizard.
^ That looks a bit silly now I've written it down,but it's something I always tell people.
Another way of breaking the fear,I've found,is to go at it with some harmaloid heavy changa.Though to me it doesn't compare to the raw power of straight headed,pure tryptamine brain sex.
But with the changa you can ease yourself in,and happily puff away for hours,pushing yourself as far as you feel comfortable.
Apart from that,maybe sought out your own little ritual,and have a drink of water and a big smile before closing your eyes.
Good luck,Spicegnosis.
Entheogens,the original human rites