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Chapel of Sacred Mirrors Options
#1 Posted : 1/31/2010 8:11:26 AM


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I will NEVER forget the night I meditated in the chapel of sacred mirrors.
I believe it was Halloween 2007. There was an entheogenic salon occurring and everybody was dressed up.
Arriving early, I was gifted 2 blotters by a nice gentleman who I talked with for a while.
I saw Alex's art like I'd never seen it before.
His paintings are huge!
All night I was switching back and forth from dancing to just gazing in awe at his art.

I had a string of photon lights tied to my middle fingers I was twirling during a shpongle track
when I was LAUNCHED out of my body
and I was looking down on myself still dancing somehow, and everyone else, it was incredibly fantastic, and only lasted about 20 seconds
then I ZOOMED back into my body and was SO IN SHOCK! Wow...I thought. No one even knew that happened!! So I kept on dancin'

An elder sat in front of the crowd and smoked something, I didn't know what it was at the time.
He sat motionless with his drum for about 10 minutes, then began to drum to the music. I knew something powerful was going on, just didn't know what...
"smells good" I overheard someone say Wink

After much booty shaking and a spontaneous OBE (I still can't figure out WHERE I was. Was I in a bug on the ceiling, or are we able to move through free space?)
I walked into the chapel of sacred mirrors.

I always wondered why he painted the naked people, until that night.
I gazed face to face with them as I saw EVERY POSSIBLE PERSON that could ever exist morphing in their faces.
It was brilliant...

I sat down in the chapel full lotus, closed my eyes, and looked up.
What I saw has got to be some of the most profound visions of my life (other than hyperspace)

I was witnessing ALL of his art flowing...perfectly...so fluidly...changing...VIVIDLY...
it was as if I was in HIS mind or something.
This is because when you take in so much visual data it has this way of formulating in ajna.
Like those godly fractal faces ascending and melting together, spiraling galaxies and nature's fractals all forming together so perfectly...
I wept in gratitude and sheer awe with eyes closed in alex's hyperspace until the salon ended and had to take the subway back to my pad in NYC.

I thought about monks with their yantras...gazing...

Seems as though I can't even come close to describing how fucking beautiful that meditation was.
I haven't even come close to experiencing anything like that with L ever since.
There was SUCH DIVINITY in COSM! Everyone there for the same reason, working with the same medicines, frequencies, resonances...

I was given the Emperor Tarot card in the midst of all those amazing people.
When I glanced at this card I had what seemed like 99 thoughts.
I asked this guy....what does it mean....I know nothing about Tarot...
and he told me to look within at how the psyche reacts.
I was so blown away by this because the thoughts that occurred in my mind when viewing the emperor were SO ABSURD that I hugged him, thanked him, and was humbled to the bone.

P.s. let this be a thread to discuss Alex Grey, OBE, dancing, etc. I had to share this story because sometimes I feel a little alienated by my experiences and I'm just seeking others who can relate. Share your stories if they resonate, I would love to read them.

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#2 Posted : 1/31/2010 8:35:21 AM

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Those were some good hits sounds like you were tripping hard. I can understand why you thought you were out of your bodyVery happy
The sid was good stuff. Anything is possible if you trip hard enough.

#3 Posted : 1/31/2010 8:39:56 AM


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MagikVenom wrote:

Those were some good hits sounds like you were tripping hard. I can understand why you thought you were out of your bodyVery happy
The sid was good stuff. Anything is possible if you trip hard enough.


Indeed, I know you are quite the skeptic of OBE but I assure you, I was indeed looking down on me in a sea of dancing monkeys. The feelings of launching out and zooming back were so intense and unique. It baffles me how I wasn't just standing there while out of my body, I was STILL dancing! I laughed, in my mind, out of my body.
If there are angels, I think one wanted to show me something....
something I will never forget, and think about almost daily.

My body is my mind,
which is all mind.

#4 Posted : 1/31/2010 8:48:26 AM

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I believe you Brother! I to have had many OBEs no matter how hard I try I am unable to gather real time information that would prove that this "OBE" is real on the physical plane and not just in my mind. I will keep trying but I wont post results until the experiment has been successfully completed.

Do not forget about the $One Million Dollar Reward to anyone who can do this. Thats half a mill to charity and half a mill to you.

Think of the wonderful things that could come from this wonderful ability. If indeed it is someday proven to have

So far its wishful experimentation I can embrace that but its far from any conclusion.

If we can refine this OBE thing just think of all the people we could have saved in Haiti me and you doing our OBE thing making the rest of the rescue personnel look like fools with our amazing ability. James Bond here I come a Spy for the good guys, the invisible man. We could see with out being seen.......Maybe some day..... This technology of the mind will be proven.

I say lets refine the technology of the mind and use it to benefit all people. So far its just well .....you know......speculation that means nothing.

I say lets figure this thing out and help as many people as we can....No....?

The proof is in the pudding.

The Beatles said "All we need is Love" 30 years ago any updates?

Just imagine all my friendsSmile

You can find the Temple here a divine work of art indeed

this is the skeleton art party 2007 is this the one you attended? House.

#5 Posted : 1/31/2010 4:22:16 PM

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Wow- I must know some of you! I've been to 30+ Cosm events between 2004 and 2009. I was witness to the storms of bliss that were the Entheogenic Salons, the Full Moon Drum Circle Ceremonies and other special events. It was my church. A place where the plant sacraments were respected and consumed by many. Each event would start off with a special presentation or a sharing where Alex and Allyson would consecrate the events of the evening. There was always an invocation of the divine and a blessing upon the assembled people- these leaders in the entheogenic renaissance and deeply experienced psychonauts had the "devotion" down. They understood that if these experiences don't bring one to a loving, devotional surrender to the Supreme- then what's the point? Endless metaphysical wanking and speculation?

That's what I really appreciate about the Grey's- they are not ashamed to say boldly that it's all about God, about love, about unity and about a humble and grounded pursuit of "truth". Although people attended the Cosm events for all sorts of different reasons, the Grey's were always about setting a proper tone of spirituality and devotion. You can see this thread in all of Alex's art- this profound reverence and gratitude for the gift of life and the journey of the soul toward the Supreme.

As much as I love to pour over the posts at this forum, reading of the many kind of adventures of my nexus family- at times I am surprised by the almost secular tone of many of these explorers of these dmt dimensions. I can't possibly think of a more direct and profound way of experiencing the truly divine. After my first dmt experience, I playfully spoke to some friends about this "medicine for atheists". Ahhhhh.... the mysteries of the mortal heart- why some continue to resist the manifest grace of God in the ethereal realms of the dmt experience i cannot guess- to each his own as they say.

Cosm has since relocated upstate NY near Wappinger's Falls- I have yet attebd a party at the new place. One problem is that when they were in NYC- the party went till dawn, allowing for a good long night to relax a travel deep. At the new place, Allyson has implemented a policy of everyone off the grounds by 1am- not a friendly policy for people in psychedelic headspace.

Btw- I have a feeling I may know some of you. I think maybe Magic Venom creates and hosts parties of his own and knows a dear one named Phaedra?

Peace, Love, Unity, Respect
Namaste- translated: "The Divinity within me perceives and adores the Divinity within you"
#6 Posted : 1/31/2010 6:34:33 PM


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One thing that baffles me to the core is no matter how much I try, experiment, and focus,
these things only happen when I least expect them,
and they only happen when they...need to...

I wish I knew why...It honestly kind of feels like a joke being played on me or something.
#7 Posted : 1/31/2010 9:34:12 PM

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Sounds like a profoundly beautiful experience. Alex grey's art is really something else, I need to take a trip down to cosm when i get a chance this summer Wink

۩ wrote:
One thing that baffles me to the core is no matter how much I try, experiment, and focus,
these things only happen when I least expect them,
and they only happen when they...need to...

I wish I knew why...It honestly kind of feels like a joke being played on me or something.

Definitely feels like that alot of times. I'd taken lsd 5 times before and had never had OBE experiences. Then I tripped with friends instead of alone for the first time in a while gazing at shooting stars all night after watching the sunset and smoking all night when it all opened up so unexpectedly.

I could feel something coming so I closed my eyes and told my friends to close them also and watch visions open up. It was really uncharacteristic for me to say something like that. The only thing i can relate the experience to is dmt.
(This was after trying dmt, i feel like it aided in or helped me "learn" to have similar experiences on other psychs..how or if this interpretation is right i dont know).

The warm yellow orange streams of light duplicated and split behind closed eyelids opening up mirroring jungle worlds that i actually started flying between. I no longer longer existed as a concept I had forgotten all about my life and my friends beside me. The sensation of passing through some threshold and being somewhere else was intense I can't explain what i saw/felt at all, but it was so beautiful. It was as if two idential hyperplanets were literally side by side and i was endlessly moving through them. The memory of my buddies drifted in and I feltsaw my friends faces smiling as i was moving into this rainforest corridor with them. We exchanged thoughts without words, this i was sure of. Right after this someone broke the silence saying "i think we all just had a conversation in our heads" and i was immediately back in my now alien body just dumbstruck. One friend reported only seeing yellow orange visuals. The other seemed like he was more inbetween somehow and couldn't make sense of what was going on, but when i mentioned the rainforest it snapped in his head that it was that he was glimpsing in the visuals.

Trying to make sense of things like this felt absurd. Sometimes its like the point is to unlearn my entire idea of mind and reality.

<Ringworm>hehehe, it's all fun and games till someone loses an "I"
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