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What is hyperspace? Options
#1 Posted : 2/1/2010 12:30:55 AM

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It wasn't until I started taking psychedelics that I began to question the limits of reality and the boundaries of existence. I've never felt the presence of a god or Jesus or any of that, but I do think that this life is more than just dumb mechanistic purposeless biology. Who knows though, I might be as superstitious as those Christians and Muslims who I claim are irrational and deluded.

But anyway the DMT breakthrough seems something as significant as birth or death. It has that kind of power behind it. I have no fucking idea where the hell it brings me or what that place was. Was it real or just my brain drowning in some chemical and trying to bring structure to chaos. Maybe the chaos is what DMT creates and my brain perhaps is just trying to understand and goes into dream-building mode. Maybe the DMT trip is just some sort of waking drug-addled fantasy. My brain is plowing through this overdose and adding shape to the wreckage stitching together the debris with dreamlike precision. That form and structure built with the construction supplies of DMT forms the breakthrough experience.

Or who knows? Maybe it is a portal to another realm of existence. It feels like it really punches me through into this other place. The sensual experience leaves me with no other conclusion to draw than that place is real. But my senses can often lie to me such as when I look at optical illusions. Sure my eyes tell me what I see is real, but upon closer inspection it is revealed as a trick of the mind. Is that place a trick of the mind? I don’t fucking know. Is it all just brain/drug molecules interacting or is it something deeper and true? Are we in a deeper dream state while on DMT or are we there?

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#2 Posted : 2/1/2010 12:44:36 AM

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joebono wrote:
Is it all just brain/drug molecules interacting or is it something deeper and true? Are we in a deeper dream state while on DMT or are we there?

Or it could be just brain/drug interaction and be deep and true at the same time, we just haven't figured it all out yet.

<Ringworm>hehehe, it's all fun and games till someone loses an "I"
#3 Posted : 2/1/2010 12:47:10 AM

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It seems to me that this is one of the core questions for afficianados of the DMT breakthrough experience. How to interpret the "more real than real" sense that comes through so strongly?

This paper gave me a lot of mental food for thought: http://dmt-nexus.me/File...20of%20DMT%20Reality.pdf

It offers a couple of (thought) experiments on how to prove various aspects of hyperspace's "reality." I would love to try something like this sometime during a synchronized hyperspace event (SHE) if possible.

Peace & Love,
"But even if nothing lasts and everything is lost, there is still the intrinsic value of the moment. The present moment, ultimately, is more than enough, a gift of grace and unfathomable value, which our friend and lover death paints in stark relief."
-Rick Doblin, Ph.D. MAPS President, MAPS Bulletin Vol. XX, No. 1, pg. 2

Hyperspace LOVES YOU
#4 Posted : 2/1/2010 12:59:07 AM

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yeah this question comes up a lot... I'll quote myself in another thread:

endlessness wrote:
hello Smile

you can be sure this is a very discussed topic in the psychedelic-related circles.

I also find the analogy about brain being a 'receiver' as interesting, but whether it really explains what goes on, I dont know.

I've thought a lot about this subject, and here's where im at, more or less: on one hand, subjectively, the experience is incredibly convincing and feels more-real-than-real. There is definitely a sensation of impossibility of being my own creation due to the superior complexity of the effects, and it feels like, if all those complex experiences and perceptions really comes from inside ourselves, then we are all greater artists than picasso, dali, alex grey or whoever (so give me all the money I deserve Razz )

On the other hand, claiming that it comes from outside begs a whole lot of other questions, and it doesnt really explain anything in the end, its just using an abstract word, "outside", and connecting it to an experience.

Also, chosing one side over another already rules out at least one more interesting possibility which is that it is a mix of inside and outside.

Now, for me, in the end, it does not matter. Sure I will be always interested in discussions (and usually I take the devil's advocate position and go against whatever the other people believe), and will always be interested also in any research this area, but.. The experience is still profoundly life-changing, amazing, mind-boggling, and giving a word or 'putting the fault' to our brain synapses misfiring or to real hyperspace aliens doesnt exhaust the experience and all it can be. Its like in school when a child has a deep curiosity and asks a teacher "whats this", when a firefly passes by, and teacher goes like: "ah, its just a bug".. As if this name, "bug", is all there is to it, as if this is the full explanation, while for the child's curiosity that slowly gets crushed with such cold outview of the world, the question wasnt only about giving it some name, but intuitively its about the whole complexity of that animal, why it lights up, how comes it exists at all, how does it relate to other animals, why is it different than the other firefly from the other day, etc etc etc

So in the same way, I feel that, whatever explanation is given, its still gonna remain having a very mysterious aspect, and I will still be able to learn new things from it every single time. Lastly, I just want to emphasize the idea that its important that we are always critical of all the models and do not consider them as final, even if they seem to make a lot of sense to us for the moment
#5 Posted : 2/1/2010 1:58:33 AM

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One thing I believe as simple as it may sound is : whatever is going on it IS SOMETHING.
there is something very specific going on and not a random drug brain interaction nor a hallucination as many people not in the know would like to believe. I've found myself asking the question many times while seeing the exquisitely beautiful other worldly geometry : What is this? What is happening here?

Since I began this quest I think about it every single day. I had a benchmark breakthrough experience that has changed my entire perception of everything. The similarities to ancient religions suggests to me that we all as humans contain the capacity in our minds to go to this place. Its seems built into our makeup to travel to these realms.
Yet so much about these experiences is inexplicable. The realness, the trueness the ability to maintain a somewhat rational perspective. What purpose does it serve beyond the obvious transition from life to death.
What of the entities? are they intergalactic spirits? is it our minds trying to put a face on totally foreign and unknown feelings perhaps a feedback loop stimulating a part of our brains having to do with basic terrestrial lifeform interaction. The only reason I even entertain these concepts is because I too have seen and been in contact with these entities everyone speaks of . The funny thing is that at the time I wasn't even looking for them.

I believe " hyperspace" is a real place.

The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible.
Arthur C. Clarke

#6 Posted : 2/1/2010 4:20:56 AM


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"The hyperdimensional scaffolding that supports our symbolic imagery is the bodily organism of Opticus. Imaginary space defined by linguistic structures is his habitat. He is a homeoplasmate, a symbiote of sequential information; a discrete hive of dispersed data that is collectively conscious. Opti is essentially a cosmic joke that manifests as an entity once you “get it.” I think that what he provides us with is room to maneuver, so to speak, within imaginal space. He is a hitchhiker as well as an information transport device. What we provide for him is food, in the form of awareness."

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