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#1 Posted : 11/18/2021 8:27:17 AM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 6
Joined: 18-Nov-2021
Last visit: 24-Mar-2023
Location: Hawaii
Hi everyone. It's been about 7 years since I last did DMT. My last experience with the elves was so overwhelming that I just decided to take a good long break. This past weekend I was invited to an Ayahuasca ceremony with a Huni Kuin shaman from Brazil. It blew my mind! Had full DMT visuals, met with spirits, had energetic purging etc. I have a background in magic and the occult which helped but what helped even more was my more recent meditation practice the last few years. It enabled to stay in the space consciously in a way that I could not before. Now I feel that I will be able to really get so much more out of smoking DMT and Changa than I could before. I'm exicted and looking forward to exploring more of this amazing substance!

I'm going to write up a full trip report and post it here. Thanks for dmt-nexus for providing this forum.

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#2 Posted : 11/18/2021 11:53:21 AM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 788
Joined: 24-Dec-2017
Last visit: 16-Feb-2024
Hello and welcome Smile

shiva777 wrote:
Hi everyone. It's been about 7 years since I last did DMT. My last experience with the elves was so overwhelming that I just decided to take a good long break.

I would like to hear more about your experience that made you take a break.

shiva777 wrote:

I have a background in magic and the occult which helped but what helped even more was my more recent meditation practice the last few years. It enabled to stay in the space consciously in a way that I could not before.

Can you share more, how exactly your meditation practices helped together with other things?

I am asking because I am seemingly on a similar break, which I might or might not end, depending on how everything goes in life.

#3 Posted : 11/19/2021 5:30:07 AM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 6
Joined: 18-Nov-2021
Last visit: 24-Mar-2023
Location: Hawaii
Hi Exitwound. I wrote up a trip report which I'll post soon. Here is a section of it where I detail that last trip:

"I will also share that at one point in my mid 40’s I got a source for DMT and Changa ( an herb mixture that is infused with DMT and makes the experience last longer). DMT is considered “smokeable Ayahuasca” and only lasts from a few minutes with DMT crystals and up to 15-20 minutes with Changa. It does not have any physical purging effects. DMT blew my mind! The space that it took me into on larger doses was incredibly psychedelic, colorful and full of spirits. It is full on experience! I would not often dare to take larger doses as the experience was so uncomfortably overwhelming. I did greatly enjoy lower doses which I found profound and made me very aware of the sacredness of being alive.

The last time I smoked DMT, about seven years ago, I took a pretty large dose and “broke through” into another place where I came into contact with the “DMT elves” as Terence Mckenna called them. Meeting these particular entities is a common experience among many DMT users. It is hard to describe these creatures as they are completely alien to anything in normal consciousness. To get an idea to visualize them you can look up the painting “The Cosmic Christ” by Alex Grey (https://shop.cosm.org/products/cosmic-christ-notecard). They look kind of like if this Cosmic Christ had hyperactive, playful 3-year old grandchildren! They were EVERYWHERE emerging directly out of the insane constantly shifting and moving, highly colorful 4-dimensional fractal kaleidoscopes I was seeing. The seemed very happy to see me and were jumping and running all over the place all around me. They had zero conception of “personal space” and I felt very overwhelmed like I was having bugs crawl all over me. My whole vision field was full of them and they would dart around so I could not get a clear vision of them and I became frightened at the sheer alienness of the experience.

I was very thankful when the DMT wore off any lay on the floor for a good half hour just recovering from this extraterrestial-interdimensional alien contact. Even while lying there with open eyes I was very aware that these beings were still around me and saw trails of them darting around the room. At that point I was wishing I was not alone as I wanted human contact so badly in that moment just to feel grounded and comforted and human again. After that I did not dare smoke DMT again except for one time where I came into contact with an extraterrestrial who did some healing work with me. "

SO this kind of thing might be old hat to experienced users but it freaked me out! I felt unsafe. Now 7 years later with a good meditation practice under my belt my experience was different. When the visions came with the Ayahuasca I was able to still my mind and concentrate and not be so overwhelmed with the visuals. At one point the DMT elves came again! Here is what I wrote:

"I closed my eyes and out of the intense visions playing on the back of my eyelids the DMT elves appeared!! They were laughing and leaping all around me coming out of everywhere. Hundreds of them! More! Only this time I had a feeling of safety with the shamans and the great Mother. I realized that the shamans would not subject me to anything dangerous. That this was a safe space. I felt instinctively that these beings were the manifestation of the universal creative energy. They were the basic creative force of the universe. All things in our universe were created through them. The beings were communicating that they wanted to come inside me. I said yes. They were delighted and began to jump through my chest into my body with joy and laughter! I felt lit up and energized and made my way back to the circle."

My meditation practiced helped to be not in reaction. I was able to be in my still center in spite of seeing such obvious insanity (from a sober point of view). Because of this as well as feeling in a safe space I was able to open up to what they wanted which is an alliance with me. Now, four days later I still feel energized and highly creative. I literally deleted news apps and reddit from my phone when I got home so when I read online it is not just sifting through memes, world collapse news and other mental junk food. I'm writing, I'm reading good nourishing books and on sites like this that will expand me. I love it! I'm looking forward to experiencing changa again because I feel like I can now move in "the space" instead of being in reaction to it. Does that help?
#4 Posted : 11/19/2021 1:04:15 PM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 788
Joined: 24-Dec-2017
Last visit: 16-Feb-2024
Thank you for sharing. Can relate to a lot of feelings expressed in your post. These forums attract people who walk similar paths in their lives it seems Smile I also encountered DMT later in life and it changed me and my priorities. Haven't been watching TV or reading news for some years now.

DMT and other entheogenic experiences can be very overwhelming and reality-shattering. Some might even wish that they never saw what they saw.

Anyways I'm glad you are here, that you are doing good and wish you good luck in your journey Smile
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