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Tingling / Burning Sensation on Mouth and Tongue Options
A Single Step
#1 Posted : 9/29/2021 1:22:04 AM
DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 61
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I am experimenting with the direct e-mesh method. I have very little DMT vaping experience to serve as reference. I got a burning tingling sensation on my tongue and lips on my last hit. A previous attempt was so bad I put everything aside for months: horrible burning in the lungs and mouth. I could never get temperature control to work reliably, so I have been trying to limit the temperature with the wattage setting and airflow rate. After the harsh experience I was concerned about possible contamination with NaOH even though I had done a baking soda wash. I have since done a recrystallization and freeze precipitation and the spice is more white, but still has little flecks of yellow. I also tried vaping the re-x'd spice using a filter flask as a pipe, similarly to how the 5-MEO-DMT was vaped in the video linked below. Still it was a bit heavy in my lungs.

Is it likely the burning of my lips and tongue is due to inhaling burned spice rather than lye contamination?

Here is the video with filter flask as vape pipe.

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#2 Posted : 9/29/2021 1:37:39 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Yep! Burnt! I hate that feeling.

I find properly vaped DMT to be rather smooth.

It can take a little bit of time, anxiety and practice Laughing Just keep it up.

One love
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#3 Posted : 9/29/2021 1:27:29 PM

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[quote=A Single Step]I am experimenting with the direct e-mesh method. I have very little DMT vaping experience to serve as reference. I got a burning tingling sensation on my tongue and lips on my last hit. A previous attempt was so bad I put everything aside for months: horrible burning in the lungs and mouth. I could never get temperature control to work reliably, so I have been trying to limit the temperature with the wattage setting and airflow rate. After the harsh experience I was concerned about possible contamination with NaOH even though I had done a baking soda wash. I have since done a recrystallization and freeze precipitation and the spice is more white, but still has little flecks of yellow. I also tried vaping the re-x'd spice using a filter flask as a pipe, similarly to how the 5-MEO-DMT was vaped in the video linked below. Still it was a bit heavy in my lungs.

Is it likely the burning of my lips and tongue is due to inhaling burned spice rather than lye contamination?

Here is the video with filter flask as vape pipe.

Ive also tryed E mesh also and cant get the temperature right ..even with my new mod!

Mintylove on line.. has a list of 6 or 7 mods that will work properly... with e mesh vaping..

Ive even tryed it in wattage mode... and still the vapor still has a..heavy or acid taste/ and a bit rough on the throat...

But useing the tryed and true method with a ...[torch lighter with my mini bong]]. and the vapor is much lighter easier on my throat and very potent and effective!

I think the problem is that only a small list of battery powered mods.. will work properly and not burn the spice....

veiw video..


Dirty T
#4 Posted : 9/29/2021 6:06:14 PM

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Sounds like you're burning it. I've been trying to source a mesh RDA and meanwhile I've been using a full ceramic "medical grade" cartridge. Half gram cartridge I use 370mg DMT 130mg CBC and one drop of Cannabis Derived Terpenes. The resulting vapor is very smooth. I have no problem breaking through with this setup. It does require a little finesse like preheating first and checking for bubbles before each use and "re-priming" if bubbles are present after reheating AND pulse firing. 4 seconds on, 2 seconds off, hold it in between firing and only inhale when firing. My estimate with this technique is 2mg per 1 second draw. I breakthrough in one long draw about 12 seconds total firing time with two 2 second breaks if that makes sense.

One last note, you said the taste was acidic? NaoH cannot vaporize at the temperature created by vaporization devices. You aren't trying to vape NnDMT Acetate(fumarate/HCl) are you? Vaping DMT salts are very caustic and can cause severe permanent lung damage(along with most acidic substances, I've seen companies selling THCO-acetate for vaporizer use and that's a big "oh, hell no". Medicine 8s not supposed to cause permanent lung injury and that's a stark possibility when you vaporize salts. Remember the big THC vape pen problem? Vitamin E Acetate. It was the acetate that was hurting people so badly. That pesky little acid wrecks havoc on our lungs. If you ever get ahold of Cannabis concentrate that is super harsh it's usually because the people that made it are idiots and didn't adjust the PH.) For safety purposes please stick to freebase DMT for vaporizer use.
#5 Posted : 9/29/2021 10:51:06 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Dirty T wrote:
Sounds like you're burning it. I've been trying to source a mesh RDA and meanwhile I've been using a full ceramic "medical grade" cartridge. Half gram cartridge I use 370mg DMT 130mg CBC and one drop of Cannabis Derived Terpenes. The resulting vapor is very smooth. I have no problem breaking through with this setup. It does require a little finesse like preheating first and checking for bubbles before each use and "re-priming" if bubbles are present after reheating AND pulse firing. 4 seconds on, 2 seconds off, hold it in between firing and only inhale when firing. My estimate with this technique is 2mg per 1 second draw. I breakthrough in one long draw about 12 seconds total firing time with two 2 second breaks if that makes sense.

One last note, you said the taste was acidic? NaoH cannot vaporize at the temperature created by vaporization devices. You aren't trying to vape NnDMT Acetate(fumarate/HCl) are you? Vaping DMT salts are very caustic and can cause severe permanent lung damage(along with most acidic substances, I've seen companies selling THCO-acetate for vaporizer use and that's a big "oh, hell no". Medicine 8s not supposed to cause permanent lung injury and that's a stark possibility when you vaporize salts. Remember the big THC vape pen problem? Vitamin E Acetate. It was the acetate that was hurting people so badly. That pesky little acid wrecks havoc on our lungs. If you ever get ahold of Cannabis concentrate that is super harsh it's usually because the people that made it are idiots and didn't adjust the PH.) For safety purposes please stick to freebase DMT for vaporizer use.

ive been vaping since 2012 ...the normal way... it only latley ive tryed the ..direct e mesh method...

As i said when i vape with a.. [torch lighter..and small water bong ..it always works good...

But i think only certain mods work properly with E mesh...the RDA screen also matters....

it tasted harsh using E mesh ..i couldent find the perfect temp using temp control or straight wattage?

i vape freebase only..

There is no lye in my product...it just tasted harsh or acidic ...to me..it was simply getting burned...

many mods are just poorly made...
#6 Posted : 9/30/2021 12:08:54 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Hello everybody

I see this problem occurs for alot of people, so i decided to post my settings.
watt: 30.0
TCR: 100
coil: 0.34
Temp is 170 Celsius.
mesh is stainless stell 100 mics.
Vape is Aegis solo.

Go very low with your watts and temp and then move up if it is not enough.
Not the other way around.
I set the vape so my heat is on one level no matter how long i press the fire button.
This way a few clicks is enough to vape any dose.
You just pulse 2 or three times in one toke and you are gone smoothly.

Your mesh doesn´t have to glow. In fact: Mine doesn´t at all.
It just goes hot and that is perfectly fine.

Hope this helps. Have a gud one and i will be waiting in hyperland if you need more tips for fine tuning.Big grin
Psychedelic drugs don´t change you, they don´t change your character,
unless you want to be changed. They enable change. They can´t impose it.
Alexander Shulgin
A Single Step
#7 Posted : 10/2/2021 1:34:27 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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Last visit: 31-Dec-2023
Dirty T wrote:
Sounds like you're burning it. I've been trying to source a mesh RDA and meanwhile I've been using a full ceramic "medical grade" cartridge. Half gram cartridge I use 370mg DMT 130mg CBC and one drop of Cannabis Derived Terpenes. The resulting vapor is very smooth. I have no problem breaking through with this setup. It does require a little finesse like preheating first and checking for bubbles before each use and "re-priming" if bubbles are present after reheating AND pulse firing. 4 seconds on, 2 seconds off, hold it in between firing and only inhale when firing. My estimate with this technique is 2mg per 1 second draw. I breakthrough in one long draw about 12 seconds total firing time with two 2 second breaks if that makes sense.

One last note, you said the taste was acidic? NaoH cannot vaporize at the temperature created by vaporization devices. You aren't trying to vape NnDMT Acetate(fumarate/HCl) are you? Vaping DMT salts are very caustic and can cause severe permanent lung damage(along with most acidic substances, I've seen companies selling THCO-acetate for vaporizer use and that's a big "oh, hell no". Medicine 8s not supposed to cause permanent lung injury and that's a stark possibility when you vaporize salts. Remember the big THC vape pen problem? Vitamin E Acetate. It was the acetate that was hurting people so badly. That pesky little acid wrecks havoc on our lungs. If you ever get ahold of Cannabis concentrate that is super harsh it's usually because the people that made it are idiots and didn't adjust the PH.) For safety purposes please stick to freebase DMT for vaporizer use.

Thanks for the feedback, T. My material is freebase, not a salt.

Could you expand upon your cartridge info, or point to another string that discusses it:
What is CBC? (Do you mean CDB?)
Technique for mixing vape solution?
A Single Step
#8 Posted : 10/2/2021 1:48:55 PM
DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 61
Joined: 05-Dec-2020
Last visit: 31-Dec-2023
potnoble wrote:
Hello everybody

I see this problem occurs for alot of people, so i decided to post my settings.
watt: 30.0
TCR: 100
coil: 0.34
Temp is 170 Celsius.
mesh is stainless stell 100 mics.
Vape is Aegis solo.

Go very low with your watts and temp and then move up if it is not enough.
Not the other way around.
I set the vape so my heat is on one level no matter how long i press the fire button.
This way a few clicks is enough to vape any dose.
You just pulse 2 or three times in one toke and you are gone smoothly.

Your mesh doesn´t have to glow. In fact: Mine doesn´t at all.
It just goes hot and that is perfectly fine.

Hope this helps. Have a gud one and i will be waiting in hyperland if you need more tips for fine tuning.Big grin

Hi Potnoble, do you force the TCR 100 value, or is that what your mod auto-senses from your RDA/Coil build?

I have followed the videos by Mintylove and tried the Aegis Solo, DOVPO ODIN DNA 75C with Wotofo Profile mesh RDA, as well as a knockoff Vandy Vape mesh RDA. Still can't get temp control mode to work reliably.
#9 Posted : 10/2/2021 5:20:26 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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No i have to set everything myself.
Also everytime i change the mesh i have to change my settings again.
Since the mesh doesn´t glow at this temperature i have to put my hand about a cm away to feel
if it actually is hot enough.

I hope you get a happy ending
Psychedelic drugs don´t change you, they don´t change your character,
unless you want to be changed. They enable change. They can´t impose it.
Alexander Shulgin
some one
#10 Posted : 10/2/2021 6:32:26 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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A Single Step wrote:
I am experimenting with the direct e-mesh method. I have very little DMT vaping experience to serve as reference. I got a burning tingling sensation on my tongue and lips on my last hit. A previous attempt was so bad I put everything aside for months: horrible burning in the lungs and mouth. I could never get temperature control to work reliably, so I have been trying to limit the temperature with the wattage setting and airflow rate. After the harsh experience I was concerned about possible contamination with NaOH even though I had done a baking soda wash. I have since done a recrystallization and freeze precipitation and the spice is more white, but still has little flecks of yellow. I also tried vaping the re-x'd spice using a filter flask as a pipe, similarly to how the 5-MEO-DMT was vaped in the video linked below. Still it was a bit heavy in my lungs.

Is it likely the burning of my lips and tongue is due to inhaling burned spice rather than lye contamination?

Here is the video with filter flask as vape pipe.

Sounds bad. Are you opening the airholes fully? Also, the slower you inhale, the more you heat the air, thats counter intuitive indeed. Did you try to test inhale with a empty mesh?

Is the mesh true stainless steel? I had a fake SS mesh from china once, it tasted horrible.

Not all modboxes work well for emesh. which are you using?

I have build a mesh extension top and I load horizontally. Connected to the top is a bubbler which cools the air further. If people start having hot lung issues with fitted meshes we should put out a warming.
some = one | here = some | there = one
Dirty T
#11 Posted : 10/2/2021 6:52:53 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Location: The Bible Belt
A Single Step wrote:
Dirty T wrote:
Sounds like you're burning it. I've been trying to source a mesh RDA and meanwhile I've been using a full ceramic "medical grade" cartridge. Half gram cartridge I use 370mg DMT 130mg CBC and one drop of Cannabis Derived Terpenes. The resulting vapor is very smooth. I have no problem breaking through with this setup. It does require a little finesse like preheating first and checking for bubbles before each use and "re-priming" if bubbles are present after reheating AND pulse firing. 4 seconds on, 2 seconds off, hold it in between firing and only inhale when firing. My estimate with this technique is 2mg per 1 second draw. I breakthrough in one long draw about 12 seconds total firing time with two 2 second breaks if that makes sense.

One last note, you said the taste was acidic? NaoH cannot vaporize at the temperature created by vaporization devices. You aren't trying to vape NnDMT Acetate(fumarate/HCl) are you? Vaping DMT salts are very caustic and can cause severe permanent lung damage(along with most acidic substances, I've seen companies selling THCO-acetate for vaporizer use and that's a big "oh, hell no". Medicine 8s not supposed to cause permanent lung injury and that's a stark possibility when you vaporize salts. Remember the big THC vape pen problem? Vitamin E Acetate. It was the acetate that was hurting people so badly. That pesky little acid wrecks havoc on our lungs. If you ever get ahold of Cannabis concentrate that is super harsh it's usually because the people that made it are idiots and didn't adjust the PH.) For safety purposes please stick to freebase DMT for vaporizer use.

Thanks for the feedback, T. My material is freebase, not a salt.

Could you expand upon your cartridge info, or point to another string that discusses it:
What is CBC? (Do you mean CDB?)
Technique for mixing vape solution?

CBC is Cabbinachrome, it's a non psychoactive oil derived from hemp (for our purposes it also happens to be a NPS and excellent carrier agent.

I use .5 gram "full ceramic medical grade cartridges"
I mix in a shot glass with a stirbar on a scientific hot plate stirrer at 80*C and 300RPM
For 1 gram cartridge - Combine
750mg DMT
0.25ml CBC
2 drops of terpenes of your choice -OPTIONAL- (The terpenes help it flow in the cart and not gel up at lower temperatures)

Combine in shot glass with magnetic stirrer set on hot plate at 80*C 300rpm until the stir bar spins on it's own unhindered. When you fill the cartridge cap with the mouthpiece immediately as the "wick" creates a capillary action pulling a vacuum on the fluid in the cartridge. Never open or reuse a cartridge, they will bubble and dry fire.

Use instructions -
I use a Yocan Uni set to the lowest voltage (ALWAYS use the lowest voltage setting)
If your device doesn't have a preheat function you can preheat manually by firing without drawing, two seconds on two seconds off for 10 cycles

Bubbles will form naturally. If there are bubbles present after preheat you can "reprime" the cartridge by putting the small protective silicone disc that came with it over the threaded end and drawing on the mouthpiece.

Bubbles will always form naturally, to prevent dry fire use the device by firing 4 seconds on 2 seconds off. Using this method average delivery is 2mg per second draw. Average dose is 20-25mg.

My 2nd Vandy Vape order was cancelled (so frustrating) I'm going to a local place this week where I've heard stories the owner has some old RDAs for sell and should have an acceptable mesh device. In the meantime this cartridge method has worked awesome and I've even depleted a cart with no burning or any poor effects toward the end of the cart.

CBC is US legal and natural/safe to vape (as safe as CBD or CBG, etc) it's not created with synthesis like Delta8, CBC is naturally occurring. It doesn't have much taste and adds or subtracts nothing from the trip. For our purposes it is a non psychoactive carrier agent. When you add the CBC to the DMT you may think it will never work but once the DMT melts and mixes with the CBC it will remain a viscous liquid.

Hope I helped!
#12 Posted : 11/6/2022 1:33:45 AM

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You try with CBD? What do you think?
#13 Posted : 11/6/2022 4:27:06 PM

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It's all about the technique and having clean materials.

When you properly vaporize DMT you can barely tell you're inhaling something other than air. I use the Glass Vapor Genie and I have the technique down, you only need a very faint flame sideways over the intake and as you slowly inhale you draw the flame down the pipe and it will vaporize almost instantly if the pipe is already warm or 2-4 seconds if it's cold.

Then you just regulate the flame distance depending on how much and how fast you want it or if it starts getting too hot.

It's very important to have very clean DMT, the gooey stuff tends to like to trap some solvent in it, so you have to spread and scrape the oily stuff and let it air out for a day or two depending on the solvent.
#14 Posted : 11/7/2022 10:35:42 AM

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And use ligths terpens? I strips terpens from CBD crude
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