I'm doing a STB tek and I have 3 1L jars with approx 150g of mimosa and 150g of lye in each, there is less than a Liter of distilled water in each jar, My mimosa is powdered and is kind of thick when stirring, it could be comparable to the consistancy of a milkshake.
I have already pulled some naptha and put it in lidded jars in my freezer, i warmed up the naptha considerably before the pulls and instantly put them in the freezer. There is very minimal crystal growth after being the freezer for around 48 hours but there are crystalline growths on the lid of the jars like stallictites and there is crystal growth in areas near the top of the jar where the naptha should not have made contact with, Could this be from evapped naptha with DMT in it condensing on the lid of the jar? Or is it more likely to be moisture or condensation forming water ice crystals on my lid?