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18" Bridgesii Options
Grey Fox
#1 Posted : 7/4/2021 9:59:32 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Drank 5 ounces of tea made from 18" of T. bridgesii cv "Jiimz". I got high. Very very high. Too high really. Dont know if I ever need to get that high again. Drank the tea 7 hours ago. Still very very high. Felt like "I" was completely deconstructed. Like "I" was just soft mush held together by skin, talking to itself, realizing that nothing matters except for family and love. I saw how we are all growing old and dying. Spent way too much of this life worrying about nonsense. Need to stop doing that.

Much love.


10 hours now since drinking the tea. It surprised me how hard and fast it hit. Had drank this same tea a couple of months before and it did not hit this hard. Drank this tea after fasting for 12 hours. Feels like that really intensified things. Felt it starting to come on before the cup was even finished. This is a strong trip. Still pretty strong now, though much less intense.

Took notes early on. Visuals kicked in at 80 minutes after starting to drink. They got strong and lasted strong until the time of the first report, when could just start to see clearly enough to type. For awhile everything was covered in patterns. The whole time has been ebbing and flowing in waves. Saw nautilus shell patterns, rainbow colored. Color hues kept washing out and changing before my eyes. It was strong. Felt very exposed and vulnerable. Couldnt stand up straight for awhile, just kept leaning. Had the feeling that this is too much, like I had crossed a point that is probably better to not cross too many times in life or you might not come back. But in the end love grounded everything and brought it back to solid. Felt a lot of love for my elderly dad. It was sad to feel the weight of his time passing by. And mine too. Wanted to stay with loved ones alive in our bodies for as long as possible. Saw that everything was kissed by life and death at the same time, like different sides of the same coin. This life is such an incredible gift. Need to live in the power of that reality much more.

So I'm still tripping now. Still tripping pretty good. Its going to go on for awhile still. Might still do one or two more updates to help keep this all in perspective.

Much love.


13 hours now since drinking the tea. Into the long, slow burn of the second half of this trip. Body is feeling much more relaxed and back to normal. Just ate my first meal since the tea. But the headspace still has that unmistakable feel of a cactus trip. No visuals at all now. Just a different than normal perspective and a "heavy" "cactus" feel to my brain. I expect to keep feeling this way until I go to sleep in a few hours. Should feel back to normal in the morning, for the most part.

This trip surprised me in its strength. Was expecting it to be a solid, but not overly strong trip. It turned out to be very strong. Bridgesii has never let me down when it comes to strength. I keep learning to have more and more respect for Bridgesii everytime I consume it. Its just a very dependable psychedelic, as long as you use enough and dont botch the prep.

I hope that this report can be of benefit to anyone who is trying to better understand these cacti. They are beautiful and powerful plants. I keep being reminded that there is something unpredictable about these cactus trips. They dont seem able to be constrained by expectations or pinned down to repeatable outcomes. Every trip is its own journey, full of its own surprises.

Much love.

Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#2 Posted : 7/5/2021 1:30:01 AM

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Grey Fox wrote:

This life is such an incredible gift. Need to live in the power of that reality much more.

The simple messages can be so important.

Enjoy your explorations...
" Enjoy every sandwich." - Warren Zevon
"No, they never did turn me into a toad." - Pete (O Brother, Where Art Thou?)
"Are you a time traveller?" "No, I think I'm more of a time prisoner." - Nadia Vulvokov (Russian Doll)
Grey Fox
#3 Posted : 7/5/2021 3:59:20 AM

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Sunnyside wrote:
Grey Fox wrote:

This life is such an incredible gift. Need to live in the power of that reality much more.

The simple messages can be so important.

Enjoy your explorations...

Thanks Sunnyside! Love
#4 Posted : 7/5/2021 4:21:24 AM

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Really enjoyed this. Thanks for sharing!
Grey Fox
#5 Posted : 7/5/2021 2:44:35 PM

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Thanks for the feedback boogerz! Thumbs up
#6 Posted : 7/6/2021 2:50:40 AM

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That was great and helpful. Thank you.

I have only microdosed with cacti and am looking forward to my first full-blown experience when the time comes. Reports like this help with understanding, power of suggestion aside.

How have you felt since?

One love
What if the "truth" is: the "truth" is indescernible/unknowable/nonexistent? Then the closest we get is through being true to and with ourselves.

Know thyself, nothing in excess, certainty brings insanity- Delphic Maxims

DMT always has something new to show you Twisted Evil

Question everything... including questioning everything... There's so much I could be wrong about and have no idea...
All posts and supposed experiences are from an imaginary interdimensional being. This being has the proclivity and compulsion for delving in depths it shouldn't. Posts should be taken with a grain of salt. 👽
#7 Posted : 7/6/2021 3:57:03 PM

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Great Trip Report Grey Fox. Heavy cactus rides are my absolute favorite. Did you get any rushes? Big rushes and difficulty communicating by keyboard are two good indicators I've dosed enough cactus. I was going to trip this last holiday weekend but had too much to do around the house and yard. I'm jealous. Very happy
My flesh moves, like liquid. My mind is cut loose.
#8 Posted : 7/6/2021 7:02:47 PM

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Great report, Grey Fox.

How did you prepare the tea? Have you ever done an extraction on your Bridgesii? Curious as to whether the mescaline content is high, or it's low/average but the other alkaloids or MAOIs in Bridgesii contributed to the strength of your journey.
#9 Posted : 7/7/2021 4:21:11 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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Grey Fox, enjoyed reading your report.

Grey Fox wrote:
But in the end love grounded everything and brought it back to solid. Felt a lot of love for my elderly dad. It was sad to feel the weight of his time passing by. And mine too. Wanted to stay with loved ones alive in our bodies for as long as possible. Saw that everything was kissed by life and death at the same time, like different sides of the same coin. This life is such an incredible gift. Need to live in the power of that reality much more.

Many subtle yet ever so evident and powerful understanding/s delivered home. Great writeup highlighting some of these very things [aside from the rest of your experience]. <3

Smile Thumbs up
Grey Fox
#10 Posted : 7/7/2021 11:50:29 PM

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Thanks all for your responses.

Voidmatrix I feel good these last few days since tripping. Feels like I have more energy than normal. My mind feels sharp. There is a lot that I'm still thinking about from the trip. Feels like there is still much to unpack and process over the coming weeks.

Wolf this trip didnt have any big rushes of euphoria or energy like cactus trips sometimes do. The trip had more of a heavy, sedated feel to it. I was pretty dazed and lethargic during the time when the visuals were strongest.

Shroombee I make tea using the whole cutting, not just the green skin. I brew it in a big pot full of water for 12 to 16 hours at a gentle boil. The first half of that time the pot is covered. The second half the pot is uncovered so the liquid can reduce. I usually add the juice of a lemon or lime at the start of the brew. I have never done an extraction.
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