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Yes Pope John Paul was insane self mortification Options
#21 Posted : 1/29/2010 7:45:00 AM

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Actually, we are all one, so self-mortification does concern me. I have a deep love for my body as the temple of my spirit, the vehicle of my consciousness, the Earth as an extension of my body... and everything in between.

(Not that I would ever kill anyone over this belief, or for believing differently. Pleased )

But as an Ex-Madame Self-Destruct, I must wonder, what are the deepest underlying motivations for such behavior?
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#22 Posted : 1/29/2010 10:48:09 AM
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ms_manic_minxx wrote:
Actually, we are all one, so self-mortification does concern me. I have a deep love for my body as the temple of my spirit, the vehicle of my consciousness, the Earth as an extension of my body... and everything in between.

(Not that I would ever kill anyone over this belief, or for believing differently. Pleased )

But as an Ex-Madame Self-Destruct, I must wonder, what are the deepest underlying motivations for such behavior?

If we are all one, then 'we' are into some serious self-mortification. I saw a documentary recently about Vlad the Impaler, and I was horrified at what some people have suffered. But such attrocities still happen today. A few years back there was footage of a beheading going around the net, and Youtube has many videos of people watching it, and filming their reaction. There is something universally fascinating about horror, even though it is repellent.

Not to mention the savagery of nature, which is like a symphony of cruelty and death.

I tend to think as Alan Watts does on this subject. God must like extreme forms of play, whether it be pleasure, or pain. Maybe there must always be a balance, for if things were too comfortable, we might not feel alive. This is definitely something I wonder about - the cruelty of life.
#23 Posted : 1/29/2010 11:01:00 AM

Mr Ident

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It's called schaudenfreude, taking pleasure in anothers misfortune. I'm sure there's others on here who know more about the psychological mechanism involved and may be able to provide some light on it's evolutionary purpose. Either way, it's an intrinsic part of human nature and something we've all done whether it's someone slipping on a banana peel or a beheading video.

I know I've said that I don't agree with your Christian slant but I'm with you on the dualistic idea. The necessity of balance, equals and opposites, whether or not I believe there's an omnipotent godhead involved it's an observerable phenomena. It's also the root of sybolism regarding dark and light, one can't exist without the other etc etc. Perhaps if things were, as you say, too comfortable then we wouldn't have evolved to be what we are today.

Even Buddha said existence is suffering.....
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#24 Posted : 1/29/2010 5:37:43 PM

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I dont believe that existance is suffering becasue in reality it leaves out the other half..PART of existance in suffering.
Long live the unwoke.
#25 Posted : 1/29/2010 6:02:52 PM

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fractal enchantment wrote:
I dont believe that existance is suffering becasue in reality it leaves out the other half..PART of existance in suffering.

Exactly. Pain is just one small part of the whole symphony. We are just more conscious of this suffering part and so alot of people tend to be worried a good portion of the time. Alot of animals just play most of the time, and solve problems of survival when they have to. But we are more conscious and get emotionally caught up in the negatives of life.

As far as self mortification goes I think people have a right to do whatever they wish with their body. However it does greatly sadden me that our brothers are subjecting themselves to such torture because of their blind faith in some bullshit beleif system. Stupidity has no bounds. I mean what do they think? That self mutilation actually pleases god? That he's looking down upon them grinning thinking aaa yes thats it!...snap the whip! again! again! Your learning now!.? Sorry if this came off as offensive to anyone, wasn't my intention.

<Ringworm>hehehe, it's all fun and games till someone loses an "I"
#26 Posted : 1/30/2010 8:48:04 AM

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#27 Posted : 1/30/2010 9:36:34 AM

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Morphane wrote:
If we are all one, then 'we' are into some serious self-mortification. I saw a documentary recently about Vlad the Impaler, and I was horrified at what some people have suffered. But such attrocities still happen today. A few years back there was footage of a beheading going around the net, and Youtube has many videos of people watching it, and filming their reaction. There is something universally fascinating about horror, even though it is repellent.

Not to mention the savagery of nature, which is like a symphony of cruelty and death.

I tend to think as Alan Watts does on this subject. God must like extreme forms of play, whether it be pleasure, or pain. Maybe there must always be a balance, for if things were too comfortable, we might not feel alive. This is definitely something I wonder about - the cruelty of life.

It is only cruelty from the human perspective. When we are all one (Nature) then there is just the play of opposites..
And yes, being an individual it is hard to not take it personal. God is fair, 'he' does not favor.

Btw i like (some of) the ideas of Kierkegaard. Institutional church is a problem to all (humans).

“The most important thing in illness is never to lose heart.” -Nikolai Lenin

I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.
#28 Posted : 1/30/2010 9:50:01 AM

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I say this dude should be in charge at least he has the balls to really punish himself. That makes him holy right the pain?
Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing

The whole worlds a savior who could ask for more?
Will you remember? Will you stop the pain?
Jim Morrison

Knock it Down

#29 Posted : 1/30/2010 4:29:49 PM

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MagikVenom wrote:

I say this dude should be in charge at least he has the balls to really punish himself. That makes him holy right the pain?
Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing

Oh, that's just the latest, greatest fad-diet that is sweeping the nation!!
the nail-your-mouth-shut diet.
I mean c'mon....you can see how hungry he looks!

He is gonna look like a lawn sprinkler, once he takes those nails out & try's to drink something.
I'm laughing at imagining him eating rice....or, trying to eat rice....Wink


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