I dont believe talking about extractions online is illeagle at all....
in first place anything done in an apartment is risky because of the chance some elses nose can pick it up...!
So whats on your hard drive isnt actually illeagle...but the powers that be... may try to use the information to show possible intent to manufacture/?
But your on line search history is totally leagle...
one should always use ..private mode.. on line for personal intrests..
What they need is ...[solid evedence]... along with other info to make a case...
If they only find enough evedence to put on the tip of a [match head !!]... just how far will they take something like that??
You could have bought the pots and jars already dirty in a second hand store..or found them in a trash can!
They might have been in your apartment in a cabnet from past tenants already when you moved in..
As far as bark goes...bark is bark...it can be bought at stores in bags.. in the form of wood chips for smoking food on a grill or wood chips for a hamster or rabbit cage,,,
many many trees have bark that contains.. trace spice elements..so does green grass!
They also sell bark chips to put in flower beds and drive ways....!
If you feel you have done nothing wrong.. stoubrnly!! maintain your inocence!
and if they [say they found a ton..dont buy it..
Dont lay down for the beast.. ... Stand tall and .maintain your inocence!
If DMT is illeagle..then everyone on planet earth is guilty!.. because its naturally in all of us !
and when they finaly leave you alone...[because of lack of evedence]..consider this a valuable lesson learned!