Voidmatrix wrote:I'm glad you've finally joined in with us.
I know how it goes though. I created an account and became a member in 2016, like you. I made a few posts for a little while. I then fell off of the forum for a little while. Now I'mon here pretty constantly. Even if not posting.
Welcome again, friend.
One love
Thanks a lot man! i know right?
I super cool being part of this community now, i feel a great connection with how the people talk and express themselves here, and this human communication factor makes me feel at home for some reason.
I always has been some sort of very curious person, that has a lot of random toughts, and a habit of exploring my mind, thinking alone, and is such a blessing find this treasure of detailed and conscious knowledge and information about mind-expanding substances, plants, psychology, health, all of those things that are in my interests field too, this week was such a trip in every sense of the word heheh, and interacting with you guys here this week, helped a great deal to ease some anxiety i was feeling in my life.
I cannot be thankful enough! please let's keep in touch in the chat and forums threads!