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#1 Posted : 8/24/2021 6:34:45 PM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 2
Joined: 21-Aug-2021
Last visit: 30-Apr-2022
Location: Michigan
Hello everyone!

So I haven’t smoked yet but I’m actually in the process of my first extraction! I have been interested in this for years but never really searched out or came across the spice. I feel like my first time with my own product will be super special. My dish is in the freezer now and I know it should be “left alone”, but I did peak and it’s looking good Smile (just peering through the plastic wrap).

To smoke I’m also putting together a mesh vape mod. I have the Aegis Legend mod but still looking to get the other components. Oh yeah lol and a milligram scale, my current scale only goes to grams, and to be safe when I actually smoke I want to be sure of the dosage and not eyeball myself into infinity lol.

I know it’s s different but I’m experienced with psilocybin and also dabble in growing mushrooms. I’m just a normal guy searching for answers and love to learn. I have lurked this site for quite sometime and am always blown away by the brains and insight around here. So excited to be a member Smile

I’m 40 yrs old and I feel like I’m ready to experience DMT. Thanks for reading and I hope everyone is having a great day!

STS is a community for people interested in growing, preserving and researching botanical species, particularly those with remarkable therapeutic and/or psychoactive properties.
#2 Posted : 8/24/2021 6:42:47 PM

DMT-Nexus member

Welcoming committeeModerator

Posts: 4160
Joined: 01-Oct-2016
Last visit: 15-Dec-2024
AgentofInfinity wrote:
Hello everyone!

So I haven’t smoked yet but I’m actually in the process of my first extraction! I have been interested in this for years but never really searched out or came across the spice. I feel like my first time with my own product will be super special. My dish is in the freezer now and I know it should be “left alone”, but I did peak and it’s looking good Smile (just peering through the plastic wrap).

To smoke I’m also putting together a mesh vape mod. I have the Aegis Legend mod but still looking to get the other components. Oh yeah lol and a milligram scale, my current scale only goes to grams, and to be safe when I actually smoke I want to be sure of the dosage and not eyeball myself into infinity lol.

I know it’s s different but I’m experienced with psilocybin and also dabble in growing mushrooms. I’m just a normal guy searching for answers and love to learn. I have lurked this site for quite sometime and am always blown away by the brains and insight around here. So excited to be a member Smile

I’m 40 yrs old and I feel like I’m ready to experience DMT. Thanks for reading and I hope everyone is having a great day!

Greetings and warm welcome.

Seek and ye shall find. Kudos for taking the initiative to pursue everything entailed in the realms of DMT. If you're like me, your molecule will be exceedingly special to you. You know how much of your heart and soul you put into the process.

If the emesh doesn't work out, consider the divine tribe v4 crucible. Very handy.

You're already ahead of many by being aware that a milligram scale is pretty much absolutely necessary. A lot can go wrong using a gram scale.

Aside from mushrooms, what other entheogens do you fancy?

It's a pleasure to meet you.

One love
What if the "truth" is: the "truth" is indescernible/unknowable/nonexistent? Then the closest we get is through being true to and with ourselves.

Know thyself, nothing in excess, certainty brings insanity- Delphic Maxims

DMT always has something new to show you Twisted Evil

Question everything... including questioning everything... There's so much I could be wrong about and have no idea...
All posts and supposed experiences are from an imaginary interdimensional being. This being has the proclivity and compulsion for delving in depths it shouldn't. Posts should be taken with a grain of salt. 👽
#3 Posted : 8/25/2021 3:28:51 AM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 2
Joined: 21-Aug-2021
Last visit: 30-Apr-2022
Location: Michigan
Nice to meet you as well! Thanks for the reply!

That crucible looks legit. I haven’t t heard of that one but def interested now Smile

Mushrooms and LSD are the only Entheogens I have experienced. I haven’t done any LSD in prob 20 years though. When I was younger I got into the rave scene for like a summer so I dabbled in a bit of K and X. But these days I will drink some wine and have an edible to unwind. I enjoy mushrooms occasionally, def my favorite at this point.
#4 Posted : 9/11/2021 3:05:18 AM

DMT-Nexus member

Welcoming committeeModerator

Posts: 4160
Joined: 01-Oct-2016
Last visit: 15-Dec-2024
AgentofInfinity wrote:
Nice to meet you as well! Thanks for the reply!

That crucible looks legit. I haven’t t heard of that one but def interested now Smile

Mushrooms and LSD are the only Entheogens I have experienced. I haven’t done any LSD in prob 20 years though. When I was younger I got into the rave scene for like a summer so I dabbled in a bit of K and X. But these days I will drink some wine and have an edible to unwind. I enjoy mushrooms occasionally, def my favorite at this point.

It's funny you mention LSD in that way. I have so much of it and never use it. Lucy and I have a weird relationship. It's also a very time consuming endeavor, and I seem to only get busier as time flows forward.

Ah! Raves! The "good ol days." I've definitely spent my fair share of time at those, rolling hard, and making people feel mesmerized by lightshows. I don't know if I'll ever do MDA or MDMA again though. Have yet to try Ketamine, but will probably do so in a clinical setting.

I love edibles. Planning on eating some pina colada gummies after my meditation this evening.

Considering I grow them, I need to eat more mushrooms. I love them too.

Hope you've been well.

One love
What if the "truth" is: the "truth" is indescernible/unknowable/nonexistent? Then the closest we get is through being true to and with ourselves.

Know thyself, nothing in excess, certainty brings insanity- Delphic Maxims

DMT always has something new to show you Twisted Evil

Question everything... including questioning everything... There's so much I could be wrong about and have no idea...
All posts and supposed experiences are from an imaginary interdimensional being. This being has the proclivity and compulsion for delving in depths it shouldn't. Posts should be taken with a grain of salt. 👽
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