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Want to buy a new guitar-please help!!! Options
#1 Posted : 1/29/2010 8:54:42 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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I've been thinking about buying a new guitar,can somebody help me?...I need an acoustic guitar with a nice sound and I don't want to spend more than 400$...please help Shocked too many to choose from Shocked

Thank you...Smile
Prison (by maymay)

The eyes are closed,
Darkness unfolds,
The heart is slow,
within something grows
Between the beats
Reality slips...

‘’-It’s only a dream,it’s only a dream!’’,
You wake up and scream.
You go back to sleep...
Everything’s still.

As the night dies with the break of the light
Your spirit comes back to the kingdom of time.

Note:maymay is a fictional character.All statements made by this character are a pure figment of his imagination.

Live plants. Sustainable, ethically sourced, native American owned.
#2 Posted : 1/29/2010 9:12:24 PM


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I've got a Telecaster (electric) I'll sell you for $400.

I am Teotzlcoatl, older cousin of Quetzalcoatl. My most famous physical incarnation was Nezahualcoyotl, but I have taken many forms since the dawn of the cosmos. In this realm I manifest as multiple entities at a single time. I am many, I am numbered. I am few, but more than one. I am a multifaceted being, a winged serpent with many heads. We are Teotzlcoatl.

"We Are The One's We've Been Waiting For" - Hopi Proverb
The Traveler
#3 Posted : 1/29/2010 9:30:37 PM

"No, seriously"

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'Coatl wrote:
I've got a Telecaster (electric) I'll sell you for $400.

What about 'acoustic' don't you understand? And maybe something about the non selling part that you didn't understand too?

On topic:

My brother just bought a new semi-acoustic guitar. It's a Tanglewood and it has one of the best sounds I heard up till now, really in tune to say so. It outperformed many much more expensive guitars easily.

During the testing of all the guitars we also tested the pure acoustic guitars from Tanglewood and they sounded great too. The Semi-acoustic my brother bought was 499,- EURO and is of course way too high for you but the acoustic only was much cheaper and there was quite a price range of guitars from this brand.

Of course all sounds are subjective thus before blindly buying any you should try them and get the one that feels like home to you.

Kind regards,

The Traveler
#4 Posted : 1/29/2010 9:53:35 PM

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I don't have much to say on brand preference (Ibanez and Epiphone are what I've always used but never ventured much outside of), but if I were to get a new acoustic guitar, I would definitely get a steel guitar. Perhaps it's not what your after, but it's worth some consideration. A cheap alternative also worth some consideration is a cigar box guitar. Probably not the most helpful information, but I'm apparently a little bored with standard acoustic guitars.
#5 Posted : 1/29/2010 9:55:01 PM

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thank you for your advice,I never tried a Tanglewood before,499,- EURO is at the very top that I would be prepared to give away for a guitar but that means I'll have to wait a couple of months to get the moneySmile damn this money why can't things be for free=))? at least make the important things for free,leave the price tag on the car but take it off the instruments,food,water,energy you know the things that keep us going=)) maybe in another life,maybe in the next one,but thanks for the advice I'll go down to the shop and try one outPleased
Prison (by maymay)

The eyes are closed,
Darkness unfolds,
The heart is slow,
within something grows
Between the beats
Reality slips...

‘’-It’s only a dream,it’s only a dream!’’,
You wake up and scream.
You go back to sleep...
Everything’s still.

As the night dies with the break of the light
Your spirit comes back to the kingdom of time.

Note:maymay is a fictional character.All statements made by this character are a pure figment of his imagination.
#6 Posted : 1/29/2010 9:57:54 PM

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I agree with trav, better go to some music store and play them a bit, see what sounds good to you. Usually the people working in these stores know well, so you can say your price range and what you are looking for, and they show you some options and you choose whatever you like the most Smile
#7 Posted : 1/29/2010 9:58:28 PM

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I would appreciate it if you could name some more good guitars so I can go to the shop and try them to see which best fits me...Smile...try naming brand ans specific models thank you I appreciate your help
Prison (by maymay)

The eyes are closed,
Darkness unfolds,
The heart is slow,
within something grows
Between the beats
Reality slips...

‘’-It’s only a dream,it’s only a dream!’’,
You wake up and scream.
You go back to sleep...
Everything’s still.

As the night dies with the break of the light
Your spirit comes back to the kingdom of time.

Note:maymay is a fictional character.All statements made by this character are a pure figment of his imagination.
#8 Posted : 1/29/2010 10:07:38 PM

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#9 Posted : 1/29/2010 10:40:59 PM


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I have both name brand guitars and not-so-name-brand ones. If you go with a name brand, you are going to have to spend a LOT of money. There's a reason for that. They are usually hand crafted amazing guitars with beautiful woods, tones, sustain, etc.
My favorite guitar I own is a cheap Takamine classical guitar I didn't pay much for. I play it every day.
My advice would be to shop around. Go to music shops and sit down with all the guitars that appeal to you. Feel the tones, listen to the characteristics.
It doesn't matter if you have a name brand guitar...I bet you you could find the perfect instrument for a very good price if you just look around...
Maybe look around your area for used instruments as well.
good luck finding your souls axe...

#10 Posted : 1/29/2010 10:57:08 PM

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yeah when I said brand I meant to ask for something specific not necessarily brand like in fancy stuff,but brand as in a specific name such as Yamaha FG730S <---by the way this is my favorite so far, I've tried it and it's simply wonderful but I didn't want to settle so fast that's why I posted this,to read what other people play to try them out and see or hear in this case Very happy what inspired them to buy it, be it cheap or expensive,just want you all to expand a little bit more to know what attracts you to play that guitar like ۩ said about his Takamine...Thank you so far for helping me it seems that there are a lot of guitar players here,I'm gladSmile...and yeah that faith saturn is beautiful soulfoodPleased
Prison (by maymay)

The eyes are closed,
Darkness unfolds,
The heart is slow,
within something grows
Between the beats
Reality slips...

‘’-It’s only a dream,it’s only a dream!’’,
You wake up and scream.
You go back to sleep...
Everything’s still.

As the night dies with the break of the light
Your spirit comes back to the kingdom of time.

Note:maymay is a fictional character.All statements made by this character are a pure figment of his imagination.
The Traveler
#11 Posted : 1/30/2010 12:27:31 AM

"No, seriously"

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The exact brand plus type my brother bought was this one: Tanglewood TW 60 SC VS

The Yamaha's we tested were nice too but my brother didn't like the high fret it has. Also, the standard sound of the Yamaha's seemed to be more designated/thinner as the Tanglewood. And there you have another thing that might be important, the guitar my brother bought is great as a solo instrument but might clog up the frequency range of other instruments a bit when playing in an (amplified) mix.

Listen for yourself and getting the right guitar is just like finding the right partner in life, you know it when you know it.

Kind regards,

The Traveler
#12 Posted : 1/30/2010 12:58:39 AM


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I understand, I was just throwing that out there

I am Teotzlcoatl, older cousin of Quetzalcoatl. My most famous physical incarnation was Nezahualcoyotl, but I have taken many forms since the dawn of the cosmos. In this realm I manifest as multiple entities at a single time. I am many, I am numbered. I am few, but more than one. I am a multifaceted being, a winged serpent with many heads. We are Teotzlcoatl.

"We Are The One's We've Been Waiting For" - Hopi Proverb
#13 Posted : 1/30/2010 11:42:01 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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no problem mate...we all have something for sale=)) who knows maybe someone will see your comment and will PM you,you never know right?Pleased
I thank all of you for your support,nice suggestions and very helpful too...
Prison (by maymay)

The eyes are closed,
Darkness unfolds,
The heart is slow,
within something grows
Between the beats
Reality slips...

‘’-It’s only a dream,it’s only a dream!’’,
You wake up and scream.
You go back to sleep...
Everything’s still.

As the night dies with the break of the light
Your spirit comes back to the kingdom of time.

Note:maymay is a fictional character.All statements made by this character are a pure figment of his imagination.
#14 Posted : 1/30/2010 5:13:19 PM

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I have played and owned many acoustics. Gibson's, Yamaha's, Ibenez, etc. My parents are very involved with the country and bluegrass scene, and know their instruments. My dad has recently switched to a fairly new brand, that everyone is switching to, because they sound so great! I believe they are called Blueridge, and believe it or not, I think they are chinese, but they are a GREAT sounding guitar. I think my dads is around $1000., but I'm sure you can find cheaper models. Good luck with your search!
#15 Posted : 1/30/2010 5:36:26 PM

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Thanks for the info...keep it comingSmile I'll try them all...it's not relevant if it's from china,most of them are made in china,it depends on the brand and what standards they have,it can be made in china and sound better than one made in USA or Germany or Italy or Spain...it all depends on the standards that they set,yeah sure the guitars made in Europe and the USA have a better finish now that does not mean that the sound is better and anyway it depends how you tune your babySmile...that's my opinionPleased
Prison (by maymay)

The eyes are closed,
Darkness unfolds,
The heart is slow,
within something grows
Between the beats
Reality slips...

‘’-It’s only a dream,it’s only a dream!’’,
You wake up and scream.
You go back to sleep...
Everything’s still.

As the night dies with the break of the light
Your spirit comes back to the kingdom of time.

Note:maymay is a fictional character.All statements made by this character are a pure figment of his imagination.
#16 Posted : 1/31/2010 8:36:17 PM

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i really love the sound and quality of japanese made yamaha classical/flamenco acoustic guitars with three nylon strings.
#17 Posted : 2/3/2010 5:58:42 PM

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maybe you should consider an electro-acoustic, is just like acoustic but gives you an easy possibility to record...
if you're in to that
#18 Posted : 2/3/2010 9:07:09 PM

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I would like to thank you all for your support...I've tested most of them but I'll test some more...next month I'm going to end it all an buy one of them...I'll post a picture of the baby...Thank you for your helpPleased
Prison (by maymay)

The eyes are closed,
Darkness unfolds,
The heart is slow,
within something grows
Between the beats
Reality slips...

‘’-It’s only a dream,it’s only a dream!’’,
You wake up and scream.
You go back to sleep...
Everything’s still.

As the night dies with the break of the light
Your spirit comes back to the kingdom of time.

Note:maymay is a fictional character.All statements made by this character are a pure figment of his imagination.
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