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Very low yield Options
#1 Posted : 1/8/2010 6:14:41 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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SWIM made a 'last-minute' change of mind and decided to follow Nomans tek instead of Marsofold which he planned.
He will try to describe the process as accurately as possible, hoping somebody will come with suggestions as to why he got such a tiny ammount of spice from first pull.

- 3360 ml of tap-water were poured into a 4L glass mixing jar
- ~224 gr of granulated lye (drain pipe cleaner) were slowly added to the mixing jar, continuously mixing with a spoon
- 224 gr pre-powdered MHRB (vendor: heavenly products) were added to the mixing jar
- jar capped, and shaken ~5 minutes, then let sit ~2 hours
- ~250 ml naphtha (zippo lighter fluid) added to the jar, then gently tilted for a couple of minutes
- half hour later - jar agitated gently again, and rolled a couple of times
- 30 mins later: agitation process repeated again
- 1 hour later: naphtha sucked up from the jar with a syringe and collected into a 750ml jar, then put in the freezer
- ~12 hours later: jar removed from the freezer, shaken strongly, and contents poured over a filter paper put in a funnel.

The images show what was collected from the filter paper, after it has dried. It seems to SWIM to be no more than 200mg crystals although he has no way to measure them (also, he does hope they are crystals and not some re-crystalized lye - if that is possible at all - or other dangerous stuff).

omega-scar attached the following image(s):
P1084356.jpg (3,484kb) downloaded 144 time(s).
P1084357.jpg (1,418kb) downloaded 144 time(s).

Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#2 Posted : 1/9/2010 1:18:34 PM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 23
Joined: 22-Dec-2009
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A few things I could think of:

a) Perhaps the MHRB just wasn't very potent (SWIM has never dealt with this particular vendor)
b) Try using less naphtha per pull or evaporating it down until it becomes cloudy before freeze precipitating. 250 ml for 224 g of bark seems like it would not be saturated enough for all of the spice to precipitate out.
c) Not sure if this would have an effect (perhaps someone more experienced could clarify this), but SWIM has always removed the naphtha almost immediately after the layers separate (SWIM would agitate, then let separate a few times before pulling).
d) Since you only did one pull, it's hard to say what the final yield would be. 200 mg (did you weigh the crystals by the way?) from 224g of bark would be ~0.089%. For the first pull, this isn't amazing, but not absolutely dreadful, considering the remarks above.
#3 Posted : 1/9/2010 3:01:21 PM

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agree with most of the person above.. You should definitely use less naphtha! like 100ml warm naphtha instead of 250ml.. I hope you didnt throw the naphtha away after freeze precip, because it might have actives in it.. reuse the naphtha, use less each time, make at least 5 pulls, and you should get propper yield

and check the FAQ too Smile

Just on a note about the post above, the "c)" .. pulling the naphtha soon after layers separate wont help in yield.. In fact the more cycles of agitation and letting separate and standing for long, the better yield you should have (logic says it gives more time/opportunity for dmt to migrate into the non-polar layer)

good luck Smile
#4 Posted : 2/3/2010 9:43:16 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Hello people.
This is just to inform you that in the end SWIM got about 1000 mg of 'stuff' which must be some sort of DMT
Did 6 pulls in total, using Zippo lighter fluid (with the exception of the second pull in which he used some stuff that he thought to be naphtha but in the end didn't freeze precipitate anything)

As he said the first pull only got around 200 mg, and so he tried the second pull with a brand of paint thinner he got from a local supermarket. This didn't freeze-precipitate anything and was left to evaporate, producing some very different crystals than the ones obtained from Zippo and freeze precip. They are also very sticky and oily, and have a red/orange color.

The subsequent pulls, were done with less naphta then the first, like people recomended (about 125 ml). Also, he thinks that some of the solvent used in the second pull remained in the jar, because he separated layers with a syringe and wasn't able to suck out perfectly all the solvent, but still each subsequent pull produced some amount of crystals.

SWIM has also tried the spice several times and will post soon his first experiences with it. He started with very small doses, because he never did DMT before and wanted to be careful.

SWIM has done no recristalization and no washing whatsoever. How important are these steps health-wise ?

PS: The first image attached (the one in the recipient), is the crystals extracted with Zippo and freeze/precip. They are fairly white at the bottom (the ones from the first pull) and more yellow at the top (resulted from 3rd, 4th etc pulls) probably because SWIM reused the naphta.
The rest of the images, are the crystals obtained from the second pull, the one made with a solvent sold as paint thinner with unknown ingredients, which produced no crystals using freeze precip and was slowly evaporated over the course of a few days.
omega-scar attached the following image(s):
P1114371.JPG (677kb) downloaded 78 time(s).
IMG_3559.jpg (1,152kb) downloaded 78 time(s).
IMG_3556.jpg (1,109kb) downloaded 77 time(s).
IMG_3545.jpg (1,007kb) downloaded 78 time(s).
IMG_3535.jpg (1,130kb) downloaded 77 time(s).
#5 Posted : 2/4/2010 2:08:46 AM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 557
Joined: 09-Sep-2009
Last visit: 26-Jun-2012
omega-scar wrote:
SWIM has done no recristalization and no washing whatsoever. How important are these steps health-wise ?
A recrystalisation is a good idea with STB because lye and other shit can come over. Also judging by the colour of the crystals they need cleaning up. Just disolve them in the min amount of hot naptha and stick them back in the freezer. An even better idea would be a sodium carbonate wash and then recrystalising. This shit will be going into your body so make sure its clean and free of lye/metal contaminates etc.

The crystals from the paint thinner evap are the biggest worry here extremely dirty.
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