Howdy all!
I had my first trip today, 8 years after planting tiny little Acacia floribunda seedlings in by back yard.
They are now towering specimens that flower profusely in spring and provide nice shade in summer. I cut them back a few weeks ago to stop them over-shading some Feijoas and the back of the lawn. I wood-chipped most of it into the garden, then realised I should save some of the bark and have a go at an extraction.
-I stripped bark off the larger logs that didn't fit through my wood-chipper and let them dry for about 1 week. I then put these through my wood-chipper, producing shredded, stringy and chipped bark.
-No idea how much bark I have got, I'd estimate about 800 grams (~2 pounds). For my first go, I used about 1/8th (100 grams) of the total bark and froze it over night in plain water.
-3x boils in about 1.5 L water with 150 ml Vinegar in each, strained them all and reduced them down to just over a liter of dark red soup. Based with 75 g of lye, which was probably too much.
-Did 3x 100 ml Naptha pulls, some only about 5 minutes long. There was a lot of emulsion, which I reduced with gentle sitrring.
-Evaporated this, leaving a thick, dark red goo.
-Poured straight vinegar over the red goo and dissolved most of it, leaving behind a thick fatty layer.
-Topped up with water to 500 ml and based with 50 g of lye
-Pulled 3 more times with 100 ml of Naptha each, about an hour long this time.
-Water washed Naptha with water Ph'ed to 8.5, discarding the yellow water.
-I did not have the ability to freeze precip anything, so I just evaporated the Naptha all off again.
-This left behind a rich, golden goo smelling exactly like new sneakers.
I haven't weighed it because it's hard to weigh goo, but based on the dose I weighed to vape, I estimate I got about 500 mg of goo. This is about a 0.5% yield. Not a lot, but this was my first time and I know I made a few mistakes and inefficiencies along the way.
I scraped some up and put weighed out about 40 mg, which I transferred onto an electronic vaporiser with a porous ceramic dab tip. Then I took a ~10 second hit of this and stopped there, sitting back for the experience. Pretty sure I didn't vape the whole 40 mg, probably less than half.
It came on quick, in about 30 seconds. My mouth tasted strongly of the new sneaker smell and the visual started very quickly and strongly. I watched my curtains take on psychedlic visuals reminiscent of Shroom trips and I focused on a wisened old face that manifested in the visual effect.
After a minute or two I closed my eyes and witnessed much more flowing and smooth visuals than I'm used to from tripping.
After about 5 minutes all visuals subsided and I was left with the strong sneaker taste in my mouth, Within 8 minutes I was totally back to normal.
It was a very nice experience and I'm posting this as a confirmation that A. floribunda definitely contains the good-stuff.
I'm not phased by the goo, but I am going to try again on about twice as much material, same method except I will try and freeze-precipitate the first few pulls this time, to see if I can get nice white crystals from this plant.
Any tips or advice for what to do differently?
-Less lye?
-Less Naptha per pull + more pulls?
-Is dissolving the red goo from the first evap straight into vinegar like I did a good idea?
Attached photo shows some of the goo and the device. Note a clear edge of goo - what might this be?
Thank you all for reading and have a great day.
Ungulate attached the following image(s):
(641kb) downloaded 94 time(s).