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Have you ever seen yourself from a 3rd person perspective? Options
#1 Posted : 3/17/2021 1:10:08 PM

DMT-Nexus member


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This has never happened to me before. I drank Ayahuasca last night, and spent 2/3 of the experience observing myself from a 3rd person perspective.

Some of it was psychically making amends with people, and everyone looked like something straight up out of an Alex Grey painting, myself included, from 3rd person.

Later, The Tree People came and healed me. It was weird when they were working on me, because they were rolling and stretching my body, and I was rolled into what looked like an egg shaped version of me from Studio Ghibli. All visually from 3rd person, but I could feel everything they were doing to me inside my body.

Bonus protip from the tree people: if [some kind of affliction] divorces you from the circle of life, fill yourself with plants until the plants grow out of you, and they will pull you back in. Thumbs up
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#2 Posted : 3/17/2021 1:56:11 PM

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That's sounds like a pretty amazing and cleansing experience. Thank you for sharing.

I've had an experience that is slightly similar: My first time embarking into the changa realm a few years ago.

Towards the end of the come up as the peak was reached, my head rose into a space. Then it opened up, and I walked out. Based on how things looked and felt, I seemed to be experiencing three versions and perspectives of myself at once; me as the head, me that walked out of the head, and me that was witnessing the other two. Very powerful experience.

In that instance, it was me, myself, and I. Other "sapience" could be felt, but it was mainly solitary.

I like the tip the tree people gave you. Tell them I say thank youSmile

Have a wonderful day.

One love
What if the "truth" is: the "truth" is indescernible/unknowable/nonexistent? Then the closest we get is through being true to and with ourselves.

Know thyself, nothing in excess, certainty brings insanity- Delphic Maxims

DMT always has something new to show you Twisted Evil

Question everything... including questioning everything... There's so much I could be wrong about and have no idea...
All posts and supposed experiences are from an imaginary interdimensional being. This being has the proclivity and compulsion for delving in depths it shouldn't. Posts should be taken with a grain of salt. πŸ‘½
#3 Posted : 3/17/2021 2:11:43 PM

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Very wholesome. Yes I've seen myself in third person twice. In one Aya was showing me the man I couldve been given the right conditions...Other time I just saw myself lying in bed
Behold, a sower went out to sow
#4 Posted : 3/17/2021 2:48:30 PM

YΕ«gen "a profound, mysterious sense of the beauty of the universe ... and the sad beauty of human suffering"

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Love this. makes me want to try Aya even more now lol. Anyway, yes, I have seen myself in the 3rd person once. On a whim I had decided to do a small dose of dream one morning instead of my typical meditation. 15mg of spice and I ended up in a sort of mini-BT. I was observing myself observing myself. That is the best way I can describe it. It was a bizarre loop and it almost felt like I was treating myself, not just observing. There was another vision happening at the same time. It was this alien creature that was flat like a black trash bag but shaped like a spider and it kept wrapping around the back of some kind of dining chair, over and over again. This was a very disturbing experience because I had a sense of fear toward the alien creature and it was almost as if this thing repeating its wrapping itself around the chair was inducing the loop experience. The best way I can explain the relation is that this thing was the shaman, it's wrapping and unwrapping motion was the dance and my loop of observing myself observing myself was the effect of the dance. This was all in about 5 minutes. I think the most startling part was that the visuals were very realistic, like a dream. There were no fractals or geometry until I opened my eyes (after taking a moment to even realize what had happened... at first I thought I was meditating and then remembered vaping a dose) and the visuals overlaid were quite strong. I was very disoriented by this experience and have experienced nothing like it since.
#5 Posted : 3/17/2021 2:52:49 PM

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Ramma wrote:
In one Aya was showing me the man I couldve been given the right conditions...

This was a recurring theme in my experiences at one point, although it happened in first person. I had visions of how good my life could be at it's best. Eventually I had an argument with the hyperspace world where I told them that pushing towards those goals only makes me more sad and I want to aim lower and learn to be happy with less. I've been very satisfied with that decision. Maybe I needed to experience those things in a vision before I was ready to make the decision. It also taught me to stand my ground when visiting the hyperspace. I'm still open to all the good things life can give, but I'm happy with what I have.

Beautiful story ms_manic_minxx and thanks for sharing the message from the tree people!
My preferred method:
Very easy pharmahuasca recipe

My preferred introductory article:
Just a Wee Bit More About DMT, by Nick Sand
#6 Posted : 3/18/2021 4:59:57 AM

The White Haired Cat

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My first serious breakthrough I had experienced being in third person. As I was hitting the GVG like a madman I could see myself taking the final hits and seeing the blue-is aura around me and it looked like thick energy was building up around me and I turned alien and then my eyes closed to experience the most intense/beautiful experience I've ever had on the substance.
Grass Grows When The Tiny Cat is Dreaming

Phangz wrote:

"this is your height on dmt.."
Sky Motion
#7 Posted : 4/14/2021 8:55:08 AM


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Yes, on LSD + weed, saw myself from above and also from behind (around 20 ft) could see the back of my head.. weird and scary.
#8 Posted : 4/14/2021 11:10:24 AM

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This is a topic wich i am personaly intereted in.
On low doses of DMT or sleeping on LSD i am sometimes able to leave my body and wander around on this plane, observing myself and other, it is know as OBE or out of body experience.
Its also possible to reach this state through mededative training and it feels quite different from dreams or lucid dreams.
Out of body experiences are archived in REM sleep wich is where the normal dreams occour.
Because DMT consumtion produces DreamState Brainwaves, also other psychadelics do this, i asume that these substacnes help to get the right state of mind for this kind of experiences.
There are only a couble of evidence that OBes are possible, but with quantum physics a lot has changed and a lot of people had the same experieces.
Out of body experiences are facinating, but what if you take them as a leap for an inductive hypothesis for the reality of Hyperspace?
If you smoke it right, you can't hold a pipe.
#9 Posted : 4/14/2021 6:00:24 PM

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My OBEs have always been about going forward, upward, elsewhere. For me an OBE is a call to adventure, you have separated from your body and have a choice, do you go off on a journey of discovery or do you refuse the call? Are you so attached to your body that even when you are forcibly detached from it you can't bear to leave it so you stay and watch over it?
Let go, move forward, discover, and learn.

Things have turned a deeper shade of blue

Why you should NOT take DMT
#10 Posted : 4/14/2021 6:54:39 PM

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Yes, mine as well - never had human world OBE experience, I was always going forward/upward/elsewhere - "alien" dimensions.
Maybe I have read too much SciFi and imagination set free plays tricks Smile

Pile of cats
#11 Posted : 4/30/2021 4:14:49 PM

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I had an OBE when I was around 7 years old, I was lying on the sofa with my family watching a movie, my mum kept telling me not to fall asleep as she didn't want to carry me to bed, she kept waking me right as I was on the edge of falling asleep and one of the times she woke me, I just shot out of my body and saw my self, family and everything in the room from the ceiling.

I also had a bunch of other OBE-like experiences growing up from high fevers, these were always very confusing / uncomfortable and some were even traumatic causing PTSD-like symptoms for most of my life (thankfully, ayahuasca sorted this for me)

I also had a very vivid OBE from ayahuasca one time, I was laying there surprised that the experience ended up so weak but admiring the experience none the less, I smoked a joint and then oh boy did it kick in, there was such an intense rush of energy which I was finding very overwhelming, my mind was be catapulted off into insane thoughts about all sorts and eventually I managed to center myself with a mantra reminding myself to just let go. At some point while I was repeating the mantra, I became aware of both my body and my soul clinging on to the back of my body with arm / leg-like appendages. Something seemed very ridiculous about this scenario and I instantly welcomed oblivion. This one was interesting in that it was like a double OBE.. out of body and out of soul.

#12 Posted : 8/14/2021 11:53:38 AM

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Once, in 2008, after taking 20mg 2C-E and smoking some good marijuana. Freaked me the heck out and I declined to mention what was going on to my friend who was with me.
#13 Posted : 8/14/2021 4:52:58 PM

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I had what seemed like a near death experience from a huge IV dose of 5meoDMT. Just as I was about to dissolve into the void, I was called to REMEMBER and then turned my consciousness and saw earth from above and far away. Zooming in I say my home and then my body and then was sucked back into the top of my skull to wake up gassing for air. Maybe hallucination born from my brain but still a very valuable and transforming experience.
Sine experientia nihil sufficienter sciri potest -Roger Bacon
#14 Posted : 8/15/2021 11:42:55 AM

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In a study paper about astral traveling participans learned to leave their body and wander around with the help of meditation and binaural beats or hemisync.
Those musical waves bring your brain pretty close to what trippin on psychadelics is.
After being able to wander around on this plane the participans went to the next level and left this universe to interact with enteties in a realm without time and space.
Try sleep on acid, like its not sleep its meditation.
While your body falls asleep your mind is awake and then you can just pop out of your body like you do when you break through.
Im not able to do this recreationaly on purpose but it feels quite real.

If you smoke it right, you can't hold a pipe.
#15 Posted : 8/17/2021 4:04:52 AM

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This phenomenon is electric! One time I boofed 60mg of 2c-b hbr and it was quite aggressive. All of a sudden I was in an enormous igloo with 12 other exact copies of myself walking around minding their own businesses, laughing with each other, or arguing with each other. Quickly my attention turned to two me's arguing back and forth:

1: "I know you're pissed at me for not cleaning the apartment enough before tripping"
2: "I seriously don't even care"
1: "Yes you do"

And so on. Then another me caught my eye who was sitting near them and he just laughed and raised his eyebrows in a "I told you this would happen kind of way."
"It was altruism, not violence or force, which associated our higher cortex. Our intent is to awaken that memory." - Indigo
#16 Posted : 8/17/2021 3:34:00 PM

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Back in the '90s I took some dodgy pill or other, the ones called "strawberries" that were probably ketamine, ephedrine and selegilline and, seemingly, pressed using strawberry milkshake powder. We were walking down the street as it kicked in and my consciousness decided to have a lie down and flopped backwards out of my body which continued to walk down the street ahead of my conscious viewpoint. I snapped back in pretty quickly, mostly out of surprise but also because it seemed prudent to remain in body while walking down the street. Pretty lame for an OOBE really, especially considering my ethereal legs stayed in my physical legs but at least I didn't topple over backwards onto the pavement (that time).

β€œThere is a way of manipulating matter and energy so as to produce what modern scientists call 'a field of force'. The field acts on the observer and puts him in a privileged position vis-Γ -vis the universe. From this position he has access to the realities which are ordinarily hidden from us by time and space, matter and energy. This is what we call the Great Work."
― Jacques Bergier, quoting Fulcanelli
#17 Posted : 8/26/2021 12:24:49 PM

Hello world!

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To view yourselve from a 3rd perspective is difficult because of all the information that is missing, so your brain has to fill in the gap. However, with a bit of training you can do this without tripping. I learned this experience during meditation.
Once you start coming into contact with more advanced techniques such as eyes open meditation and also meditation during activity ( if these two are a thing, for you..) . Then you wil notice how easy it is to see a 3rd eye perspective.

#18 Posted : 10/17/2021 6:02:47 PM

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I've had several out of body experiences, but the only time that I can honestly say that I've seen myself in the third person was about fifteen years ago in Gatlinburg TN. There used to be a Hot Sauce shop there, and being an avid hot pepper enthusiast, we went in there to check it out. They had samples set out of various concoctions and I asked the lady behind the counter what the hottest thing they had was and she pointed out a little paper cup of reddish goop sitting next to a bowl of pretzel sticks. I grabbed a pretzel stick, dipped it in the goop and got a pretty healthy slather of it and popped it in my mouth. Almost instantaneously I felt myself being 'extruded' upwards and for just a very brief moment I was looking down at the top of everyone's heads, including my own. I could even see the hole in the top of my worn hat I was wearing... I was completely shocked and disoriented, but when I blinked to try and correct myself I was instantly back in my body and my mother, who was standing next to me said "Look at your face!". Apparently I had a red line moving up my face from my throat, just like in the cartoons when someone eats something spicy.

The next couple of moments were a hellish blur of gasping and staggering around in total shock, more so from the out of body experience than the heat of the sauce. A few minutes passed and I was able to get my shat together, I found the sauce I had just sampled, a tiny little 2oz bottle for something like eighty bucks, the ingredients were "Pure capsaicin" in some kind of Chipolte base. I routinely grow and eat Bhut Jolokias, Red Savinas, and the occasional reaper etc., but not once in all my years as a pepper head have I had an experience like that. I'm not sure what happened, but capsaicin had something to do with it.
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