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Plant Man - Astral Flying Options
#1 Posted : 10/9/2021 2:02:45 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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Its great to be here at last. I have been a long time visiter for over 10yrs.

I am particularly interested in plants to help astral traveling as I am a very vivid dreamer and have "flying dreams" at least 2/3 times a week, but I know they are more than dreams as I have the real sensation of moving and also when I have these dreams I wake up totally refreshed even if I have only had 6 hrs sleep.

I know certain plants help this and I have just recently got hold of plants of Mugwort & Silene Undulata (African dream herb) but its roots are far too small to harvest yet.

I have tried Mushrooms when abroad and had very positive experiences. I once tried 9 grams dried. I am really impressed with the level of Science being done here.

I am in Ireland and it is still very conservative here when it comes to our sacred medicines.

Looking forward to interacting .......

STS is a community for people interested in growing, preserving and researching botanical species, particularly those with remarkable therapeutic and/or psychoactive properties.
#2 Posted : 10/9/2021 3:45:41 PM

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Hi man, you could try calea zacatechichi for enhanced dreams. I never had any results with it, but a lot of people say it works very well. Just beware- its the most disgusting tasting thing on this earth, im dead serious.

Now, what i did have good results with is datura. Nobody take my advice, as this plant is dangerous. Im simply sharing my experience. I harvested datura pods in the wild, and what i used to do is chew 2-4 ripe (black/brown), dry seeds before going to bed. It made my dreams more vivid (and very strange) and i even woke up refreshed, unlike after calea.
Dirty T
#3 Posted : 10/10/2021 12:57:13 AM

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I highly discourage the Datura use.

I've had a lot of success dosing 3.5g or so of psilocybin right before sleep and get very strange and vivid dreams.
#4 Posted : 10/10/2021 12:59:06 PM
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Kitisha wrote:
Hi man, you could try calea zacatechichi for enhanced dreams. I never had any results with it, but a lot of people say it works very well. Just beware- its the most disgusting tasting thing on this earth, im dead serious.

Now, what i did have good results with is datura. Nobody take my advice, as this plant is dangerous. Im simply sharing my experience. I harvested datura pods in the wild, and what i used to do is chew 2-4 ripe (black/brown), dry seeds before going to bed. It made my dreams more vivid (and very strange) and i even woke up refreshed, unlike after calea.

I always hear that Calea tastes awful, but I found that with a bit of honey made in a tea that the taste was quite pleasant. I grow my own, so maybe because the leaves are fresher they make a more pleasant taste? I also find that smaller doses do not allow any enhancement of lucid dreams, but a large dose of leaf made into a tea, combined with a small amount smoked seems to do the trick for me. Happy dreaming!
May we continue to be blessed
#5 Posted : 10/10/2021 9:17:05 PM
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Thanks for the replies.
I would be cautious about Datura. I was in the Amazon last year (did not get to try Ayahuasca) but have heard Datura can be difficult especially if the dose is too much.

I am growing Henbane, and hope to make a beer from one of the old medieval recepies
#6 Posted : 10/10/2021 10:01:29 PM

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Saman7 wrote:
Thanks for the replies.
I would be cautious about Datura. I was in the Amazon last year (did not get to try Ayahuasca) but have heard Datura can be difficult especially if the dose is too much.

I am growing Henbane, and hope to make a beer from one of the old medieval recepies

In my opinion, datura is not something that should ever be used to induce psychedelic/deliriant/recreational states. What i was describing is basically microdosing. You dont notice a difference from a sober state while awake, but dreams are enhanced. I should have also mentioned that what i was using was Datura stramonium.
#7 Posted : 10/10/2021 10:09:29 PM

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Interesting discussion here about datura, does any one have papers on toxicity se we could assess if this thing being microdosed would have toxic effects chronically?

Welcome to the Nexus, Smile love that you are working with sleep and dreams, I was working with that for a bit of time but right now don't have the means to start it again.

A lot of people relate with vivid dreams and medical mushrooms, especially Lions Mane, might be a safer healthier alternative?

For me personally, when I increased circulation is when I dream the most. And I mean seriously increase it. I'm talking about one to two hours in a sauna a day - or 3-4 hours of exercise a day. These things are extremes and do your research before trying, they did give me very noticeably increased dreaming though..
A second chance? Huh... I thought I was on my fifth.

#8 Posted : 10/10/2021 11:25:44 PM

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Saman7 wrote:

Its great to be here at last. I have been a long time visiter for over 10yrs.

I am particularly interested in plants to help astral traveling as I am a very vivid dreamer and have "flying dreams" at least 2/3 times a week, but I know they are more than dreams as I have the real sensation of moving and also when I have these dreams I wake up totally refreshed even if I have only had 6 hrs sleep.

I know certain plants help this and I have just recently got hold of plants of Mugwort…

Mugwort is a very powerful herb, I use it personally for many applications.

If you can, I highly recommend foraging the fresh flowers.
It’s by far the most potent part of the plant.
#9 Posted : 10/11/2021 5:04:59 PM

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justB612 wrote:
Interesting discussion here about datura, does any one have papers on toxicity se we could assess if this thing being microdosed would have toxic effects chronically?

Your comment made me go digging and i found some things i would like to share with you. Firstly, here is a study https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih...pmc/articles/PMC3621465/


7.11. Toxicity studies
Toxicity studies of ethanol extract of the leaves of D. stromonium in rats. Two doses of 50 and 200 mg/kg of the extract were administered to the rats for five weeks. Parameters studied were the indices of liver and kidney function and some biochemical and haematological parameters. Feed intake, final body weight, serum AST, ALT, billurubin, total protein, urea and the electrolyte studied were not affected by the extract administration. Serum creatinine levels were however significantly raised in the rats administered with ethanol extract at the dose of 200 mg/kg body weight. The biochemical and haematological parameters were also affected[30]. The effects of acute, subacute and chronic administration of alkaloids atropine and scopolamine, the main constituents of the active principle of D. stromonium, with toxic properties, were studied in male Albino Wistar rats. After acute i.p. administration of dose 100 mg/kg of total alkaloids to the seeds of D. stramonium, there were no remarkable changes in general appearance and no deaths occurred in any experimental group. Twenty four hour after total alkaloids of seeds, a significant reduction in indices of liver, spleen brain and kidney function and some biochemical and haematological parameters were observed. The red blood cells, hematocrit, hemoglobin and white blood cells were significantly higher in the treated groups than the control group. Subacute study for four weeks showed no resulting mortality or signs of toxicity. In chronic study, the synthetic alkaloids administered i.p. at daily doses of 4.2 mg/kg of atropine and 1.6 mg/kg of scopolamine, did not produce death. However diarrhoea and hypoactivity were observed. The relative weight of liver was significantly less than that of the control group[31].

From what i found, 1 datura stramonium seed contains about 0.1mg of atropine. Atropine:scopolamine ratio is 1:3 when the plant is young and decreases as it gets older. So lets say a ripe seed contains like 0.2mg of scopolamine. So, safe to say, what the chronic study describes is waaay more than microdosing the 2-4 seeds im NOT suggesting.

I also found that datura stramonium has a long history of traditional use as folk medicine. I think this could at least suggest that datura can be used somewhat safely. https://biomedres.us/ful...s/BJSTR.MS.ID.004761.php


In Ayurvedic medicine, D. stramonium is described as a useful remedy for various human ailments including ulcers, wounds, inflammation, rheumatism and gout, sciatica, bruises and swellings, fever, asthma, bronchitis and toothache. Many folk medicine remedies use D. stramonium therapeutically [22]. The juice of the leaves in warm milk was used to expel intestinal worms including cestodes, seeds with palm oil used externally for insect bites and stings insects. When the leaves of Datura stramonium mixed with mustard oil then it is useful in skin disorders. Juice of flower petals is used in ear pain and seeds are used as purgative, in cough, fever and asthma. Seeds are smoked due to its narcotic action [23-24]. In Western Nepal, leaves of Datura along with the leaves of Cannabis sativa and stem of Neopicrorhizascrofulariflora, are pounded with water and applied to treat headaches. Datura seeds are crushed with grains of rice and taken orally to relief in indigestion. In parts of Central Nepal fresh leaves are warmed and placed on a sprained body part repeatedly, before going to bed, for the alleged analgesic effect. In India, seeds are used as a tonic and febrifuge. The leaves are roasted and applied locally to relieve pain [25]. Native Americans used Datura seeds for many years as a euphoric agent. Since the 1800s, it was used as a therapeutic agent in Great Britain [26].

One last thing i want to share with you is this dude who mistook datura for p. somniferum. I dont know what to say about that one. https://www.wemjournal.org/article/S1080-6032(20)30066-1/fulltext
#10 Posted : 10/12/2021 12:43:24 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Hello and welcome to the Nexus Smile Happy to have you.

While I don't work with dreams, I do find that certain strains of cannabis (which may very well be unavailable to you given Ireland's stance on such matters).

Blue lotus at a high enough dose seems to augment my dreams as well.

Do you partake in psychedelics at all? If so, which ones?

What are you currently working on specifically in your dream work?

One love
What if the "truth" is: the "truth" is indescernible/unknowable/nonexistent? Then the closest we get is through being true to and with ourselves.

Know thyself, nothing in excess, certainty brings insanity- Delphic Maxims

DMT always has something new to show you Twisted Evil

Question everything... including questioning everything... There's so much I could be wrong about and have no idea...
All posts and supposed experiences are from an imaginary interdimensional being. This being has the proclivity and compulsion for delving in depths it shouldn't. Posts should be taken with a grain of salt. 👽
#11 Posted : 10/13/2021 8:23:24 PM
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Voidmatrix wrote:
Hello and welcome to the Nexus Smile Happy to have you.

While I don't work with dreams, I do find that certain strains of cannabis (which may very well be unavailable to you given Ireland's stance on such matters).

Blue lotus at a high enough dose seems to augment my dreams as well.

Do you partake in psychedelics at all? If so, which ones?

What are you currently working on specifically in your dream work?

One love

Thanks for the warm welcome.
Yes I have tried Cubensis in the past when abroad, and had some really beautiful experiences but as you say the regime in Ireland is still very medieval so hard to get psychedelics.

I did get to try our Royal spice when abroad. I was on the verge of breakthrough, and saw some creatures extremely like some of the drawings by Harry Clarke - the fantastic stained glass maker & also he illustrated some of Edgar Allen Poe books
They were quite indifferent to me, more mildly curious.
When the experience got a bit much I opened my eyes, but......it made no difference !! all I could see was that other world, so had to few a few mins until I switched back to this reality.

I would love to try Kambo sometime and had planned a trip to Peru for Ayahausca (Temple of the way of light) but Covid kicked in, but maybe next year.

#12 Posted : 10/13/2021 10:36:01 PM
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Voidmatrix wrote:

Blue lotus at a high enough dose seems to augment my dreams as well.

I have also noticed the difference in dream quality when using blue lotus extracts. Although I am not sure if they are enhanced, but you used the word "augmented" which I think is the perfect nomenclature to describe the effects. Also, if you are a regular user of cannabis, a simple period of abstinence can provide INCREDIBLE lucid dream states. I have been cutting down on my cannabis use lately, and whoo boy, the dreams are so surreal and vivid!

Saman, I think you may have just inspired me to do some dream work of my own. Perhaps I will start a notebook, or log, and possibly may even share my results here if I have great success!

Happy dreaming, friends
May we continue to be blessed
#13 Posted : 10/14/2021 2:02:27 AM

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Hahahaha I meant cannabis, as in marijuana, but since we're talking mushrooms (cubensis) now, what did you think when you tried them?

One love
What if the "truth" is: the "truth" is indescernible/unknowable/nonexistent? Then the closest we get is through being true to and with ourselves.

Know thyself, nothing in excess, certainty brings insanity- Delphic Maxims

DMT always has something new to show you Twisted Evil

Question everything... including questioning everything... There's so much I could be wrong about and have no idea...
All posts and supposed experiences are from an imaginary interdimensional being. This being has the proclivity and compulsion for delving in depths it shouldn't. Posts should be taken with a grain of salt. 👽
#14 Posted : 10/14/2021 6:19:07 PM
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Voidmatrix wrote:
Hahahaha I meant cannabis, as in marijuana, but since we're talking mushrooms (cubensis) now, what did you think when you tried them?

One love

Oh it was great. It started off with the usual random cartoon, clowns and odds n ends, and then later I crossed a grid, and met a Goddess.

The next time I did not fast at all and had a good few glasses of wine with some steak, and it was almost like an initiation. I launched at 10pm with about 8grams dried.
I was a feeling of real bliss.
I know you shouldn't really mix with other substances but I find even a glass of wine helps smooth the transition. The trip wore off about 8am and I then went to bed for only 2 hrs, but felt as refreshed as if I had 10hrs.
I was still real chilled for the day, and later that evening when arriving at my GF's house and getting out of my car, I heard a "pingggggg" and saw something bounce off the bonnet of my car. I looked up and saw a bird had dropped it. It turned out to be an Acorn, and I am kicking myself I did not put it in a "medicine bag" like the American Indians do. Its like it was a gift from the Gods/Goddess's. I think the Acorn is still in the house somewhere but cant find it, but I see it as having magical properties.

The next trip was not so good as I was already really tired when I took the mushrooms, and so I really just wanted to get to sleep. It was the closest I had to a bad trip.

I'm long overdue a trip back in there ......
#15 Posted : 10/16/2021 7:48:10 PM

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I think you might be missing a different approach. "Eating" the plant is not the only approach to improve astral projection and lucid dream (IMPORTANT DISTINTION: some people make a distintion between "4D" or "Jinas", and the astral, I´m no expert, but you should take that into consideration).

Have you heard about the witches ointment? NOT SOMETHING I WOULD RECOMMEND (certain plants, mandrake, henbane, hemlock... I believe those are called hexing herbs, used for magic... both types. Also datura or tropane rich plants, they are a different type of game, careful).

By applying oils or certain plants (mixed with bee wax for instance) to your skin, it does something to your etheric field. You can also do a flower or plant bath to purify yourself (boil certain plants and bath yourelf with that at the end of your shower, don´t shake it off with tap water, just let it dry).

I´ve tried datura, eating up to 5 seeds, not a lot, it makes your mouth dry. And also boiling some seed and showering with that (and drinking a small amount).
Traditional shamans, "dietistas", try to stablish a relationship with the plant. Like... drinking a plants tea for 3 weeks...

Another thing you can try are essentials oils (specific mixes, there is a book by scott Cunningham), I guess you have to activate them with certain rituals...
I applied a mix with sandal, cinnamon and yang lang, in my body (liver seems to be related to astral travel) stomach, under the wrist and neck. Cinammon was the most powerfull smell...
I sensed a vibration when going to bed. I ended up going to some kind of erotic waterpark with female acuatic entities... not sure if that is related.
"...after five seconds I was no longer a marxist, no longer a materialist, no longer a rationalist.
It killed those things, it cauterized them..."

Terrence McKenna
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