Or even any computer based music at all?
I've noticed a good few threads on here where folk say "Let's make some tunes!" but I don't often see anything coming from it.
Anyway I've spent the last week or so trying to get a track together and throwing away baselines like paper towels, so I figured this one I'm making now rather than chucking it away, I'd just post it up here for anyone with the means to do so to have their way with it... see what happens.
Well so far I have a kick, bassline and a tuneful, mellow pad:
http://www.sendspace.com/file/04juz8It just 32 bars of a loop so far with a suttle variation hear and there, nothing exciting yet, so if you have a bit of free time and wouldn't mind messing around with this, that would be darn swell

Just seems a shame to not be putting these grooves to use.
So use 'em!