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Posts: 356 Joined: 27-Oct-2018 Last visit: 17-Feb-2023 Location: The dream room, wonderland
Salutations! (If you dont want to read the intro, skip to the question in orange) After a long forum inactivity i come back to check upon all and say Hi. So.. in 2020 after some life events and choices and whatnot, i started to heavily use (smoke) cannabis everyday for 6+ months all day, it became a habit that wasn't serving me. Note: I love cannabis and i really appreciate its beneficial effects, but when i overuse it - like i did, it becomes a habit thats not really helping me, that is my subjective personal experience! (My understanding now is that i used it incorrectly) Back on the topic: I've made a huge break from cannabis, i haven't used it since 23 july 2020 (267 days - 8+ months)! I want to start using it again, but as a psychedelic (rarely and in high doses, edibles) My plan was to decarboxylate about 25-30 grams of mid-low quality flowers (unknown THC content), and use that to infuse whole milk. But since i have already tried to infuse whole milk with mid-low quality, classically oven decarb'd flowers in sufficient quantity using standart and well established procedures, and i failed.. id like to ask a question: Is it possible to decarboxylate cannabis while it is submerged in a solvent (whole milk)?To my knowledge: Cannabinoids/Terpenes have low vaporization temperature, that's the reason why good growers lower the external temperature when the plant is flowering, to preserve its potency, smell, etc. I think it is very wastefull to do the classic oven decarb even when done correctly with temp and time control, because essentially you are vaporizing good percent of the cannabinoids, and you are left to infuse with whatever survived. Depending on material quality and quantity there might be not too much left. This post is already too long, so i will stop now.. If you took the time to read it, thank you a lot. If you have any tips how i could successfully make cannabis infused milk or comments on cannabis decarboxylation while submerged in solvent (milk, oil, etc.) i would greatly appreciate it. Thank you!
DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 576 Joined: 30-Oct-2020 Last visit: 23-Jan-2022
Can I ask why you chose to use milk? I'm sure you could heat it but if you heat it too much you may end up with an inferior final product. I would try a double boil method to keep temps down and make sure to use a thermometer and try and keep the temp between 150- 200 f and only for a short period of time.
I think others choose to use coconut oil for this purpose. I prefer to make everclear tinctures with my decarboxylated buds but I get that everyone has their own way of doing things.
DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 4160 Joined: 01-Oct-2016 Last visit: 15-Dec-2024
Hmmm interesting question. Personally, I decarb in a pressure cooker, then infuse MCT oil. I put it in all sorts of stuff. I'm curious as to why milk also One love What if the "truth" is: the "truth" is indescernible/unknowable/nonexistent? Then the closest we get is through being true to and with ourselves. Know thyself, nothing in excess, certainty brings insanity- Delphic Maxims DMT always has something new to show you Question everything... including questioning everything... There's so much I could be wrong about and have no idea... All posts and supposed experiences are from an imaginary interdimensional being. This being has the proclivity and compulsion for delving in depths it shouldn't. Posts should be taken with a grain of salt. 👽
DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 545 Joined: 02-Dec-2017 Last visit: 17-Feb-2024 Location: right side of the river
Yes, whole milk works fine with cannabis, but the taste of the product is not very good, at least that is my experience. I prefer to extract cannabinoids into some vegetable oil and decarb it afterwards.
DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 1285 Joined: 23-Jun-2018 Last visit: 22-Feb-2022
Regarding infusing milk. Bhang is a traditional indian cannabis milk beverage. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bhangolympus mon wrote:You need to hit it with intention to get where you want to be! "Good and evil lay side by side as electric love penetrates the sky..." -Hendrix"We have arrived at truth, and now we find truth is a mystery- a play of joy, creation, and energy. This is source. This is the mystic touchstone that heals and renews. This is the beginning again. This is entheogenic." -Nicholas Sand
DMT-Nexus member
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I've had success with simply dissolving about a gram and a half of hashish in hot milk. The taste was horrible and the oily cannabis stuck in my throat felt pretty bad but i had a very intense experience. According to this graph infusing your bud in boiling whole milk (95°C) is not optimal, assuming that temperature is the main factor and not the solvent. 1.5 g is probably an excessive amount, hence why I still had an intense experience. I'm also interested in this approach for taking cannabis, please let us know how it goes with you. Sakkadelic attached the following image(s): wol_decarboxylation_graphic.jpg (47kb) downloaded 142 time(s)."Is this the end of our adventure? Nothing has an end. We came in search of the secret of immortality, to be like gods, and here we are... mortals, more human than ever. If we have not obtained immortality, at least we have obtained reality. We began in a fairytale and we came to life! But is this life reality? We are images, dreams, photographs. We must not stay here! Prisoners! We shall break the illusion. This is Maya. Goodbye to the holy mountain. Real life awaits us." ~ Alejandro Jodorowsky
I can't think of anything important or deep to add here, excuse me!
Posts: 356 Joined: 27-Oct-2018 Last visit: 17-Feb-2023 Location: The dream room, wonderland
Quote:Seeingisbelieving: Can I ask why you chose to use milk? I used whole milk the first time i tried to make edibles, in a very similar way to the method you describe, and i failed. So i think i will skip the milk this time and give coconut oil a try. No specific reason, i just had it in my fridge and i decided i can use it. Quote:Seeingisbelieving: I prefer to make everclear tinctures with my decarboxylated buds but I get that everyone has their own way of doing things. I have successfully made a tincture in the past, using regular 95% ethanol. I evaporated and purged it in a vacuum chamber, and i used to smoke it, which worked. However, since i used to smoke it i didn't have to decarb prior extraction, so if i wanted to use a tincture as edible, how id prepare it? Quote:Voidmatrix: Personally, I decarb in a pressure cooker, then infuse MCT oil. I put it in all sorts of stuff. I'm curious as to why milk also I might skip the milk and try something else like coconut oil. I'm not experienced in making edibles, i tried it once and i failed. I used milk because it was the first thing that came to my mind and it was available (in my fridge). Quote:doubledog: I prefer to extract cannabinoids into some vegetable oil and decarb it afterwards. So it works? I assume you use water bath/double boiler to extract initially, but can you explain how you proceed with decarboxylation of the vegetable oil extract, temp/time/procedure etc.? : Im not experienced in making edibles, i know its simple thing to do.. but i decided i would be better off asking more knowledgable people with experience on the topic, than going in "blind" and wasting resources. My primary wonder was: can cannabinoids be decarboxylated while dissolved in solvent (coconut oil, butter, alcohol etc.) and how would one improve that step. I will apply the advice you gave me, and i will execute the procedure. Hopefully all goes well with the procedure and the experience, and i come back with pictures, documents and experience report. Meanwhile, if you have any other advice, it's absolutely welcomed! Kind Regards, Th Entity!
DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 3090 Joined: 09-Jul-2016 Last visit: 03-Feb-2024
If you are using vegetable oil....well, it can be incredible effective but you have to make sure you are taking it on an empty stomach.
There have been a few times that i had absolutely zero effects from ingesting oil, and i think it was because i drank to much tea beforehand and the oil just kept floating on top of the liquid in my stomach.
On other occasions, the same oil hit me like a ton of bricks.
Edibles like cake or cookies are much more reliable.
I've also used milk like you did, and i agree that it tastes horrible. It works pretty well though, when done right. My solution to this problem was to use the milk to make pudding, using instant pudding. I made the pudding a little more concentrated than it says on the package (maybe twice as thick) , but it succesfully masked the terrible hash taste.
DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 545 Joined: 02-Dec-2017 Last visit: 17-Feb-2024 Location: right side of the river
If using just oil or something with very small volume, you also need to stimulate your digestion, so eat something small together with the oil. Never use it on an empty stomach. That is also reason behind effectivity of cookies or cakes, it stimulates your digestive system much more than few dozen drops of oil.
I can't think of anything important or deep to add here, excuse me!
Posts: 356 Joined: 27-Oct-2018 Last visit: 17-Feb-2023 Location: The dream room, wonderland
I plan to fast for 6 hours (empty the stomach), then drink a small glass of ginger, lemon and green tea. Eat some grapefruit or mango, take about 1600 mg piracetam, maybe with 10 mg vinpocetine, and wait about 30 minutes. Then i could take the coconut infused oil and mix it in with my regular oatmeal recipe, i might throw in some 100% raw cocoa powder and lecithin, for now that's the plan.
"ginger, lemon and green tea" - to "awaken" my digestive system after the fast, and hopefully prevent any possible digestive issues.
grapefruit or mango - some people speculate that they contain myrcene (or something else, enzyme or whatever) in sufficient quantity to potentiate bioavailability of drugs. I wonder if piperine from white/black pepper potentiate drugs, it certainly does help with the bioavailability of curcumin from turmeric, that's why they sell them together in supplemental form, whatever..!
piracetam - to enhance cognitive functions like memory, mental processing, focus and hopefully uplift my mood.
vinpocetine - to enhance brain metabolism and blood circulation to the brain.
100% raw cocoa powder - for the theobromine (to hopefully uplift my mood), its also super healthy!
lecithin - emulsifier, speculated that it could increase absorption of edibles and shorten the onset of effects, it's also a source of phosphatidylcholine, which works synergistically with piracetam (makes it more effective and prevents potential negative effects)
true love will find you in the end. •93•
Posts: 35 Joined: 04-Apr-2021 Last visit: 03-Dec-2023
I have eaten mango before taking edibles before and it delayed the come-up by like 4 hours, I did some looking into it and found that THC is metabolised by C-P450 enzymes and Mango inhibits those enzymes, so if it works well for you that is great but that combo did cause a weird delay effect with me.