Dirty T wrote:No entity contact this time but I felt a very heavy demonic presence and there was a large beast with tentacles down below the area I was in. I lost all sense of identity in that moment and was just 'being' right then. Strangely I felt neither threatened nor afraid but rather 'open' to what this experience meant. I could feel the love of my Children, in particularly my son and step daughter who have had a lot of problems lately. It felt as though I was catapulted 'to the peak of existence' there were fractals from shattered glass in my peripheral. This time felt a lot slower and easier to navigate. I moved around the area and when it came time to exit I could 'feel' it and the return was very easy. Upon returning I slowly opened my eyes to extremely heavy OEVs with demonic black and red images everywhere, it was almost like an apocalypse painting but once again I did not feel scared.
I believe one of the gifts of the spice is that you get to observe these potentially scary images and just acknowledge them. Fear is fueled by running away. Stopping and looking the things we fear into the eyes makes fear subside.
Gargoyle type figures are common in many religious traditions. Before you enter the holy site, you must face your fears first. In the hero's journey you have to go through the dark places to heal and become brave.