SWIM is currently doing this tek: Q21Q21 Vinegar/Lime A/B *NO LYE/NO FUNNEL/NO FUSS*.
He is using 85 grams of mimosa root bark. He just added the lime to the bark. His question has to do with the part where a splash of boiling water is added. He feels like he added a little too much water to make it easier to stir and he wants to know what effect adding too much water here would have, and also if there is any way to correct it. SWIM doesn't think it's too big a deal because it's not too watery but he was just wondering. SWIM thanks you.
EDIT: SWIM says it seems to be getting less watery and harder to stir as time progresses. The tek says it's supposed to form a dark crust, which SWIM says it seems to be doing, but now he wonders if more water should be added since it is getting more dry.