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Yes Pope John Paul was insane self mortification Options
#1 Posted : 1/27/2010 1:03:11 AM

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self mortification a primitive brutal philosophy

The poor man was indoctrinated into a religion that embraces self mutilation.
The next step up from sacrificing animals for god.
He was a man of great character and resolution just imagine what his accomplishments may have been if he had not been a victim of foolish beliefs . They took his mind away and he never realized it. What a Shame.

Never less I think he was a great man if only he had been allowed to reach his full potential.

A Saint I think not. A advocate of antiquated religion yes.




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#2 Posted : 1/27/2010 2:31:49 AM
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Maybe he would have attained the heights of your self-satisfaction had not an evil meme possessed him.
#3 Posted : 1/27/2010 2:42:05 AM

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Maybe Friend

That is exactly why people should think for themselves and avoid being indoctrinated into any closed belief system.


#4 Posted : 1/27/2010 3:22:24 AM


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self mortification a primitive brutal philosophy

Then why do so many cultures do it?

Even Americans do it... we tattoo, brand, there is all sorts of crazy body art.


How about the Maroi of New Zealand's practice of tattooing the face?

Perhaps some see entheogens as a "primitive brutal philosophy"...


I am Teotzlcoatl, older cousin of Quetzalcoatl. My most famous physical incarnation was Nezahualcoyotl, but I have taken many forms since the dawn of the cosmos. In this realm I manifest as multiple entities at a single time. I am many, I am numbered. I am few, but more than one. I am a multifaceted being, a winged serpent with many heads. We are Teotzlcoatl.

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#5 Posted : 1/27/2010 3:28:13 AM


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Have you ever considered the fact that flagellation can induce spiritual experiences and altered states of mind? I want to say it was Aldous Huxley who noted this in his book "Heaven and Hell", but I may be incorrect.

People have the right to believe whatever they want to believe.

Note- I'm not saying many religions like Christianity don't push their beliefs on other people, they do and I think that is bad... After Jesus died the religion really went to hell Smile


I am Teotzlcoatl, older cousin of Quetzalcoatl. My most famous physical incarnation was Nezahualcoyotl, but I have taken many forms since the dawn of the cosmos. In this realm I manifest as multiple entities at a single time. I am many, I am numbered. I am few, but more than one. I am a multifaceted being, a winged serpent with many heads. We are Teotzlcoatl.

"We Are The One's We've Been Waiting For" - Hopi Proverb
#6 Posted : 1/27/2010 4:59:13 AM

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MagikVenom wrote:

people should think for themselves and avoid being indoctrinated into any closed belief system.

"Nothing is true, everything is permitted." ~ hassan i sabbah
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#7 Posted : 1/27/2010 5:59:05 AM

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As far as any pope can, that man has my respect. Not because of the lashings, mind you.
He led a double life. Did that make him a liar? He did not feel a liar. He was a man of two truths. - Murdoch, Dame [Jean] Iris

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#8 Posted : 1/27/2010 2:39:29 PM

Mr Ident

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Oh! Self-flagellation, sir? Oh! Suit you, sir! Giving yourself twenty lashes tonight, sir? Oh! Suit you, sir! Laughing
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#9 Posted : 1/27/2010 3:51:46 PM

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well self mortification is a very old technique of achieving altered states of consciousness. As long as he is hurting only and not others, I dont see what is the problem. I mean, I wouldnt do it myself and wouldnt recommend for my hypothetical children, I think there are better ways Pleased but if the pope or the newspaper seller or anyone else want to practice these things in their own privacy, I dont mind Smile
#10 Posted : 1/27/2010 4:07:03 PM
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MagikVenom wrote:
Maybe Friend

That is exactly why people should think for themselves and avoid being indoctrinated into any closed belief system.


I suspect what you despise is not Christian, but human in nature. Sheeple read Dawkins and the Bible alike. Philosophers like Søren Kierkegaard might illustrate to you a form of Christian thinking you can at least tolerate, if not admire.
Bill Cipher
#11 Posted : 1/27/2010 4:21:27 PM

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Be careful about judging whatever it is that brings anyone closer to their god. There are plenty of things about the Church and its history that ring more than a little creepy, but who really gives a shit how a person worships? Who is to say what's insane?

Most people would call you insane or worse if you told them you need to hit a basepipe in order to access divinity. Get my point? Show a little tolerance. There's all kinds of ways to get there.
#12 Posted : 1/27/2010 5:20:42 PM

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Morphane wrote:
I suspect what you despise is not Christian, but human in nature. Sheeple read Dawkins and the Bible alike. Philosophers like Søren Kierkegaard might illustrate to you a form of Christian thinking you can at least tolerate, if not admire.

'Sheeple' do a lot of dumb things, regardless of their religious persuasion. It certainly seems that organised religion and enforced dogma leads people to do things, often in the name of their religion, which are harmful to themselves and the world around them. I don't think there's any denying this.

No one said that they despised Christianity did they? People have merely made a point that certain individuals within the Church have commited heinous crimes such as child abuse which has been covered up so as not to damage the reputation of the Church. What Magik Venom said was that people should think for themselves, not blindly accept what the Church says is right. Surely that is a far more logical, safe and productive way to live ones life?

To claim that organised religion does NOT try to tell one what they should and should not do, or think, or say is delusional. Any religion expects it's followers to abide by it's basic principles and dogma, some less strictly than others but there is still the need for certain beliefs to be accepted as true e.g. transubstantiation in Catholicism. When it comes down to it, you follow the words of men who are as flawed and damaged as yourself, believe what they tell you and don't question it. Blind faith will put a bullet in the head of reason.

I respect your right to believe what you choose to believe, but I don't need to agree with you.
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#13 Posted : 1/28/2010 3:03:40 PM

The Great Namah

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^ not all religions have a strict dogma that they follow.

I personally have a problem with religion when:

A) A belief system becomes more important to its followers than the Truth
B) A religion believes that it's way is the only way to reach god. (Have you been saved? Have you taken Jesus Christ to be your personal Lord and savior??)
C) Any belief system uses it's scripture/teachings as a blank check to force people (physically or mentally) to convert to its beliefs.
D) Any religion that kills in the name of thier god.

I am using belief system and religion interchangably here.
The Spice extends life
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I am certifiably insane, as such all posts written by me should be regarded as utter nonsense or attempts to get attention.

I don't know SWIM and personally don't trust him at all. If SWIM is posting, most likely I will not respond...as I said, I don't trust the guy. YOU I trust, but never SWIM.
#14 Posted : 1/28/2010 3:37:26 PM

Mr Ident

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acolon_5 wrote:
^ not all religions have a strict dogma that they follow.

I agree Acolon, I was (wrongly) generalizing. Embarrased
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#15 Posted : 1/28/2010 4:52:59 PM


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Uncle Knucles wrote:
Be careful about judging whatever it is that brings anyone closer to their god. There are plenty of things about the Church and its history that ring more than a litte creepy, but who really gives a shit how a person worships? Who is to say what's insane?

Most people would call you insane or worse if you told them you need to hit a basepipe in order to access divinity. Get my point? Show a little tolerance. There's all kinds of ways to get there.

Nail head hit.

“Right here and now, one quanta away, there is raging a universe of active intelligence that is transhuman, hyperdimensional, and extremely alien... What is driving religious feeling today is a wish for contact with this other universe.”
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#16 Posted : 1/28/2010 5:09:05 PM

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The look on this guy's face, is like he's looking in the mirror for the first time, after passing out at a frat-party or something!Laughing

Maybe the dude in the other picture was the one who tattooed his face while he was passed out-cold.
He does look a bit guilty....& proud of himself too!

Man....fraternity hazing is just getting obnoxious these days!!
I sure hope he at least got in.Wink

Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Twisted Evil Laughing Twisted Evil Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing

All posts are fictional short stories depicting the adventures of WSaged!! None of these events have actually happened and any resemblance to any real persons or incidents is totally coincidence!!!!!!!!!!!!
#17 Posted : 1/28/2010 5:14:56 PM

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benzyme wrote:
MagikVenom wrote:

people should think for themselves and avoid being indoctrinated into any closed belief system.


HAAAHAHH WSaged i was thinking the same thing

<Ringworm>hehehe, it's all fun and games till someone loses an "I"
#18 Posted : 1/28/2010 6:17:14 PM

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who cares if someone is intoself mortification if its not hurting you...lots of things we do are not good for us..like getting drunk..same differene.
Long live the unwoke.
#19 Posted : 1/28/2010 6:28:27 PM

Mr Ident

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fractal enchantment wrote:
who cares if someone is intoself mortification if its not hurting you.

That's true, I wasn't making any sort of judgement on the act of self-mortification. It's all different horses as far as I'm concerned and, like everything else in life, people can do whatever they want so long as no one gets harmed by their actions.
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#20 Posted : 1/28/2010 7:24:12 PM

analytical chemist

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religious people already hurt their ability to adapt to the fluid nature of social change long ago, when they allowed themselves to be indoctrinated into superstitious dogma

the desperate need to believe in something

i prefer to keep beliefs as open to change as the weather
"Nothing is true, everything is permitted." ~ hassan i sabbah
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