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Part of allure to DMT or psychedelics in general is the kick in the ass I need.
My life hasn't been great these late 20s, chronic pain, addictions, not trying my absolute hardest/putting my best foot forward, letting opportunities pass me by. Have no real job, not a lot of skills, can barely pay my bills by being a semi pro poker player.
Set and setting is important, but are you missing therapeutic value by not partaking during lifes struggles? or do you prefer everything to be just dandy and be on the "right path" when you partake? I have more experience with this when it comes to shrooms and acid where I would like to be in a generally mentally good place, but no experience when it comes to different mental states for DMT usage.
Set/safety is there, setting might be lacking, with known work to do. What do you think?
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 274 Joined: 28-Sep-2019 Last visit: 27-Feb-2025
If its depression and anxiety I'd take it since this is something I would consider proper legitimate use of the substance, but you gotta approach it with respect. I'd abstain from whatever it is you're addicted to (I know, easier said than done) but you gotta put in the work before hand to gain the most benefits from the experience, there's no way around it, you get out what you put in. I strongly encourage partaking in regular physical heart-pumping exercise before you indulge and after it. This will help get you off the addictive drugs and greatly improve your physical and mental wellbeing.
I'd personally recommend using DMT orally in conjunction with harmalas, rather than smoked on its own, or smoked with harmalas. This may be subjective but I think if you're seeking therapeutic value from the substance this would be the best way to go about it.
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King Tryptamine wrote:If its depression and anxiety I'd take it since this is something I would consider proper legitimate use of the substance, but you gotta approach it with respect. I'd abstain from whatever it is you're addicted to (I know, easier said than done) but you gotta put in the work before hand to gain the most benefits from the experience, there's no way around it, you get out what you put in. I strongly encourage partaking in regular physical heart-pumping exercise before you indulge and after it. This will help get you off the addictive drugs and greatly improve your physical and mental wellbeing.
I'd personally recommend using DMT orally in conjunction with harmalas, rather than smoked on its own, or smoked with harmalas. This may be subjective but I think if you're seeking therapeutic value from the substance this would be the best way to go about it. Going to piggyback off of this. I spent many years not doing psychedelics, though I really wanted to because of misunderstanding of set. I look at now more as, "am I ready to do the work." Not recommending this, but I've journeyed while balling my eyes out, and it helped. It helped alleviate my depression, increase resilience, and allowed me to analyze and assess my depressive state. It'sused now to help manage my depression as well as work towards managing anxiety since approachingthe experience always causes some. Be ready to do the work, have respect, and things will probably go well for you. One love What if the "truth" is: the "truth" is indescernible/unknowable/nonexistent? Then the closest we get is through being true to and with ourselves. Know thyself, nothing in excess, certainty brings insanity- Delphic Maxims DMT always has something new to show you  Question everything... including questioning everything... There's so much I could be wrong about and have no idea... All posts and supposed experiences are from an imaginary interdimensional being. This being has the proclivity and compulsion for delving in depths it shouldn't. Posts should be taken with a grain of salt. 👽
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Sky Motion wrote:Set and setting is important, but are you missing therapeutic value by not partaking during lifes struggles? or do you prefer everything to be just dandy and be on the "right path" when you partake? I have more experience with this when it comes to shrooms and acid where I would like to be in a generally mentally good place, but no experience when it comes to different mental states for DMT usage. I think this question is somewhat analogous to: should you exercise if you are in a bad shape? In principle exercise will do good, but you might also strain a muscle if you start with too heavy weights. I think there are two sides to DMT. I'd call it the path of truth and path of illusions. If you are willing to do the right thing, DMT can help with it enormously, but if you are not, you can get lost in the world of illusions that can turn pretty unpleasant if you are seeking them to escape yourself and your situation. If you have the right intention and are willing to go through the suffering necessary for healing, DMT is s beautiful gift for mankind.
 Yūgen "a profound, mysterious sense of the beauty of the universe ... and the sad beauty of human suffering"
Posts: 133 Joined: 23-Jan-2021 Last visit: 11-Jun-2023 Location: Center of the universe
Tomtegubbe wrote:Sky Motion wrote:Set and setting is important, but are you missing therapeutic value by not partaking during lifes struggles? or do you prefer everything to be just dandy and be on the "right path" when you partake? I have more experience with this when it comes to shrooms and acid where I would like to be in a generally mentally good place, but no experience when it comes to different mental states for DMT usage. I think this question is somewhat analogous to: should you exercise if you are in a bad shape? In principle exercise will do good, but you might also strain a muscle if you start with too heavy weights. I think there are two sides to DMT. I'd call it the path of truth and path of illusions. If you are willing to do the right thing, DMT can help with it enormously, but if you are not, you can get lost in the world of illusions that can turn pretty unpleasant if you are seeking them to escape yourself and your situation. If you have the right intention and are willing to go through the suffering necessary for healing, DMT is s beautiful gift for mankind. ^ this. I discovered DMT because my life was a mess despite all the AA, P3, and therapy. I did some mushrooms with a friend for the first time in over a decade and knew right away that this was what I needed. After a couple really intense trips, a friend pointed me toward DMT extraction. I waited close to a year before I actually gave it a shot, failed some extractions and some ROAs, but then when I had that first breakthrough (during another very difficult time as I had just been diagnosed with cancer), and everything changed. Since then I have been moving toward love and union, and I still use these medicines whenever I feel a genuine call to do so
 My Personalized Tag
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The whole reason I discovered DMT was because I was miserable, pathetic, and suicidal. Admittedly I sometimes did it for fun and for curiosity, but I maintain that the most profound reason to go on a deep journey is to point yourself out of the storm of your life. I don't want comfort. I want God, I want poetry, I want real danger, I want freedom, I want goodness. I want a clever signature.
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Posts: 3090 Joined: 09-Jul-2016 Last visit: 03-Feb-2024
I think for the kind of experience you're looking for, oral DMT is the best option. Ayahuasca has a greater healing capacity and the experience lasts longer and is easier to integrate and make sense off.
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Posts: 218 Joined: 14-Apr-2018 Last visit: 05-May-2024
Yes @ dragonrider. Sincerely, we are not always at our best, but psychedelics in general can help to get out Of some uncomfortable situations - of course not by magic alone.. Ayahuasca helped me with several issues of taking decisions as well as shrooms and lsd When I was not always in good manner. It is there, where psychedelics have their task and can help to see clearer. I recommend taking them when life is in struggle. Arthur Dee was one of the greatest alchemists of all time, not likely to his dad, I forgot his name, this small James Bond sorcerer working for the queen of a... Hail Arthur!
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If the way through is further into the darkness, then good luck making use of your observations. The sober mind is not able to interpret that situation very accurately in my experience, and will avoid interpretations that require dismantling the things you believe are good in your life.
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It's about intention. Do you want to escape your problems or deal with them? You will get two opposing reactions most likely depending. Great answers here to OP's question, BTW. Sine experientia nihil sufficienter sciri potest -Roger Bacon *γνῶθι σεαυτόν*
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I think a lot of our probs come from stagnation slash self sustaining patterns that concrete itself. It's inevitable though, we're wired that way. So we want to loosen those gordian knots and seek for help with that. Imho the molecules put us in a position where holding on to 'a pattern' is very hard to do. Like a sour muscle gets massaged. It can act as a point of reference shifter, yoga for the soul.
If ones think it points to a new absolute truth then one is likely about to trade a previous pattern with a new one, same problem, in other dress. Just like yoga, when you stretch and bend and fold it is not to reach for something in the air, or pick something from the ground when you bent over, no, it is to cause movement, change, loosening up, change of perspective, and this change of perspective is also what the molecules offer imho.
Not everyone is suited for the same approach or benefits from the same guidance (be that external or internal). What seemed a good idea at first can backfire. Just like people can hurt themselves taking yoga to an unhealthy level, it happens. Trial and error...we learn...
Intention is indeed a powerful ally or asset, but don't overdo please, it might set up for unfulfilled expectations or take your 'eyes' of what is presented, stay open.
In a forum like this it's impossible to know what suits you best, in that regard I've no hard advice to offer, just some ideas.
Godspeed wished.
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Jees wrote:Intention is indeed a powerful ally or asset, but don't overdo please, it might set up for unfulfilled expectations or take your 'eyes' of what is presented, stay open. There isn't that much discussion about how to set your intention. It's a vast topic, but a little difficult to approach. I'd compare it to planning a trip in the so-called real world. You do some research to get an rough idea on what to expect, select some activities you want to do or places you want to visit. Then you board the plane and take what comes. Unexpected encounters are often the most exciting part of the trip and when you are in the mood they are likely to happen. You have some idea on where you are going and what you'd like to carry with you from the experience, but then you have space for just letting go and enjoying the ride.

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Just take a low dose first. Easy to go further from there and it provides a nice vantage point to assess your life from. Aya/lsd/mushrooms may be more useful here but the long length can also make them difficult if things aren't going well in life
<Ringworm>hehehe, it's all fun and games till someone loses an "I"
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Posts: 589 Joined: 08-Sep-2018 Last visit: 21-Nov-2024 Location: colorado
What is really ..[a good place?]...what we see in life as good places .. are often ..illusions..
And really who are we? [other than information]..when first born. we entered the world with no personal identity ..no idea what anything meant/...we had to go to school to learn words to understand the so called [limited reality we lived and grew up in] [ if we were lucky enough to have a careing family to guide us].. we learned the difference about.. whats right and whats wrong] ..the elders told us what our name was...we were taught many things growing up.. This restricted [hamster cage] reality is made up of WORDS and rules! our identitys are learnt words... The human identity is made up of words...without these memorys...we would exist like a tree or a rock....we would know when we were hungry or thirsty..we would have a primitive sense of fear..anger... pleasure...like the earliest cave man we would survive...but at a primitive level..
The buddists see life as an illusion...and in some ways they are right...
The exercise wheel .. in our human hamster cages in life..often gets tireing..and the need to find vast horizons is strong in humans..to find ..good things.. that go beyond what we call [fun] ..
The need to alter our so called .. realitys..has been present in human beings since the beginning of time...
The medicine that takes us to these multi realitys was put on earth for us to use if we need it..
If used correctly ..these natural medicines .. can help one to endure the harsh realitys of life
So the bible says they found mana in the desert...the mana took away their hunger ...they needed this natural food.. and found it...magicly appear in the desert..
If found no evedence that this mana was ordinary food/?...its possible it could have been psycoactive plants or mushrooms..?
Because hunger comes in many forms..not just for ordinary food!
I could ramble on...
Because hunger comes in many forms...not just for ordinary food...
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Ayee skymo  Sky Motion wrote:Set and setting is important, but are you missing therapeutic value by not partaking during lifes struggles?
I'm sure this question's debatable, but for the most part in my personal experience, as KT pointed out [and how I feel in many ways] - you get out what you put into it. That's not to say that the experience is entirely contingent upon the "get out what you put in", [as far as the experience's contents go], though [ime] I do feel that the "get out what you put in" can often steer the direction and/or depth of the experience pretty directly. And honestly once I'm 'there' in the thick of it, without question, any personal life issues of mine become distant spectacles within seconds, often times in any sense of the word completely and utterly laughable, pretty much entirely antithetical, the two here being immiscible. 13 years with the molecule and this is how it's been for me 99% of the time. Not to say that there can't be specific ways in potentially using smoked/vaped dmt/changa/eleaf in order to help one along with past traumas or personal life struggles, but just knowing where this experience can effortlessly take you if done sufficiently - it's just hard for me to see much therapeutic value from it. EDIT: Oh, and if you need anyone to talk to regarding tough times/addiction, I was in it throughout my 20s, oxymorphone, hydromorphone, fentanyl, my trifecta of those days. Oh also had a pretty nasty kratom habit @ 30g+/day off and on [gladly left that behind]. Not sure how I'm still alive tbh. Without going into much detail here, I'll just say that I"ve been in some very dark places my friend, and if you ever want to talk - I've been through it brother, and I got out've it. Take care <3
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tatt wrote:Not to say that there can't be specific ways in potentially using smoked/vaped dmt/changa/eleaf in order to help one along with past traumas or personal life struggles, but just knowing where this experience can effortlessly take you if done sufficiently - it's just hard for me to see much therapeutic value from it. For my own clarity on your point, are you referring to breakthrough doses? One love What if the "truth" is: the "truth" is indescernible/unknowable/nonexistent? Then the closest we get is through being true to and with ourselves. Know thyself, nothing in excess, certainty brings insanity- Delphic Maxims DMT always has something new to show you  Question everything... including questioning everything... There's so much I could be wrong about and have no idea... All posts and supposed experiences are from an imaginary interdimensional being. This being has the proclivity and compulsion for delving in depths it shouldn't. Posts should be taken with a grain of salt. 👽
DMT-Nexus member
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Voidmatrix wrote:tatt wrote:Not to say that there can't be specific ways in potentially using smoked/vaped dmt/changa/eleaf in order to help one along with past traumas or personal life struggles, but just knowing where this experience can effortlessly take you if done sufficiently - it's just hard for me to see much therapeutic value from it. For my own clarity on your point, are you referring to breakthrough doses? One love Yes
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 4160 Joined: 01-Oct-2016 Last visit: 15-Dec-2024
tatt wrote:Voidmatrix wrote:tatt wrote:Not to say that there can't be specific ways in potentially using smoked/vaped dmt/changa/eleaf in order to help one along with past traumas or personal life struggles, but just knowing where this experience can effortlessly take you if done sufficiently - it's just hard for me to see much therapeutic value from it. For my own clarity on your point, are you referring to breakthrough doses? One love Yes Gotcha. And thank you. I tend to agree generally. When going the distance we become so much more removed from our struggles that it can be hard to have any pragmatic usage in legitimately assisting us, not to say that's always the case. It's ironic, this post, as today has not been the best for me headspace-wise and will be vaping 15mg as maintenance. Low dose journeys seem to have, for me, more consistent therapeutic application and value. One love What if the "truth" is: the "truth" is indescernible/unknowable/nonexistent? Then the closest we get is through being true to and with ourselves. Know thyself, nothing in excess, certainty brings insanity- Delphic Maxims DMT always has something new to show you  Question everything... including questioning everything... There's so much I could be wrong about and have no idea... All posts and supposed experiences are from an imaginary interdimensional being. This being has the proclivity and compulsion for delving in depths it shouldn't. Posts should be taken with a grain of salt. 👽
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 350 Joined: 21-Aug-2021 Last visit: 29-Jun-2023 Location: The Bible Belt
I use DMT and am a recovering addict (PcP, Methamphetamine and Opiates) with just over 2 years sober. I use Cannabis daily and DMT as a treatment resistant depression treatment. There is no 'magic substance' that will fix your problems on their own. In my experience and to echo others here I say if you are willing to put in the work then go for it but be careful not to get sucked into the 'illusion'. These substances (DMT, Psilocin, Psilocybin, LSD) are wonderful tools but without work and effort on my part to actually change and work toward achievements and goals they do very little on their own and could easily be used to escape. It's all about intentions and willingness to work.
I am a member of a fellowship that some would disagree with my substance use and would claim I am not sober while others know and agree fully with what I am doing. The results speak for themselves, I have grown leaps and bounds over the course of the last two years. It took a lot of hard work and these tools were a huge help. I started with my life in shambles and today I am in a really good place. It's all up to you. Be the change you want to see and if nothing changes then nothing changes. I hope you the best in your travels through Hyperspace.
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Posts: 4031 Joined: 28-Jun-2012 Last visit: 05-Mar-2024
Voidmatrix wrote:...When going the distance we become so much more removed from our struggles that it can be hard to have any pragmatic usage in legitimately assisting us... I think this idea comes from the fact that a lot of healing is attributed to a practice of assessing one's dire problems from the other point-of-view meaning while 'under'. Been in a handful of group sessions (mushies, mescaline) where exactly this was the scope, and it didn't jive with me tbh. I was like, dudes we've come this way in this beautiful place and we're gonna spoil it with dragging in-here our shit? Really, wtf? No need to say other's shit affects others for dragging the spirit further down spiral wise. Even songs about honesty and fairness and emotions-of-the-heart were firmly counter productive to me personally. 'Regurgitating the problem' I would call it in another state of being. I'm sorry sounding offending to a lot of people who practice this way, but this is just IM(not so)HO. Unfair comparison but here it goes: I'm a biker and when in doubt to have too much speed in a corner the 1 and sure thing to NOT do is: to look at the problem. The reflex is to look at the place of potential crash, but you have to exactly do the other thing, counter-intuitive but your only savier is to look where you wanne be in the next seconds, your target trajectory, your outcome. This is why I suggested before to aim at the potential of movement of perspective that the molecules give. Getting hail out of another perspective to ALL at once, instead of being interested in a just-different perspective on one's problems. In the bike analogy it doesn't help much to look at the potential corner-crash-site from a different perspective, you would be hitting it anyway. One of the hugest molecular healings I've received is the discovery of the cosmic joke, from then on I understood (at least think so) the 'laughing Buddha'. Now that is what I call a change of perspective, your problem is not the focus anymore, it still exist, it still isn't solved, but the cosmic joke disables it, dang. In that regard a complete shattering level, where one is unable anymore to hold on to your shit, is to me personally a far larger lever than a (molecular-use or not) fixation on the shit. In that light being unable to address your shit is exactly the advantage instead of a shortcoming. Intention still holds as Tomtegubbe said: it's the homework in advance, then let it gooo. The setting of the compass&rudder is of value, then the voyage goes it's natural way from there. Trying to hold on to intention or shit-to-solve during the voyage is up to those who like that way, not me. I've been called hedonic-mis-use of molecules (aya in that case) because I didn't use it to swim in my shit to solve it, then I look at that very person thinking (didn't say it though) "Well that didn't work out for you it seems after years of yours-ways". I'm sure for some it does work out well. I'm not saying that looking at your problem is a nono. But in-there I think the system at large comprises 'you' and knows exactly what your problem is, I suppose a lot of molecule healing searchers overestimate their little mind resolving capacities. Maybe, let it over to the big scheme of things could be a valid intentional part. Aho. PS: I'm not suggesting the more molecules the better, rarely go very hard these days, but I've been good with the tactics of not focusing on my issues once in, be that by will or the dose high enough to not allowing me.