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#1 Posted : 10/2/2021 2:17:12 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Dear Nexus community,

I have been lurking and reading on this forum for a while now, so I decided it is time to become part of this.

I got many questions, but before I get to those I want to give you an idea about my background and introduce myself a bit. I got a feeling it's going to be a long post, so I apologize in advance for stealing your time...
I am a guy in his mid thirties, father of two children that mean everything to me and married to a wonderful woman. About a decade ago I emigrated to a country that is more than 10000 Kilometer away from my home country. At this point I want to mention that my first language isn't English, so I hope to be able to bring my message across in a way that everyone can understand what I am trying to convey.

I got curious about mind altering substances at a very early age. Primarily psychedelics. Accept for a 4 year hiatus in my late twenties, I am a regular cannabis user since the age of 14. When I was about 16 I got interested in psilocybin mushrooms, did a lot of research on them and eventually tried them. Both of these substances have accompanied me to this day and enriched my life greatly. They are the salt to the soup I call my life. I have experimented with several other substances, which I have done research on before usage, but most of them didn't turn out to be beneficial for me. I feel I need to mention that I had some beautiful and at the same time earth shattering experiences with Salvia and psilocybin.
I know there's more out there. I know how it feels to turn into a piece of furniture or to dissolve into a see of patterns. I am aware that the places I have been to, using Salvia or mushrooms, exist right now behind the fabric curtain of what the ordinary human being calls reality. I am aware of all of this and I am still a functional part of my reality and especially my family.

I enjoy life. I love nature, art, spending time with my family and so on. However there is a side of me that is drawn to explore places that no one else has seen before and found psychedelics to be an excellent tool for this purpose. I love the places mushrooms take me to. I don't go deep anymore these days as I feel that I need to be functional in case something happens and my family needs me. I also really enjoyed the experience Salvia offers and I am grateful for the fascinating things it has shown me.

At some point in my life, about 6 or 7 years ago I discovered two characters that have become quite influential in my life. One of them is Alan Watts and the other one is Terence McKenna.
For me both of them were artists, who understood to draw pictures in the minds of their listeners using words, like only a few others could. In the beginning I was surprised how much their messages resonated with many ideas I had up until that point of my life. I appreciate Alan Watts for his philosophies about life and Terence McKenna for his out-of-the-box thinking, especially the mushroom related ones. At some point I listened to one of McKenna's lectures about a substance I never heard about, up to that point. DMT. That must have been 5 years ago and I always felt drawn to trying it ever since. The more I read about it, the more I felt intrigued by it.

A few months ago I decided to see if I can get my hands on the root bark I read so much about. Everything I consume, I grow/make myself. For me it's part of the process. It helps me to establish a good relationship to the substance and I know exactly what happened to it during the process.
It turned out to be very difficult to source the bark where I stay, so I asked someone I trust whether he knows where to start looking for it. I didn't really believe that I will find it,but a little while after I sent the message I received a reply saying that he knows someone. This is how I got the bark.

I chose the Gordotek to extract my DMT as I don't get lye here easily and overall I really liked his video instructions and his approach on the topic in general. When I checked the glas dish in the freezer the morning after I did the first extraction, I was very excited to see all those snowflake like crystals covering the bottom of the glas. I could not wait to finally try, what I read about for such a long time. It kind of felt like I was meant to do this.

I started out with my experiments using the tool Gordo recommends. I questioned the use of aluminum foil, so I converted my vaping tool to "the machine" which has proven to be very effective. Below you will find the notes I took shortly after each experience. I have posted them on another well known forum, but decided that this is a better place to post these notes.

1st try:
"So last night I decided to get a first taste of my DMT. I didn't want to go deep yet. I just wanted to see how it tastes, feels in my lungs and also I wanted to see if the tool I made for this purpose works.

As I did not want to mess up my bong or vaporizer and the only other bong I have is huge and isn't transparent, I made something according to what I saw online.
I took a glas bottle and took off the bottom. I covered the opening in the bottom with aluminum foil.

It was windy, so I decided against my idea to try this out in the trampoline. Instead I set up a camping chair in a windstill corner of my garden. Right in the middle of some bushes.
I live next to a main road which is lid by huge street lights. I mention this because it played a role in my experience.

I prepared everything, including myself. The whole time I was relatively calm, maybe because I regarded this as only a taste of what's to come. I loaded my vaping tool.
Then I went outside armed with a lighter, the tool and sat down in between the bushes.

I kept the flame as far away as possible from the foil to find the right spot for the crystals to evaporate and prevent it from burning as I read that vaping it is more effective than actual combustion of the material. Also it's supposed to taste better and be easier on the lungs. I have no comparison though.
After the bottle was filled with white "smoke" I opened the top of the bottle, inhaled deeply and kept it in for about 20 seconds. When I exhaled no smoke came out. I have to say that I need to make friends with the taste and sensation the vape left in my mouth and lungs. I know now what people mean when they say one needs leather lungs for this. It gave me an immediate tingling sensation on my tongue and a stinging feeling in my lungs. I am sure these sensations will be more pronounced when using more.
I could feel a change in perception quickly after the first hit, but as I didn't want to waste what might have been still in my tool, I took another hit shortly after exhaling the first hit.
Then I leaned back in my camping chair. This time I didn't bring anything to listen to music, so I just listened to the wind and the occasionally passing cars. I thought the cars might annoy me and spoil the experience, but that wasn't the case. Besides the wind and the car I heard a high pitched tinnitus-like noise getting louder and louder and higher and higher. I closed my eyes but could only see faint patterns so I opened my eyes again and looked up into the sky which was framed by leaves of the surrounding bushes. Suddenly I really and I mean REALLY got aware of the beautiful leaves which were lid up by the streetlights and therefore created a nice contrast against the nightsky. I could see all these little veins in the leaves. All the leaves didn't form a chaotic pattern anymore. Suddenly there seemed to be some sort of a fractal order in them. I felt like being in a jungle. I felt very good. After about 5 minutes I looked at my phone and letters kind of jumped around or blurred into each other like they do when I come down from a mushroom trip.

After about 10 minutes the visual part was over and I went back inside. I was still feeling pretty good. I really look forward to go deeper now. This first taste felt very "welcoming" if you know what I mean. Kind of like an invitation to go deeper, which I feel is a good foundation for set and setting of my future experiences.

I know this report isn't very spectacular, but I it might be useful to others that want to take it slow. I will report back when I have gone deeper next time.

Just a question to the more experienced ones out there. Should I wait a while before I venture into this any further? I don't feel this experience needs to be integrated...
Oh and I had very vivid dreams the whole night. I am a regular pot smoker so I rarely dream, so this was a nice side effect. If it was a side effect and not coincidence that is. Has anyone experienced vivid and lucid dreams the night after using DMT?"

2nd try:

"Yesterday evening I decided to continue with my DMT endeavor after taking a days break. Set and setting were the same as the first time and the outcome was comparable to the first time, just a lot more pronounced. I had open and closed eye visuals. The open eye visuals were so strong for a moment that I nearly couldn't recognize my surroundings anymore.
There was not the slightest trace of anxiety or any other negative feeling. I felt something that I could only described as "reversed gravity" which was quite enjoyable.

Again I had a very peaceful rest of the evening, very clear dreams and even this morning I did feel great and looked forward to whatever this day would throw at me.

I have to say so far I like the effects this substance has on my mind. I mean not just during the experience itself, but also the lingering aftereffects. Usually I am quite an antisocial person. On my walk this morning I greeted everyone and enjoyed the smiles I received in return."

3rd try:

"I just explored what DMT has to offer a little deeper. I had an underwhelming experience two days ago, because the wind made my life difficult and operating a lighter was a pain. I have built a little windbreaker to make my life easier.

I am still trying to figure out how to use my tool best, but I am getting there.
I watched how the hole bottle got filled with dense vapor till it looked like it was filled with milk. I inhaled all of it. By now I actually kind of like the taste and it is not as harsh in my lungs as it was during my first try. Maybe it's because I didn't get the vaporization quite right in the beginning and the DMT combusted instead. Maybe I am just getting used to it.

After I inhaled, I held in the vapor for as long as I could. While holding it in I started to prepare another hit. Or let's just say I tried my best to do so. Colors started to pop up everywhere and I felt pressed into the campingchair. It was a bit like sitting in a rocket (not that I ever sat in a rocket). Maybe I should rather compare the feeling I had with the feeling one gets during liftoff of a plain.
I quickly inhaled the second hit, which was by far not as dense as the first one.
I leaned back, rested my head against the chair and closed my eyes. That was when that feeling of lifting off got really intense. And the colors...
Colors everywhere. Right in the beginning I saw someone very briefly, which I believe was myself. I say that because that being was sitting right in front of me, leaned back with eyes closed. Mirroring the same position I was in. The being was made of bright colorful patterns. I saw it for only a few seconds and then it sank into a sea of moving tentacles, which were also very colorful and covered in patterns. These tentacles caressed me, which didn't feel weird at all. I felt them physically touch me. It felt like silk brushing over my skin. They seemed to be self conscious. Again I felt welcome in this place. During this experience I kept on hearing faint high pitched noises. After a few minutes I was back and was a bit sad that it was over already. But at the same time I know that I will visit that place again.

I felt calm and at peace during the whole experience, even when I figured out that I am in for a little ride this time. The whole experience was so "fast" that I didn't even get a slight chance to worry or freak out.
Next time I will try to fill my vaping tool with super dense vapor twice.
What a beautiful experience this was.
I am in awe."

As mentioned above, I had another try that didn't turn out to be spectacular because of the wind, so I didn't take any notes.

As you can see I like to get my feet wet, before I dive into the deep end... I thoroughly enjoyed everything DMT has shown me so far, but I know there's so much more. Especially after reading some of the reports here and on erowid. I was really excited to go deeper... to peak around the corner and see what's behind it. I never had problems integrating a difficult trip or letting go during a rough part of a trip, when using other substances. A few days ago I stumbled upon the following thread though and that made me ponder, whether it is a wise idea to proceed and "see what can not be unseen".

Why you should Not take DMT

I guess the thread has fulfilled its purpose and made me rethink whether I should or should not do this. I mean breaking through. I still feel drawn to try it. I feel there's still so much to discover. At the same time I know that if I open certain doors, I will not see the world as I did before. I have a certain responsibility towards my family. I need to stay functional in this world.

Now I wonder if ignorance is bliss in this regard? Should I be rather dabbling around with sub-breakthrough doses? Or leave it all together and stick to my mushrooms that have been so beneficial in many ways throughout most of my life?

These are some of the most pressuring questions I have.

I also asked myself why I want to embark on this journey. I don't want questions to be answered, nor do I expect DMT to help me fix a problem. Mushrooms do a great job in that regard. Now, when I look at DMT I see some kind of vehicle/technology that can transport me to another place that I feel needs (or wants?) to be explored. I am fascinated about the places psychedelics can take me to. So in short one could say that all I ask from DMT is to show me these places.

"You are an aperture through which the universe is looking at and exploring itself." This is a quote by Alan Watts that means a lot to me. I believe that part of the reason of our existence is to explore and experience things.

One more thing about my background. My family and I will leave this country. We will go to the country I grew up in in about a years time. I won't take any of the spice I have extracted with me and I have no intention to source bark in my home country as it's highly illegal there and the authorities do a good job over there.
This means that I only got a limited time frame in which I can explore the DMT realm(s).

I feel I should talk to someone who "knows". To someone with more experience with DMT than I have. What would you suggest, now that you know a little bit about my background, situation and intentions? I know this is highly personal and answers to these questions would differ from individual to individual, but I am greatful for any guidance.

Thank you for taking the time and read my story Smile.

- Fridge
...no need to worry...

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#2 Posted : 10/2/2021 2:40:40 PM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 847
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Welcome Fridge!

With regards to DMT, take it slow, take harmalas with it, and try taking it orally too (ayahuasca and pharmahuasca).

The worlds that DMT open are vast. You should take your time to get to know them and get comfortable with them. Vaping can be psychologically very demanding and there are ways to slow down the experience.
My preferred method:
Very easy pharmahuasca recipe

My preferred introductory article:
Just a Wee Bit More About DMT, by Nick Sand
#3 Posted : 10/2/2021 2:46:45 PM

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Thank you for the welcome and the suggestion, Tomtegubbe!

I have considered making my own changa, but it is very difficult to find caapi or anything containing a MAOI over here. I read about THH but I only scratched the surface of what I can possibly use.
...no need to worry...
#4 Posted : 10/2/2021 8:07:23 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Welcome and very nice introduction btw.

Indeed, don't rush and take it slowly. Always listen to your intuition or gut feeling. Breakthrough has a very relative meaning and by no means is a goal of DMT experiences. There is plenty to gain from sub-BT doses.
Also fore DMT trip is like a trailer for high mushroom doses full movie, so if you want to take it slowly then musbrooms. One disagvantage of shrooms is that bad DMT trips are much shorter Very happy Though consequences of bad BT trip can last for a wuite long time.
So dabble with the mysterious only if your mind is stable as a stone.
Peace and love.Smile
#5 Posted : 10/3/2021 6:34:54 AM

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Thank you, Exitwound Smile.

After browsing this forum yesterday (there's so much information here, I love it!), I figured out that there's much to be discovered at sub break through, which I am very comfortable with. I would love to visit the dome and I think I kind of knocked on its door last time...

One of the reasons I decided to get to know DMT is that I can't do deep trips with mushrooms at the moment as my situation does not allow me to immerse myself in that space for hours. DMT seems like a good tool to explore similar places one goes to, when taking a high dose of mushrooms, just being short lived. So that seemed like a good compromise for me.
But I will take it slow guys. I came here to ask for guidance and I will follow your advice.

After my reply to Tomtegubbe yesterday, I did some research on MAOIs. I was surprised that I found a source for Syrian Rue seeds, yesterday. I ordered them and need to do a lot of reading now. When I read about MAOIs in the past, I always dismissed them as they need to be taken with caution it seems (diet).

The more I read about Changa, the more I think it is the right "vehicle" for me. I imagine it to be like climbing stairs. One stair with each toke, until you are wherever you want to go. Not like freebase, that feels more like being a marble shot into the sky by a slingshot.

Now I contemplate which route to go. I guess I could choose the easy path, make a tea and later smoke enhanced leave, right? However I feel drawn to extract the Harmaline, dissolve it together with DMT and soak some herb (which herb to use/what is available to me, I don't know yet).
...no need to worry...
#6 Posted : 10/3/2021 8:09:52 AM

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Fridge wrote:

Now I contemplate which route to go. I guess I could choose the easy path, make a tea and later smoke enhanced leave, right?

Definitely worth trying!

As for syrian rue, it's RIMA, that is reversible MAOI and the dietary restrictions are much less strict than with the so called irreversible MAOI's. You might get headache with some foods or you might be just fine. Just stay off stimulant medication and check your other medication too just to be sure.
My preferred method:
Very easy pharmahuasca recipe

My preferred introductory article:
Just a Wee Bit More About DMT, by Nick Sand
#7 Posted : 10/3/2021 10:53:59 AM

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Thank you, for pointing that out Tomtegubbe! Luckily I am not on chronic medication and I am not into Stimulants. I feel this is the right path to choose.

I might try the tea, but I will eventually extract the Harmaline from the seeds though. I am very interested in the process and enjoy all the research around it.
It might be a good idea to document my progress here. That way I can interact with members that have done the extraction already. I just got to figure out the appropriate place to start the thread.
...no need to worry...
#8 Posted : 10/3/2021 2:03:29 PM

Boundary condition

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Fridge wrote:
Thank you, for pointing that out Tomtegubbe! Luckily I am not on chronic medication and I am not into Stimulants. I feel this is the right path to choose.

I might try the tea, but I will eventually extract the Harmaline from the seeds though. I am very interested in the process and enjoy all the research around it.
It might be a good idea to document my progress here. That way I can interact with members that have done the extraction already. I just got to figure out the appropriate place to start the thread.

Hello and welcome!

I compliment your careful and cautious approach. The rue tea becomes almost palatable if you roast the seeds before brewing. The process is then comparable with making a cup of coffee using fresh beans. I think I'm not alone in finding the the experience with whole rue seeds to be smoother than with the extracted alkaloids. The extraction is quite fun though - and we'll be very happy to help with any questions you have along that path.

If you dig a bit deeper into the information and resources here, you may find that in your home country there may be unexpected plant sources of the molecule that allow you to continue your exploration after you've returned there.

Looking forward to seeing you around.

“There is a way of manipulating matter and energy so as to produce what modern scientists call 'a field of force'. The field acts on the observer and puts him in a privileged position vis-à-vis the universe. From this position he has access to the realities which are ordinarily hidden from us by time and space, matter and energy. This is what we call the Great Work."
― Jacques Bergier, quoting Fulcanelli
#9 Posted : 10/3/2021 3:00:45 PM

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Thank you, downwardsfromzero for the welcome and the compliments! I just had a good chuckle, when I read the bit below your profile picture. I am a fan of the original quote from Nietzsche (assuming that you got inspired by it).

Indeed I am reading, reading and reading on harmalas and changa nearly non stop, since yesterday morning. Once I get intrigued, it's not easy to stop myself working towards my goal. There's so much valuable information here! As soon as I get the seeds, I will make a tea and then carefully vape some freebase bit by bit. Letting each small toke settle in for 5 minutes till I am where I want to go.

My profile shows South Africa as location, but that is the country I am currently based. South Africa has become my second home. Over here we got lots of different acacia trees and I am almost certain that many of them contain DMT. I grew up in Central Europe though, so it might be difficult to find a plant I can work with once I have returned. But I will definitely find out Smile.
...no need to worry...
#10 Posted : 10/3/2021 6:54:17 PM

Boundary condition

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Yes you are lucky to be in ZA for the moment and get to explore all the plant possibilities while you can, but to be clear I was referring to the possibility of also having something to work with in central Europe, especially if you are willing to grow it yourself. Now is perhaps a good time to start gathering Acacia seeds as well, though.

Glad you noticed my caption, it was indeed derived from the quote using the 'lost consonant' principle.

“There is a way of manipulating matter and energy so as to produce what modern scientists call 'a field of force'. The field acts on the observer and puts him in a privileged position vis-à-vis the universe. From this position he has access to the realities which are ordinarily hidden from us by time and space, matter and energy. This is what we call the Great Work."
― Jacques Bergier, quoting Fulcanelli
#11 Posted : 10/3/2021 9:57:08 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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about RIMA (rue) and food
today i tested little bit influence of food
yesterday i have 210mg of haramala hcl + some mhrb
today during the day 18-30h after harmala dose i drink some cola about 0,7l and have heavy meal containg eggs and cheese . Food and cola drink increased amounts during a day.

After a cola some increased tinitus (ringing in the ears) not very strong and mayby slight flashback of dmt effects. After low amount of food no change .After larger amount some slight headache and pressure in the head can be also from cola.
*have prepared medication for high pressure in case of complications.

Cola defintly has effect , food hard to say because digestion is slow.

Definitly good idea have MAOI restriction diet at least day before and after.
#12 Posted : 10/4/2021 6:35:31 AM

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Good morning kind people!

@downwardsfromzero, it hasn't crossed my mind yet to grow my own tree! But I love growing things, so this will definitely be on my list. Growing my own tree would allow me to stay far below the radar... I just hope that the climate over in Europe will allow the plant to thrive. Or I need to figure out an indoor setup.
And you are right, I saw masses of different acacia trees in a nearby nature reserve. Obviously I would just harvest seeds. That way I can take a piece of ZA to my home country. Now I need to figure out which ones are the right ones to choose. It would be funny to figure out that what I was looking for, for such a long time is growing on my doorstep.

@orlin1, thank you for sharing your experience with me. I will definitely take your advice and look after my diet. Luckily I don't drink coke, but I am sitting here drinking a nice cup of coffee and it just dawned on me that caffeine is a stimulant. Maybe that's why you had that effect described above? Or it's the sugar in the coke?

Now I can't wait to receive my ingredients for my changa project. Today I will start my thread on this forum.

I still wanted to mention something. I haven't seen an online community like this before. At least what I can tell from my short stay so far. People are kind and respect each other. This is so very these days and it feels like having found a gem in a way. .
...no need to worry...
#13 Posted : 10/4/2021 7:26:50 PM

Boundary condition

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I still wanted to mention something. I haven't seen an online community like this before. At least what I can tell from my short stay so far. People are kind and respect each other. This is so very these days and it feels like having found a gem in a way. .
Thanks, we try our best Love
Also, if people really misbehave, we just set Bill on them Twisted Evil

“There is a way of manipulating matter and energy so as to produce what modern scientists call 'a field of force'. The field acts on the observer and puts him in a privileged position vis-à-vis the universe. From this position he has access to the realities which are ordinarily hidden from us by time and space, matter and energy. This is what we call the Great Work."
― Jacques Bergier, quoting Fulcanelli
#14 Posted : 10/5/2021 10:09:46 AM

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downwardsfromzero wrote:
I still wanted to mention something. I haven't seen an online community like this before. At least what I can tell from my short stay so far. People are kind and respect each other. This is so very these days and it feels like having found a gem in a way. .
Thanks, we try our best Love
Also, if people really misbehave, we just set Bill on them Twisted Evil

Love Big grin
...no need to worry...
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