Hi guys,
I cooked recently for the second time the two teas and directly took them with twenty minutes difference (first Caapi, then p. Viridis) and the experience was very noticeable.
Yesterday, I tried again with about the same amount of both and felt nothing. Only a slight mind feeling which could very well be caused by meditation. I know that there is a fair amount of variability with the experience, but I would like to discard the possibility that I have somehow swapped the two and I have happily taken the Viridis tea, waited to the MAO enzymes to digest the DMT, and then taken the Caapi tea.
Is the Caapi tea light brown/orange colour and Viridis dark brown colour (see images, Caapi first, Viridis second is what I think)? Or have I swapped them?

Fli23712 attached the following image(s):

(5,863kb) downloaded 17 time(s).
(6,167kb) downloaded 17 time(s).