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I'm looking for help with proportions Options
#1 Posted : 10/18/2021 5:53:31 AM
DMT-Nexus member

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I introduce myself, I am a psilocyman, a great pleasure to have been able to find this place.
I am an "empirical chemist" I have never studied chemistry but I really like to read, learn and experiment.
I have been using xanga and mushrooms for 4 years, I have been doing the dmt extraction process for 1 year, I speak Spanish and in my language there is very little information, so I reiterate that it is a blessing to find this space and have all of you.

I will quickly tell you my process:
It has always been STB, but I have several questions since I have read the tek of lazyman and noman and I have also been reading something in the forum.
I have always used 100G MHRB extracts.
My proportions have always been -100 G MHRB
-100 G NaOH
-700 ml distilled water

This time I come across 500G of MRHB for the first time.
Reading on the forum I saw this:
What ratio of MHRB: bleach lye: water is the best?
For STBs, 1 g of MHRB: 1 g of bleach lye: 15 ml of water is generally accepted as a good ratio.

So according to this, my previous process of 100 G MRHB x 100 G NaOH and I used 700 ml of distilled water according to those proportions I was lacking water, okay that is clear to me.
But I see something in the lazyman tek that makes me curious.

"Break a pound or 454g of dried Mimosa Hostilis root bark into small pieces so that no pieces are longer than three inches, allowing them to fit well in the bottom of a large 5-liter mixing bowl with plenty of extra room leftover and voila on the side.
Prepare some basified water by completely dissolving 200 g (~ 13 measured tablespoons) of NaOH powder in 2 L of tap water in a large measuring cup.
Add the basified water you just made to the container of broken root bark, stir for a few minutes, and set aside for two or more hours (longer is better).

The proportions used would be for 500 G MHRB x 500 G NaOH x 7500 ML distilled water. But he only uses instead of 500 G of NaOH he uses only 200 for 500 G of MHRB and the water should be 7500 ml while he recommends using 2 L would be missing 5 liters for the proportion. Noman tek on the other hand follows those "standard proportions that I saw in the forum" he says the following: Extraction procedure Mix 15 ml of water and 1 g of bleach lye per gram of bark in the mixing container. For example: 50 g of bark would require 750 ml of water and 50 g of bleach lye. And I add something that they put in the remarks: Kerberos would like to add to the advice given by Entropmancer: following Nomans tek and comments regarding 1.5x water needed for activated root bark and Entropmancer advice on using less naphtha per extraction. SWIM used 50 g of root bark in 750 ml of water and 75 g of NaOH, then SWIM used .6 ml of naphtha per gram of bark So here it is even going from the ratio of 100 x 100 bone 50 MHRB x 750 x 75 g of NaoH. Sorry to write so much but you do not know how I long for someone with more experience to help me in these mental holes. What are the proportions for which I should opt for a 500 G MHRB STB extraction, how much bleach lye should I use? How much water do you recommend for 500 G MHRB? Finally, can someone recommend a process to remove any trace of bleach lye and any trace of naptha? I say this because I have never cleaned my dmt, it is for my brother and me. And my brother smokes more than I do and I'm starting to worry about the way my brother wants to smoke my dmt and maybe he has some residual bleach lye or naptha in it. Thank you in advance friends for receiving me!

[Mod edit: replaced "bleach" with "lye" for harm avoidance purposes. It seems their could be an issue with term 'lye' in Spanish-speaking countries. It may be a good idea to look into ways in which this could be addressed: see post below.]

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Violet Quark
#2 Posted : 10/18/2021 7:35:53 AM

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Hi There
Everybody recommends different quantities of the ingredients all of the time because it doesn't really matter too much. As long as you have "enough" water and "enough" lye everything will be fine.
finding a 7 litre container to work with would be a real hassle but seriously why do you need to do it all in one go? Just stick to 100g pulls, that should be enough to last 2 people for months.
As for cleaning it I like to use a thin glass tube similar to the one shown.
Fill it with some warm water and after you have carefully removed the Naphtha from the soup drop it in here for a while. All of the water and lye (if there is any) will sink into the water and you can now remove the naphtha and put it into your dish to precip it. Leave 2-3 mm of naphtha in the tube. you will lose very little spice and it will be super clean. As for the naphtha, as long as you dry it properly none will remain.
I hope this helps.
Violet Quark attached the following image(s):
s-l1000.jpg (11kb) downloaded 86 time(s).
#3 Posted : 10/19/2021 2:05:46 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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There is a consensus among many here at the Nexus ( Big grin ) that extracting from smaller amounts of bark produces better yields by weight. So, you may be wasting or missing DMT with such a large undertaking.

Why bleach?

Your calculations will be based on volume, so 1:1 ratios aren't right (500g MHRB:500g NaOH).

Scale it down. Be patient. It'll benefit you in the longrun (because I also didn't list all of the downsides to the process itself when the starting material is that much).

Oh! And welcome to the Nexus! Happy to have you.

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#4 Posted : 10/20/2021 2:37:03 PM

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Voidmatrix wrote:
Why bleach?
This seems to be a mistranslation between Spanish and English. One word for bleach in Spanish is 'lejía'. Furthermore, there is no direct link from the 'lye' en.wikipedia page to es.wikipedia, for example.

Psilocyman, I sincerely hope you've been using this in your extractions: https://es.wikipedia.org.../Hidr%C3%B3xido_de_sodio
and not this: https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hipoclorito_de_sodio or https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lej%C3%ADa

For your safety: 'Lye' IS NOT THE SAME AS 'lejía'!!. Using bleach could produce multiple unknown compounds, some of which most definitely will be toxic. [Reassuringly, you do mention using NaOH - sodium hydroxide = lye.]

I think it would be best if you edited your post to replace the word 'bleach' with the word 'lye'. {Edit: I've dealt with it.} This is the internet and stupid is practically guaranteed to happen.

And I agree with Voidmatrix, you're better of doing five extractions each of 100g bark. Scaling extractions does not perform as expected because volume and surface area scale differently.

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#5 Posted : 10/20/2021 3:57:31 PM

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Is there a consensus on recommended amounts of water / lye / naphta for stb extraction with, say, mhrb?
My preferred method:
Very easy pharmahuasca recipe

My preferred introductory article:
Just a Wee Bit More About DMT, by Nick Sand
Dirty T
#6 Posted : 10/20/2021 11:56:56 PM

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1g bark 1g NaoH 15ml water 1ml Naphtha is the most commonly called for ratio in MHRB STB extractions. I add 1.25g non iodized table salt to help 'speed things up' and easier extractions.

Not only are large extractions grossly inefficient they always had a tendency to form an emulsion for me vs 50g extractions being very efficient (2%+ yield) and never form emulsions.
#7 Posted : 10/26/2021 9:45:31 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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Thank you very much friends for answering me, also thanks to Violet Quark for the image.

Mainly ask this because in 4 years that I have been in these issues there have been approximately 7 or 8 extractions.
I have always used subjects 1 g of MHRB: 1 g of NAoH (Bleach in Spanish) and I always used for 100 G of MHRB I used nothing 600 ml in the first extraction and in the second it was 700 ml of watter (but without having read much of these)

(I have always used 100g of MHRB but this time I find myself with 1K of bark.)

My brother has tried the first extraction and when he returns from a trip I try my last extraction

I keep doing exactly the same as always.

I add: I always use the teks hot (heating in a bain-marie before and during)

I have always used as a solvent (zippo for lighters)

My brother tells me that the best and most powerful of dmt was the first of all.

In my last extraction he tells me that the dmt experience is no longer so strong

I think maybe it's the crust. Anyway, delighted to hear your comments.

The only thing that I have changed in my last 2 extractions is not to recycle the zippo liquid (solvent) each extraction is with new solvent liquid, I no longer reuse it.

in my 6 first extractions, all of them were with recycled material from other extractions (solvent)

It is assumed that now I should even end up with a better product since in each extraction I use new liquid (solvent)

and I add the last:

I have never recrystallized.
Dirty T
#8 Posted : 10/27/2021 2:03:14 AM

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Are you freeze precipating? Is there a reason you are using lighter fluid instead of VM&P Naphtha? If you are freezing then using new solvent each pull will leave a lot of DMT in the solvent that requires a backsalt to claim or complete evaporation.

As to what your brother says about the "strength" being weaker on the last pulls makes little sense. The latter pulls will pull less but it should be relatively the same strength as the first pulls. I'm really hoping you didn't try to extract 1kg all at once, it would be grossly inefficient.
#9 Posted : 10/27/2021 3:38:40 AM
DMT-Nexus member

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Well maybe I did not give to understand since I have to use a translator.

When I said that I have taken 7 or 8 extractions, I mean that in 4 years I have performed approximately 8 extractions in 8 containers each with 100 G of MHRB.
and well, at each extraction I have given the pulls until dmt stops coming out.

My brother has tested all the material that I have extracted.

I'm talking about trying the first steps of each of the different 8 extractions (each one in a different glass because it was over 4 years) hopefully you have given me to understand.

Now that I have a little more information and this beautiful forum.
of that 1 KG that I told you I have at this moment 2 containers, one was with 100 G of MHRB (as always) and in the other I have a 4 L jar
The ratio of 200 MHRB.

I was only able to extract the 100 MHRB one at this time (this time I saturated with non-salted salt before basifying since I read that it helps not to generate so many emulsions) and it worked.

I have images of everything that I have spoken to you tomorrow with more time I will be uploading everything so that it materializes more than what I am talking about.

Dirty T, for the moment and I have always had to use zippo lighter fluid since here in Latin America it is easy to find a perfect naoh in chemical stores, but the liquid also called "white gasoline" or neighboring or VM&P has a use regulated and it is not so easy to get it, as are the other solvents such as xylene and the others.
Dirty T
#10 Posted : 10/27/2021 7:40:14 PM

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Ok. Do you have access to Bestine? Bestine is just branded Heptane. I would lean more towards the idea of doing Xylene pulls then backsalt and evaporate residual Xylene im the backsalt jar then basify and pull that with Bestine. The Xylene will get everything out even quicker but it pulls extra stuff you may not want and also tends to form emulsions more than some other solvents do but would be a better option than Zippo fluid. Bestine should result in white crystals with freeze precipate.
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