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#1 Posted : 9/18/2021 4:23:36 PM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 4
Joined: 18-Sep-2021
Last visit: 15-Jan-2022
Hello fellow travelers!

I am not sure what to say! I am very excited about being here and all this knowledge that is here at my fingertips makes me very hopeful that I am close to experiencing something profound. I am an artist and I would like to learn about myself, about who I am, what holds me back, what Jungian shadows hide in the subconscious. Seems like everyone has some skeletons in their closet whether they are aware of it or not.

I've only done LSD in the past (couple of years ago) and since then I have been going on and off the topic of psychedelics. Most of what I've done is indirectly prepare myself mentally I suppose, as due to my interest I've been listening to a lot of lectures and talks about the topic. But I decided to try and take a more active approach since a new opportunity presented itself in the form of acacias growing near my house. I attempted to identify them with the PictureThis app and it tells me that its acacia confusa and acacia retinodes that I have access to.

I've collected a bunch of bark from the fallen branches and trunks of the acacia retinodes, I don't know how long they have been lying there but I hope that it hasn't been too long as I've read that DMT degrades to NMT over time.
First I went to shroomery.org for advice but it seems all roads lead to this Nexus so here I am! I realise I've got some reading to do in regards to going about working with the acacia, but already I have an inkling that I would prefer to take it orally rather than smoke it as the extraction process seems a bit daunting to a chemistry newbie like me. Regardless of how I choose to go about it, I anticipate I will have a lot of questions about it so I don't inadvertently poison myself haha

STS is a community for people interested in growing, preserving and researching botanical species, particularly those with remarkable therapeutic and/or psychoactive properties.
#2 Posted : 9/18/2021 6:07:46 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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Location: Sweden
Hi, and welcome to the forum! I hope you will enjoy the communal atmosphere here.

The teks may seem daunting, but it's not really that complicated to do an extraction if you just follow the instructions carefully. It can be done with what most people have in their kitchen. Maybe set some bark aside for experimentation in addition to making your tea. I don't think old bark is a concern apart from maybe diminished yield.

All my best
#3 Posted : 9/18/2021 7:02:47 PM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 576
Joined: 30-Oct-2020
Last visit: 23-Jan-2022
I'm glad to have you here to share.
Post up your artwork. I'd love to see it!
Try and post some pictures of the plants you harvested from as well as the harvested material before you start the extraction process.
It will be exciting to see a thread detailing harvest to extraction.
#4 Posted : 9/19/2021 7:22:49 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Joined: 18-Sep-2021
Last visit: 15-Jan-2022
Thanks for the welcomes!
Yeah I have a whole box full of bark, there is plenty to experiment with! I'll definitely have a look over the teks and make note of the other ingredients and materials for the process - hopefully I do have everything in the kitchen. One thing I don't have is a scale right now.
And I will attempt to document the process to the best of my ability. I think once I am able to post outside of the welcome boards I think I should make a thread about the acacias to see if I've identified them correctly.

And I've already have a question - is it possible to chew the acacia material and absorb it that way, like it's done with diviner's sage?
#5 Posted : 9/19/2021 11:42:55 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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You can post your pics in the welcome area in a thread for that purpose, a mod may take note and move it if necessary. May be a good way to get promoted even.

Appreciate that you are taking your time and are even being conscious in your approach to gathering raws. Good deal. Welcome, sure you will "fit in", as if that is what any of us do, ha ha! I too am also excited to see your process and hopeful success in extracting what you have foraged.
Sine experientia nihil sufficienter sciri potest -Roger Bacon
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#6 Posted : 9/22/2021 1:06:38 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Hello, and welcome! Smile

First, if you haven't come across this thread yet, then here's a present.

Second, I too thought I could never extract... I just worked on one today... after I completed one last week Shocked You got this. like I had to, get out of your own head, and dive into the process. It's really not that bad. Just pay attention, follow directions, and take your sweet time. I've fallen in love with extracting. Almost like a symbolic alchemical process, whereby, in extracting the precious molecule from the bark, you're bringing the best parts of your consciousness from the depths. Well, at least, for me. Big grin

Take a look at that thread (for identification, you can post your pics there, or I will have them moved for you if you post them here) and see what you think.

I'm not sure chewing the bark would work, since you'd have to chew quite a bit of it at once, if it were to be effective. You may still need some harmalas (it would only enrich the experience at the very least), but you also may not since the DMT will be absorbed through the membranes of the mouth.

Aside from LSD, have you engaged with any other entheogens? Have you done DMT before?

Again, welcome Smile

One love
What if the "truth" is: the "truth" is indescernible/unknowable/nonexistent? Then the closest we get is through being true to and with ourselves.

Know thyself, nothing in excess, certainty brings insanity- Delphic Maxims

DMT always has something new to show you Twisted Evil

Question everything... including questioning everything... There's so much I could be wrong about and have no idea...
All posts and supposed experiences are from an imaginary interdimensional being. This being has the proclivity and compulsion for delving in depths it shouldn't. Posts should be taken with a grain of salt. 👽
#7 Posted : 10/30/2021 7:15:50 AM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 4
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Last visit: 15-Jan-2022
It's been a bit. Sorry folks, life sometimes gets in the way of our hobbies I guess.
But, I finally have a digital scale that is 0.01g accurate, and I took a whole bunch of photos of the wattles. If anyone can help out with the identification I would appreciate it, because to me it seems like an Acacia Retinodes.
Also in the photos is a box of the bark I collected from the fallen branches and logs, and there is a photo of two large logs with bark on them that is quite dark, it's almost black in real life. I was wondering if this is ok to use?

I am still unsure about which way to go in regards to either extracting it or making a brew out of it, and I have had some time to think and have some more questions about the brew side...

1: I've come across some conflicting info about the initial stage of boiling or simmering the bark, does it matter which way I do it? And what is the water ph I should use to boil/simmer the bark in? I've got a rainwater tank, would that be alright?

2: I came across a very simple way of making a tea out of the bark, basically just boil it down repeatedly until all the goodies have left the bark, then put all the resulting boils in one pot and boil it down again to increase the concentration. Once I've got the final brew thing, how do I know how much to take to get the right dose of DMT?

3: Also how much Syrian rue do I need to consume before drinking the brew? And what concentration of the MAO inhibitor do I need because it seems that a lot of regular foods are also natural MAOIs. Would I be able to get the same effect if I ate licorice root or black pepper haha?

4: And finally, say I made a bunch of this brew, what is its 'shelf life'? Would it be fine to store it as is? Would it be ok to freeze it? Or, is it possible to use this brew and extract DMT from it using the various teks?

Apologies for all the questions, I just like to be well informed before making a decision.

PS. I ticked 'Attach files to this post' but I don't think it worked??? How do I post images?

Inyakus attached the following image(s):
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#8 Posted : 11/4/2021 10:57:17 AM
DMT-Nexus member

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Location: USA
HI Inyakus,

I'm new here as well.

Just curious, do you mind sharing what kind of art you like to do?

#9 Posted : 11/5/2021 9:59:42 PM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 4
Joined: 18-Sep-2021
Last visit: 15-Jan-2022
bombsaway wrote:
HI Inyakus,

I'm new here as well.

Just curious, do you mind sharing what kind of art you like to do?

Mostly traditional stuff, landscapes, portraits, still life with oil paint. Been getting into illustration recently and working with ink
#10 Posted : 11/5/2021 11:03:20 PM

My Personalized Tag

Posts: 464
Joined: 10-Nov-2019
Last visit: 17-Apr-2024
Hey there,

Best dose of Syrian rue is around 4 grams. Some are happy with 3, I need 4-4.5, and if you're going really hard then 5. But not ever more than that. More will make you sick. Drink about 30 minutes before your DM-Tea. I can't comment to alternative MAOIs but if they were effective substitutes then I probably would have read about it before. Rue is very potent by weight.

As for dosing the DMT, just split the dose into portions and slowly drink until it's strong enough.

The tea will get mouldy in the open but keep for a good while in the fridge. Lots of actives will settle to the bottom, though; I prefer to make only as much as I'll drink.

Welcome to the forum!
I don't want comfort. I want God, I want poetry, I want real danger, I want freedom, I want goodness. I want a clever signature.
#11 Posted : 11/6/2021 1:33:36 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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Inyakus wrote:
bombsaway wrote:
HI Inyakus,

I'm new here as well.

Just curious, do you mind sharing what kind of art you like to do?

Mostly traditional stuff, landscapes, portraits, still life with oil paint. Been getting into illustration recently and working with ink

Cool - thanks for sharing. I believe there's an art section on here where some upload images of their work.

Happy Saturday Smile
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